Chapter 7: Lucifer's Descent

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  Chapter 7: Lucifer’s Descent Third Person’s Point of view The surroundings of the heaven’s edge plummeted in silence because of Lucifer’s words. Michael stood dumbstruck while digesting the meaning and implications of what Lucifer meant. The disparity of freedom given to both beloved creations of god is like the distance between the heaven and earth, too far and surreal. There is always a disadvantage in life, and for Archangels with unlimited lifespan, their freedom is limited to the duties of heaven. Human beings might have limited lifespans but they are not shackled by anything, and are free to do the things they want. Michael always knew this reality in his heart, and with his long and rich experience of being a Chief Archangel, he decided to bury those disloyal thoughts and never once touched upon the idea of taking action, the action of fighting for the impossible freedom. Michael glance at Lucifer’s resolute form and sighed in his heart. He knew, Michael knew since he met Lucifer, that one day his curiosity will touch upon this forbidden reality. “Forget it and bury it forever.” Michael’s voice came out in a hoarse whisper. This sentence, he recited it on his mind countless times that he even forgot how long he has been doing it. “Forget it? How do you expect me to do that?” Lucifer’s voice was low to the point of sending shivers down Michael’s spine. “How do you expect me to forget something so beautiful? Have you forgotten? We, angels are created to love the beautiful things that he created.” Lucifer said in a resolute tone. “You seem to have misunderstood his will, it is true that we are created to love the beautiful things he created, but it is to love them from up here in heaven, and to love them because they are created by him.” Michael deeply sighed and shook his head at Lucifer’s stubbornness that comes from his inherent curiosity. Lucifer faced Michael with a smile as his handsome angelic face mirrors the pride of his existence. “I believe in the creator, but I also believe in my own will.” Lucifer declared with his unshakable spirit and belief. “Lucifer, do not make a mistake, the will of heaven will always be tied to ours.” Michael warned and with a shake of his wings, departed without looking back. Michael knows that if he stayed there for any longer, he will be swayed by Lucifer’s words and he might do something stupid that will end his existence. Michael also deliberated whether to drag Lucifer back to his quarters or convince him to not do anything that will break the rules of heaven, but although his words may weigh a lot in Lucifer’s heart, he also know that he can never change Lucifer’s mindset with only words and threats. “That brat, how could he think of doing something so stupid?” Michael mumbled grumpily. Even though Lucifer did not voice out his decision, Michael already guessed what it is. “He wants to descend! What kind of guts does he have for him to do that?”  Michael furiously flew back and forth in a circle beckoning the other archangels that are flying to look at him weirdly. “Oh my god this is driving me crazy, oh wait, I’m sorry” Michael apologized in a flustered way and tapped his mouth a couple of times while peeking around to see if anyone heard him or not. How could he forget that he is an archangel? He even used god in a sentence because of his frustration and it is like an insult to the creator. “Lucifer, if you ever came back in one piece, I will lecture you in ten days and ten nights without stopping.” Michael ruffled his hair and decided to calm his mind on the forest of melodies. Flying through the air in a speed visible to the naked eye, Michael started to calm down, albeit he is still fretfully rubbing his forehead in annoyance at his friends decision, and his incompetence of being unable to stop him. “I hope you return safely.” Michael whispered in worry as Lucifer’s resolute and confident face surfaced in his head. Seeing the view of the densely populated trees of the forest of melodies and hearing the songs of the spirits inside immediately stilled Michael’s running thoughts. The forest of melodies is the only place in heaven that can steady his thinking and emotions. Landing on a clearing filled with intoxicating flowers, Michael plopped down on the flower-covered land that cushioned his fall and closed his eyes. He wanted to stop overthinking and just believe Lucifer’s decision, believe that everyone has their own fates. Lucifer found his fate on the mortal land, he found something that captured his entire being, and otherwise he would not be so stubborn about it. “Fate, a long time ago, I also found mine.” Michael slurred sleepily, and his breathing eventually became peaceful as he falls asleep in a place full of melodies and flowers that never withers away, like the memories locked on the deepest reaches of his mind. On the famed heaven’s edge, with Michael departure, Lucifer was drowned in