1. The Dark Lake Pack

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"Aspyn!" Aspyn stirs in her uncomfortable bed with the bright light rays shining in on her eyes, a single piece of hair strewn across her face in her mouth. "ASPYN WOODS I WILL NOT BE IGNORED. THIS HOUSE WILL NOT CLEAN ITSELF." Aspyn suddenly shoots awake and checks the clock next to her bed. Aspyn's POV: I slowly turned my head toward the clock and realized I had slept in. It's 6:00 AM on the dot, I'd normally have the chores done and breakfast made by at least 5:30 AM. I knew that being this late I would have a punishment waiting for me. I slowly moved both of my legs off of the bed, my bare feet adjusting to the cold stone floor, causing a slight shudder. I stood up and hurriedly ran to grab my raggedy clothes that I had been provided with. I never really knew luxury or comfort. The only clothes and shoes I got to wear were a raggedy torn dress and some black maid's shoes. I threw my hair up into a quick pony tail and ran down the stairs as fast as I could. Standing there was my worst nightmare. Of course, I was used to the treatment since I had been a maid ever since my mother was taken from me at the age of 4. Mrs. Terra looked furious. I immediately looked down because I knew that if I looked her in the eyes it would only get worse for me. I've only ever looked her in the eyes once and what I saw I will never forget her dark, dull and soulless eyes staring back at me with a disgusted look on her face. "Well, look here, the princess finally decided to grace us with her presence." Mrs. Terra used the most sarcastic tone while staring daggers into my soul. "Do you really have nothing to say for yourself? SPEAK UP NOW." I started trembling as I slowly opened my dry cracked lips to squeak out an apology. Suddenly, I felt like my throat was on fire and I couldn't manage to make a sound. I tightly closed my eyes, knowing what was coming before I knew it, Mrs. Terra had backhanded her sharp dormit, leaving a small wound on my right cheek. I slowly lifted my shaking hand up to hold my cheek without looking at her. She lifted her hand up again, causing me to flinch, but instead she grabbed my face, making my lips pucker like a fish. "Stupid stupid girl, if you keep this up you will end up just like your mother." Her words pierced my heart like a sharp dagger. My hand immediately went to the locket around my neck to hold it between my two trembling fingers. I lowered my gaze and managed to squeak out a few words, my voice quiet with a stutter. "I-I'm so sorry Mrs. T-Terra it wont happen again." Mrs. Terra's face hasn't changed since I came downstairs. It remained distorted like she had just smelt sulfur. With a smug chuckle, she stared down at me. "Oh, I know it won't happen again, because now your life is in play, mess up once more and see what happens to you." I made my way into the kitchen and immediately started washing the dishes. As I was washing I could hear the real princess coming downstairs, Chloe. I kept my head down and tried to tune out of their conversations. Chloe wasn't an actual princess but she was the daughter of Mrs. Terra. Chloe was gorgeous with her long ginger hair, green eyes and petite perfect body. As gorgeous as she is, though her personality is tainted just like Mrs. Terra's, you know what they say, like mother, like daughter, and Chloe treated me just as badly. "Good morning my darling girl. How did you sleep?" "Well, I would've slept better if I had my breakfast in bed as I am supposed to be served every MORNING." I winced as I heard Chloe's statement. It was so annoying being a maid, especially to a girl who is 2 years younger than me. Mrs Terra pursed her lips in displeasure before turning it into a wicked smile. "I assure you my darling it wont happen again, isn't that right, Aspyn?" I pretended not to be paying attention as I finished the dishes. I walked over to Chloe and bowed with my eyes to the floor. "It wont happen again, Chloe, I promise." Chloe sneered and looked disgusted in my presence. "Oh, I know it won't, thank you for your pathetic apology though." I bowed again as I made my way to the room and started sweeping the house. "Chloe dear, you must get to school. I also have some exciting news for you." Mrs. Terra announced, clapping her hands together like a child. Chloe looked at her mother, her eyes lighting up, knowing it had to be good. "What news would that be?" Mrs. Terra looked over her shoulder to make sure I wasn't looking at them. "Aspyn, I believe the upstairs bathroom needs a good cleaning." I nodded and bowed "Yes Mrs.Terra right away." I made my way upstairs, but stopped halfway and made sure they couldn't see me, but I could still hear. I knew it wasn't right to eavesdrop, but there was a reason I couldn't hear. "Now, Chloe, you know about the silver dawn pack, right?" The light in Chloe's eyes slowly faded. "You mean the one that Alpha Wyatt runs?" Mrs. Terra let out a laugh "Duh" "But, mom, everyone says that he is the most ruthless man in the packlands." "Oh, Chloe, stop worrying so much, he can't be ruthless towards a pretty face like yours." Chloe's breath hitched as she stared at her mother. "W-what do you mean?" Mrs. Terra sighed while rubbing her temples. "Darling girl, you are going to be going to Silver Dawn Pack for a little while." Chloe's eyes widened. "Mom, I'm scared I don't want to do that." "Chloe dark lake pack needs you to go to Silver Dawn. The pack is relying on you." "B-but why me? Why don't you just send Aspyn in my place?" Mrs. Terra put her finger to her chin and