7. Alone

1277 Words
Aspyn's POV: I listened carefully to what Lila said. It made my heart ache for Wyatt. How could people be so cruel? And how can they assume Wyatt is the same as his father? He has been nothing but nice to me since I arrived. I can't say the same about Chloe. I have only heard Wyatt angry once and I don't even think it was really him being angry. Which means when he is angry it is gonna be a lot worse. "But there is no reason to fear my brother, as I said, he just needs a little love and compassion. I tried telling him he doesn't have to be strong all of the time, but he just laughs and says that he is an Alpha and an Alpha doesn't let feelings get in the way." Lila smiled but there was a sadness in her eyes. I reached over and set my hand on hers and gave it a squeeze. I had always been this shy, hidden girl who was afraid of the world, but maybe it wasn't the world, maybe it was just the Dark Lake pack. Lila sighed "I'll be alright". She let out a slight giggle. Both of our attention turned to the door and Amelia entered the room with a hidden nervousness. She tried smiling to cover it up. Lila immediately stood up." What's wrong, Amelia?" Amelia just looked in Lila's direction and seemed to calm down a bit. She sat down on her chair with a clipboard and a pen. "Okay, so here is the deal, since you said you haven't had contact with your wolf for about a year, I did some tests on your blood to see if there was any sort of spell maybe blocking her from surfacing. We did find out that your blood contains wolfsbane." I looked at Amelia, my eyes widening and my breathing picking up "what is wolfsbane?" "Calm down dear, basically wolfsbane weakens your wolf and doesn't allow her to communicate or surface. Now there is a cure, thank goddess, it is gonna be a bit painful since we will have to extract the little bit that is in your blood stream." Amelia smiled lightly. "But there is good news, your black eye is healing properly and the swelling should go way down by tomorrow, and your blood sugar is a little bit low, but we can fix that with a banana. The rest of your results look okay, but your wolf is very weak. After we extract the wolfsbane from your blood she won't be able to surface immediately, but she may try to communicate with you." I nodded and sighed with relief. Lila looked over in my direction. "See? Everything will be okay. Don't worry, I will help you with your wolf." I smiled and nodded "Thank you, and thank you doctor. Amelia." She smiled "Just call me Amelia dear, and it is no problem. I am just glad you're okay. I will let Alpha Wyatt know." Amelia gave me a banana and exited the room. I looked at the banana dumbfounded. I had seen and heard about them but I had never eaten one. Lila noticed my confusion. "Haven't you ever eaten a banana before?" She laughed. I shook my head and her expression changed. "Okay let me help you". She stood up and took the banana from me. She started peeling the stem of the banana until it was exposed. "Okay, now you eat it." She smiled. I took the banana and took a bite out of it. It tasted amazing, it was so sweet. "You like it?" I ate the whole banana in a matter of seconds. "S-sorry It was really good," Lila laughed. "Don't apologize." Wyatt's POV: I had finally managed to finish the paperwork I needed to get done when I received a mind-link from Amelia. "Alpha, I just wanted to let you know that Aspyn is doing okay, we drew some blood and discovered she did have some wolfsbane, which is why her wolf hasn't tried to surface. We will extract the wolfsbane from her blood tomorrow, so if you could have her stop by, that would be great." I felt Grayson trying to take over and my anger grew, my eyes flickering from green to gold. I managed to gain back control. "Will do, Amelia thank you." I tried composing myself, but who the f**k gave her wolfsbane? What did that pack do to her? I took a deep breath. Lila should be arriving home shortly with Aspyn. I heard a knock on my office door. "Come in". My voice is deeper due to my anger. Just as if I wasn't already pissed off, I saw Chloe peak her head in through my door. She entered my office and closed the door behind her. "What do you want?" I rubbed my temples. She hesitated a bit but walked closer to my desk. She glided her finger across my desk in a s****l way, staring at me and biting her lip. "Oh Alpha, why must you act so cruel towards me? I know you find me attractive." I tried to hold in my laugh. Is she serious right now? "Chloe, this is very inappropriate. I am an Alpha. You don't just try to seduce an alpha". I was staring daggers at her. She hardly budged. "You see alpha, we have an alliance now with my pack and yours." She slowly walked behind my desk towards me. She rubbed her finger down my chest to my belt buckle. "Wouldn't it make sense for me to be your Luna so that way our packs are truly united?" I grabbed her wrist, Grayson taking over. "Dont you ever try to pull this bullshit ever again or I swear to goddess I will send your ass back to that failure of a pack. And do you think for a second that I need an alliance with a pack as shitty as yours? Or that I would ever take you as my luna." I released her wrist. I managed to gain back control of Grayson and Chloe looked terrified "Y-our eyes.." I used my alpha voice "GET OUT NOW." She immediately turned around and ran out of my office. I put my head in my hands and sighed, I must be the monster everyone claims I am. Maybe I'll just end up being alone forever. I stood up realizing I was showing my weakness. I don't give a f**k what people think of me. I never have. And I sure as f**k don't need some little slut to be my luna. She doesn't even fit the run in the Dark Lake pack, let alone Silver Dawn. I'm not some little b***h and I have always proven that. Aspyn's POV: We arrived back at Alpha's house and walked inside. Lila froze. I looked over at her and tapped her shoulder. "Lila, are you okay?" I realized she was looking at something, so I looked in the same direction. It was Beta Logan and he was frozen too? I watched them both and slowly backed up thinking this was a personal matter. "MATE" Beta Logan said as he ran to Lila and hugged her, she hugged him back and rubbed his face, she was staring into his eyes. "Mate" She smiled and kissed him. They were mates?! Maybe I could ask Lila about mates and how you know if you have one. I have felt comfortable around Lila since we talked a little bit, so I let my guard down. I realized I started feeling lightheaded and everything went black.
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