Chapter 8: Entering a City

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  Chapter 8: Entering a City Third Person’s Point of View The sounds of crickets, the melodies of birds and the rustling of leaves accompanied Lucifer, as he walked on the east of the forest with the gentle light of the moon as his only illumination. Lucifer’s eyes scanned his surroundings back and forth not because of wariness for wild animals, but because of his curiosity for the new environment and different wildlife that are not present on heaven. “Wow, what a cute bug.” Lucifer muttered while staring at a stag beetle that is resting on a big tree next to him. Lucifer smiled and prodded the beetle with his slender fingers but it immediately flew away from him, and he even want to follow it by flying, but he quickly came back to his senses and remembers where he is. “That was close, I almost used my wings.” Lucifer wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, and breathes a sigh of relief. Lucifer tapped his forehead to reprimand himself. He never thought he can be an airhead once he descended on earth. Lucifer travelled for an hour before he stopped because of a path showed once he passed a clearing. He stared at the path and remembered that humans called this a road or something. “If this is a road, does that mean I’m close to a city that is densely populated by humans?” Lucifer murmured and perked up at the thought of being near the human beings. Lucifer examined the long road that stretches as far as the eye can see. He noticed the light coming from the poles next to the side of the road. “Wow, it’s so bright and there are so many of them that lights up the road.” Lucifer said in awe as he realized the genius creativity of the human beings. The heaven does not need the light he is seeing now, because it is always bright with no distinction of night and day. He walked on the asphalt road and stopped at the center. Lucifer dazedly stared at the light posts. He wondered where the light came from and how could it be gathered in a glass ball. “Humans are geniuses.” Lucifer decided the reason in a simple sentence. A blaring sound of a honk sounded from far away and caught Lucifer’s attention. Lucifer turned around to the origin of the noise and saw a big moving black thing that is fast approaching him. “What is that called again?” Lucifer mumbled as he recollected the things Michael taught him. “Oh! I think it’s called a can.” Lucifer knocked his fist on his palm for successfully remembering the name of the moving thing. Michael would surely chew his lips in frustration if he heard Lucifer’s words. A screeching sound of tires on the asphalt broke Lucifer’s celebration. He narrowed his eyes because of the lights coming from the car that is only inches away from his body. “What the hell!” A scream of annoyance sounded from inside the car as a girl in her early twenties opened the car door and slammed it with force. The girl has auburn dark hair, pale skin, petite body, and a proportioned face with pointy nose, thin pink lips and bright green eyes that are furiously glaring at the unaware and innocent Lucifer. Lucifer stared at the first human girl he saw, and the green and white light that flickers on the center of her forehead made him unable to take his eyes away from her. The ravishing beauty of the soul from up close froze Lucifer’s body functions, and caused him to be completely chained on the spot. The young girl noticed Lucifer staring at her without shame and it instantly evoked the flames of anger from inside her. Lucifer who is still blankly staring at the young girl’s soul saw a sudden fluctuation of red lights on it and it woke him up from his daze. The soul is the reflection of the inner being and feeling of a human and it is easy to link the red color to anger. Although Lucifer does not know why the young girl is suddenly angry. He saw the girl glaring at him with fire shooting out of her eyes. “Ah sorry, hello” Lucifer timidly said in his angelic voice that sent the girl in a daze for a second. ‘What the hell is wrong with me? What the hell is with his voice?’ The young girl thought in her head and bit her lower lip in irritation. “Hello? After standing like a freaking mushroom in the middle of the road, that’s all you have to say for yourself?” The young girl gritted her teeth remembering the scene of her almost running over someone to death. Lucifer was startled at the anger in her voice, and he took a step back because of the uncomfortable feeling of being shouted at. “Ah, I’m really sorry, please don’t shout.” Lucifer mumbled in a soft voice that doused the young girl’s fury in a heartbeat like it is only natural to not be angry at the handsome and angelic stranger. ‘What is going on? I suddenly feel like I’m the one to blame.’ The young girl thought, and shook her head hard that she even felt dizzy for a second. “I-I’m sorry, it was just I was so scared because I almost hit you with my car.” The young girl’s voice came out mellowed and pure, unlike the voice full of anger and it made Lucifer less apprehensive. ‘It seems I was close, it is called a car not a can.’ Lucifer thought and suddenly his eyes widened because of the realization of the young girl’s words of him almost being hit. “I’m really sorry, I was lost and I do not know what to do.” Lucifer bowed his head and smiled apologetically to the girl. Lucifer’s bright and beautiful smile almost stopped the girl’s heartbeat for a second, and her face flushed red like cherry because of embarrassment. “It’s okay, at least no one got hurt.” The girl waved her hands in a flustered manner as she felt the gathering of blood on her face. ‘My face must be like a tomato right now, how embarrassing!’ The girl thought and patted her cheeks to lessen the redness and to relax herself. “Are you okay?” Lucifer’s calming soft voice entered the girl’s ears and relieved her anxious self. “Yes, I’m fine, you’re lost right? Do you want to ride on my car? I’m on my way to the city.” The girl smilingly said and Lucifer saw how her soul brightened up purely that even the light posts seemed dimmer in comparison. Lucifer’s heart started beating in a different new tune and he wondered as to what it means. “Ah, yes if it is okay.” Lucifer barely manages to utter because of being too captured to the girl’s soul. The girl smiled and did not even bother thinking whether Lucifer is a good or bad guy. ‘He is wearing all white, his voice sounds angelic and he looks like an angel so I’m pretty sure he’s nice.” The girl thought and ushered Lucifer into the passenger seat as she took her seat on the driver’s seat and ignited the engine of the car. Lucifer observed the inside of the car in curiosity and awe. ‘Human beings are really born as geniuses, how could they create something like this to travel the distance? It’s so awesome.’ Lucifer praised in his head and the girl took it upon herself to place the seatbelt on him because he does not look like he will do it. ‘What is this? I feel like I’m babysitting someone.’ The girl fleetingly thought and just started to drive the car as she remembered that it’s already 8:00 pm, and that she needs to go home before 9:00 pm. The inside of the car is silent with only the low sound of music on the radio and Lucifer’s rustling sound from moving too much as he  takes in the view outside. After 30 minutes of driving, brilliant lights, countless moving cars and giant buildings took Lucifer’s whole attention. “Wait, I let you ride with me but I do not even know your name.” The girl asked in curiosity as she glimpsed at the excited look on Lucifer’s handsome face. Lucifer was thrown back to reality at the girl’s question and remembered that he did not introduced himself. “I’m sorry, my name is Lucifer.” Lucifer introduced himself but with the honking sounds of the nearby cars the girl barely heard it. “Luce, you have a girly name, anyway my name is Venus, Venus Maes.” Venus introduced herself with a giggle as she recalled Lucifer’s name. Lucifer smiled at Venus and decided not to change her mistake because it’s better for less people to know his real name. “You’re name is nice, Venus.” Lucifer rolled her name in his tongue in a slow manner, and he felt that her name sounds so perfect for her soul. Venus smiled happily at Lucifer’s praise and she felt that the way he said her name is the best she had heard since her name was given to her. After a couple of minutes of driving, Venus parked her car near a five star hotel. “Is this where you are staying?” Venus asked because Lucifer only told her that he is lost, so she concluded that he may be a tourist and is currently staying at the best hotel here as she also thinks that he is rich with how handsome he is. Lucifer just nodded his head. He does not want to seem suspicious to anyone, but he is also reluctant because he doesn’t want to part with Venus. Venus stared at Lucifer for a bit and felt that he may be lying. “Do you have a place to stay?” Venus asked in hesitation, she does not know why, but her gut feeling says so. Lucifer timidly nodded. Although, he wanted to lie but he can’t and he also just want to leave, but a part of him says otherwise. ‘Why am I feeling like this?” Lucifer thought incredulously.                          
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