silence and only the faint sound of the wind whistling occasionally enters his ears. Lucifer gazed at the beautiful and eternal heaven that serves as his home and belief since he was born. Archangels are said to be created by god because of his love for anything from the world he made. Morning star, Lucifer was born because of the creator’s love for the morning star and was thus given the name of having the same meaning. Lucifer’s love for any light that he sees is because he inherited the reason of his creation. “I was born because of his will, but I will live and follow the fate that I want.” Lucifer gives the pillars of heaven one long look as he hovers in mid-air with his pure white wings stretching in its three meter span. “The answers I seek and the fate that awaits me, I will know once I descend and I will not regret.” Lucifer smiled proudly as he decided the path of his fate. “Michael, do not worry and just believe me.” Lucifer whispered as he remembered Michael’s distressed expression. Lucifer looked down the heaven’s edge and fluttered his wings before diving down sharply with no regrets. Lucifer’s sudden descent cut through the air and the gentle sound of the wind from above turned into sharp gales that can shatter the eardrums of a human being instantly. The view of the mortal land may seem close and clear on top of the heaven’s edge, but it is only a distortion of the void, and is actually a journey that is a million of miles away. Lucifer knows that it will take some time to arrive on land because the heaven’s edge is only a landmark of heaven that gives the archangels a better understanding of the human life, and it is not like the stairway of heaven that serves as the portal to link the two realms. Lucifer did not know that at the moment of his descent, the seraph of the hall of archangels immediately sensed his action, but nonetheless ignored it. It was not the first time that an angel or an archangel took it on their own will to decide to go down on earth. An hour had passed, but the view in Lucifer’s eyes did not even change and seemed as far as before. “Time is but fleeting and arriving at my destination earlier or later does not matter” Lucifer murmured while feeling the caress of the wind on his face, with his wings as protection he does not need to worry about the damage the sharp winds will do to him. The passing of time seemed slow but Lucifer’s descent is like a falling shooting star of brilliant lights. Lucifer knows that by doing what he wants and descending on earth, he has already defied the mandate of heaven but he feels no regret, only excitement at the new world that awaits him. Lucifer could not wait to be with humans, and see the light of their souls from before his very eyes. He could not wait to feel the new emotions that he had just discovered, the rapture and love that feels different than when he directed it at the creator. Lucifer’s growing spirit boosted his speed of plummeting downwards and taking him closer to the place he yearns since he laid his eyes on it. Lucifer’s descent lasted for a full ten hours to a journey that will last an airplane for years of flying nonstop. The towering mountains that pierced the clouds like swords and the cacophony of wild animals welcomed him as he landed on a center of a forested area. Lucifer inhaled and surprise painted his face at the difference of air of the heaven and the earth that he is in. The air of heaven is pure like a holy air, while the air on earth is fresh and alive, like they are free. “I’m here” Lucifer’s voice cracked with overwhelming feelings that he does not even know why he feels them. The feeling of joy, love, sadness, confusion, anxiousness and so many different feeling that surged out of him are making him out of breath. “What is this?” Lucifer gasped as he clasped his chest in shock. “Why do I feel like this?” Lucifer’s confusion reached its peak and he eventually decided to just ignore it for now. “The important thing to do now is to find the nearest human civilization and hiding my wings.” Lucifer looked at his wings with reluctance.  The wings are the proudest part of an angel and hiding them is practically unacceptable, but he also can’t enter a human-filled city with his wings visible to them. Lucifer reluctantly decided to hide his wings and with a single thought, his wings vanished in thin air and he immediately felt the marks forming on the skin of his back. “I feel weird and uncomfortable.” Lucifer sighed but shook his head knowing it is an important thing to hide his identity or else the punishment of heaven is only a small thing, but a human knowing the existence of angel is a catastrophe. Lucifer took a glance at his clothes. He is currently wearing the usual white shirt and pants of an archangel, and remembered that it is not much different from what a human wears so he did not bother and just picked a direction on where to go.                                        
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