Chapter 9: Staying-over

1556 Words
  Chapter 9: Staying-over Third Person’s Point of View Lucifer’s face was perplexed at the new emotions that are suddenly surfacing since he descended on earth. He does not know how to cope up with these emotions that keeps on popping up without his awareness. The complexity of human emotions that is not supposed to be felt by a Chief Archangel of heaven like Lucifer is slowly but surely integrating on his innermost heart. He is not aware that being bathed in the mortal air and being in contact with the mortals will change and affect his emotions and the state of his heart. The mortal world is full of the seven deadly sins, and just a passing thought can make anyone a sinner. Some wishful thoughts  and dreams may seem righteous but it could be full of envy, greed, gluttony and lust. Lucifer concluded that it may be the side effects of entering the realm of the mortals and that it will soon fade. He even forgot that he is still inside the car, and is currently talking to Venus about his problem of not having a place to stay. Venus stared at Lucifer’s face in concentration and a hint of worry could be seen from between her brows. She did not know why Lucifer suddenly blanked out and stared into space. ‘Did I re-open some painful memories when I asked him if he has a place to stay?’ Venus thought as different scenarios of the reason why Lucifer is homeless flooded her mind. ‘Is it a lover’s quarrel? Was he disowned? Was he broke? Or did he run away from home?’ Her mind swirled, and she suddenly felt a bit lightheaded because of thinking too much nonsense. The awkward silence surrounded the anxious human girl and the daydreaming archangel inside the car for a couple of minutes until the loud ringing of a mobile phone broke the atmosphere. Venus sighed in relief as sheens of sweat could be seen on her forehead. She was really anxious, but she did not know what to say to break the silent atmosphere. She glances at Lucifer who is now paying attention to her blinking and ringing phone inside her opened handbag on top of the dashboard of the car. He seems to find the mobile phone interesting because she can see that his eyes lit up in a way that even the twinkle of the stars will be put to shame. ‘Is he a three year old or something? Why do I feel like he finds everything amusing?’ Venus grumbled in her mind remembering Lucifer’s child-like expression of being too excited, it is like he was given a new toy to play with and he can’t hide his enthusiasm. Ignoring Lucifer’s shining eyes like lasers that are practically burning holes on her phone, Venus decided to grab it and answer the call. Lucifer followed the every move of Venus with enthusiasm that she even felt burned by his eyes, and unconsciously sits in a perfect posture while lightly combing her auburn hair with her small but pale slender fingers. “Hello, this is Venus speaking.” Her melodious soft voice resounded in the enclosed small space of the interior of the car, and gently it tickled Lucifer’s ears like sudden the touch of a feather. Lucifer’s forehead unconsciously frowned, and he just innocently ignored the pleasant feeling that came out of nowhere. “Mom you don’t need to worry, I’ll be home in a few minutes and I’m bringing a friend to stay-over.” Venus conversed in the phone for a minute before ending the call. She sighed at her mom’s exaggerated reactions every time she did not arrive at their house in time. Feeling the still burning eyes on her, Venus met Lucifer’s pale blue eyes that are filled with sparkles of light that resembles the constellations on the bluish night sky. She never knew that a person’s eyes can be compared to the brilliance of the night sky. The absurd beauty of it took her breath away. “You’re eyes are so beautiful.” Venus mumbled in a trance as her eyes traced his bewitching ones. Lucifer was startled and a smile blossomed on his thin lips from hearing her praise. “Thank you.” Lucifer smiled happily and the innocence in them captured Venus wholly. ‘What the hell am I saying?’ Venus smacked her face inside her head. She feels like she’s going nuts, otherwise why would she say and act like this in front of someone she just met? ‘Is this because of his fatal beauty? Or is it because his bewitching eyes that can take my soul with just a glance? Which is it? Wait, is he trying to seduce me?’ Her mind feels like blowing up on her to end her suffering of thinking too much while using too little amount of her brain cells. “Luce is too innocent to seduce me, so is it me that is trying to seduce him? Oh my god! When did I become so deprived?” Venus mumbled frantically in such a tiny voice that Lucifer can only send her a confused look. A face of a Buddha that throws away the worldly possessions painted her face and without giving Lucifer another glance, she started the engine of the car and drive to the familiar road of the way to her home. The bright lights that come from the different buildings, advertisement, giant screens and lamp posts entered Lucifer’s eyes as speed of the car seems like a vortex that created an illusion of colorful straight and blurred lights depicting a rainbow of artificial lights. Lucifer’s breath hitched on his throat at this new found artificial aesthetic molded from the hands of the humans. Experiencing this different kind of beauty and scenery, Lucifer’s heart started to thump in fervor and excitement. This is what he longed for since that fateful visit on the heaven’s edge. The ravishing view from up the heaven’s edge and the view that he sees now is a thousand miles apart in terms of beauty and the reality of it. The car slowed down and Lucifer saw a huge black gate in front of them. “This is my parent’s house.” Venus informed Lucifer with a smile. The short ride calmed her down to think rationally that she is just overthinking things. Lucifer nodded while thinking that Venus must have a big family because her house is too big. Not knowing what was going on in Lucifer’s mind, Venus opened her car door and hopped out while gesturing for Lucifer to follow her. Lucifer innocently prodded the car door and gently pushed it but he was unable to open it. “Uh Venus, How do I open this?” Lucifer scratched his cheek timidly while looking at Venus with wide innocent eyes that almost turned her legs jelly. “You don’t know how to open a car door?” Venus incredulously asked as she gaped at Lucifer in bewilderment. ‘Where did he come from to not even know how to open the door of a car? Especially, in the current modernized city like this.’ Venus dumbly stared at Lucifer but nonetheless opened the car door for him. She has a feeling of being treated like a driver of some rich lazy young master who does not know anything in the world. This night really blew her mind. She almost hit a person with her car and that person is a handsome young man wearing white from head to toe and without a place to stay. She even decided to let him ride with her and bring him home. She must be under the weather and feeling a little bit crazy to bring to their home a complete stranger, and introduce him to her parents as her friend. Venus sighed ruefully while looking at the black gate that opened automatically, and the guard that immediately took her keys to park her car in the garage.  Venus dropped her hesitation and dragged the quiet Lucifer inside her house. A wide expanse of a square space filled with different types of plants at the side, and an eye-catching fountain at the center welcomed Lucifer’s sight but his mind is currently not on the beauty of the surroundings. Lucifer looked down on his wrist where a set of pale slender fingers grips it perfectly without any gaps, and the warmth from those small fingers gave Lucifer a nice feeling. Lucifer did not even notice that they have already arrived at a big wooden door of the modern designed mansion-like house of Venus. ‘Click’ The sound of clicking prompted Lucifer to raise his head as the front door of the house opened and a middle-aged woman that resembles Venus welcomed them with curiosity in her eyes as she noticed a handsome young man next to her daughter. Venus saw the peculiar look on her mom’s eyes, and she thought that she can even hear the wild sound of the turning of wheels in her mom’s head. “Are you my son-in-Law?” The words that left her mother’s mouth while staring at Lucifer with too much enthusiasm stupefied Venus in a frozen and flushed state.                                                      
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