pursed her lips while thinking. "You know how about this. We will send Aspyn with you. That way they will be rude to her and not you." "Great idea mom!" After hearing this, my eyes widened in surprise. She wanted me to go with Chloe to the silver dawn pack? That is the most powerful and rich pack in the packlands. Mrs.Terra smiled and held Chloe's cheeks in her hands. "That's my girl, now head off to school and I will have Aspyn pack your things while you are gone. You two will be leaving tomorrow at precisely 7 AM. I will also contact Alpha Derek and Luna Miranda to let them know you have agreed they will be thrilled." Chloe excitedly nodded her head and ran out of the door. I got up and ran to the bathroom as quietly as possible and started cleaning. I couldn't believe I'd be going to live at silver dawn with Chloe, but does that mean more abuse.. I haven't really had many encounters with our own packs, Alpha Derek, let alone the most powerful ruthless alpha I could wind up dead. ~~~~~~~~~~~ At Silver Dawn Pack Wyatt's POV: I was sitting in my office when I heard a knock on my door. I didn't feel like answering, so I ignored it. I then heard another knock. I ignored it again and then another knock came. Then I heard Logan's voice. "Alpha, I know you can hear me knocking." I didn't respond because I didn't want to be bothered until I realized it might be important. Logan was mid knock when I opened the door. He made his way inside and shut the door. I sighed and walked back to my desk and sat down. "Morning alpha, I have some important news for you." I looked at him with curiosity. "Good morning Logan, I have to say you are annoying as f**k in the morning. What is the news?" I said while rubbing my temples. I grabbed my coffee and took a sip. He seemed like he was trying to hold in a laugh. I stared daggers at him. "Spit it out Logan, what is it?" He handed me 2 papers, the titles of both had two names on the top in bold letters. Chloe Terra and Aspyn Woods. I snatched the papers out of his hands and stared at them intently. "Who are these girls and why is there information about them?" He then smiled widely "Alpha, an important call was scheduled with you for 9 AM. Alpha Derek from the Dark Lake pack has a proposition for you." My expression turned to confusion as I looked up at him. "A proposition? What sort of proposition could they possibly have involving these two girls?" He laughed. "I'm not sure'' alpha'. I only have the information I have given you." "Very well, thank you Logan, you can leave now." He bowed and let out a slight laugh. "Dont push your luck with me today, Logan, out now." "Yes, alpha, right away." He turned on his heels and exited my office. I stared at my half-cracked door, Logan just knew how to push my buttons. I got up and closed my office door and returned to my desk. I looked at my watch at 8:59 am. Alpha Derek will be calling very shortly and very unexpectedly. I picked up the paper with the name Chloe Terra. I began reading the information provided. "Name Chloe Terra, Age 17, Special ability white wolf." I stopped reading, my eyes widening, another white wolf? Just then, the phone ringing pulled me out of my initial shock. I cleared my throat as I answered the phone. "Hello, this is Alpha Wyatt." I heard a squeaky-voiced man. "Hello Alpha Wyatt, my name is Alpha Derek of the Dark Lake pack. I'm sure your beta Logan has informed you of my reason for reaching out?" "Yes, my beta has informed me I've also received information packs on two girls? One named Chloe Terra and the other Aspyn Woods?" Alpha Dereks' breath hitched once he heard Aspyn's name. "A-are you sure there is a girl of the name Aspyn? I know that Chloe is in there because she has a special ability, but I assure you Aspyn is nothing but a useless maid." He laughed while finishing the last part. I double checked the papers with both girls' names. "No alpha Aspyn is definitely on this packet." There was a silence at the other end of the phone. "Hm, that is very strange, Alpha Wyatt, but I assure you I will get to the bottom of it and let you know as soon as possible. Lets focus on Chloe though. Chloe is the daughter of Selena Terra. Selena is a normal ranking omega but she birthed a very rare, unusual wolf pup." I listened intently. "I did see that she is a white wolf, very interesting, but what is the purpose of you reaching out to me? I am a very busy alpha and don't have time for random chit-chat." "My sincerest apologies, alpha Wyatt, we were hoping that we could send Chloe to you, since she is a young white wolf she is very powerful and we feel she could help your pack greatly, and that with this exchange you might be willing to be allies with us." I put my finger to my chin thinking about this alliance. It could be useful to have a white wolf on our side again. Sadly, our last white wolf, Ethan, was killed protecting our pack against a nasty rogue attack when we weren't as powerful. "That is a very interesting request, Alpha Derek, but I must ask why you think we would need any extra help. Especially being the most powerful pack. I think this alliance is more for your pack and not ours." "Okay, alpha Wyatt, I will admit our pack doesn't have very much money and we definitely aren't as powerful as we should be. Your pack alliance would help us greatly." I silently laughed at how desperate this alpha was. "Tell you what Alpha Derek, we will take Chloe and Aspyn, and form an alliance with your pack." "Oh really, that is great news. Wait, did you say you wanted Aspyn too?"
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