Chapter 10: Warmth

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  Chapter 10: Warmth Third Person’s Point of View Lucifer blinked innocently at the words that sounded new and foreign to him. Although, Lucifer learned some important things about the human beings from Michael, and understands their general way of living, he did not bother to learn the meaning of some words used by humans. Lucifer did not see the need to study them because he would never have known that a day like this will come. He did not imagine that a day will come that he would disrespect the law of heaven and descend on earth. Lucifer hesitated before nodding his head. He did not know what a son-in-law is, but it’s rude to not reply and ignore someone. “Yes, I am.” Lucifer smiled brightly and an invisible net made of heart seemed to capture the mother of Venus with all her being. Venus stared at Lucifer in a slack-jawed manner. ‘WHAT? WHEN DID HE PROPOSE?’ Her mind seemed to have crashed. She was already going to drop her mother’s nonsense, but a nod from Lucifer made her speechless that even her blood flow froze for a moment. Before any unforeseen event happens, Venus forced herself to return to her senses, and block Lucifer’s build from her mother’s laser-like eyes with her petite body. Venus resolutely stood in front of Lucifer like an immovable tiger that is protecting its innocent cub. “Mom you got it wrong, Luce is a foreigner and is just a new friend of mine.” Venus spoke in a heartbeat. She knows how crazy her mother, Laura can be if it is about her potential partner. “Luce let’s go in.” Venus turned to Lucifer and pulled him inside the house without waiting for her mother’s response. Lucifer nodded in hesitation to greet Laura on the way, because Venus is currently pulling him with force inside the living room and up on the stairs. The appearance of the interior of the house blurred in Lucifer’s eyes at how fast they treaded the stairs, and without a word he was confusedly pushed inside a room. “Stay here for the night, I will order someone to bring you a meal.” Venus fired some words before shutting the door and leaving with a flurry of her footsteps. Lucifer stares at the shut door feeling somewhat sullen though he doesn’t know why. He remembers the unusual red tint drawing on Venus’ cheeks and felt that is was beautiful, because her soul also shined in a kind of dazzling lights similar to hundreds of fireflies flying in the darkness of the forest. He scanned the inside of the room, and felt that the room is even bigger than his abode in heaven. “Why do humans waste too much space?” Lucifer unconsciously voiced out while standing up, and started walking to the direction of the balcony where the faint light of the moon creeps in the transparent glass door. Lucifer’s steps are gentle and quiet. He stood in front of the glass door, and half of his body is being illuminated by the gentle light as he raised his face to see the sky. The contours of his face was sharpened by the moonlight and it accentuated his thin sexy lips, pointed nose, strong thick brows and pale blue eyes that clears up his forehead to look more perfect and delectable along with his chocolate ruffled hair. Lucifer looked angelic and demonic at the same time that his looks alone could go against the heaven’s will. The night sky looks so peaceful and an illusory view of heaven emerge in Lucifer’s eyes along with Michael and the archangels under him. “My chosen path, no matter what happens, I will not regret.” Lucifer whispered in deep solemnity and confidence. He do not know what will happen from here on out, but the feeling of freedom, the beauty of earth and the enchanting souls are real and he is experiencing it with all his being. “Oh, Venus mentioned about a meal, but can I really eat a food of the mortal land?” Lucifer scratched his cheek in wonder. As an archangel, Lucifer only ate the spiritual energy present on the air of heaven and has never even touched anything that can be considered food. “Is it alright? I should have asked Michael before descending down here.” Lucifer muttered loudly, but remembering Michael’s grumpy and irritated look, he forced the thought back down as he knows that it will just be futile. He decided to slowly learn and assimilate to the human world to not arouse any suspicions. Although, Lucifer defied the mandate of heaven, the experience on earth will start to deepen his understanding about the humans, and it is a very precious chance to fulfill his undying curiosity. Lucifer’s curiosity is his strength and only weakness. His knowledge comes from his curiosity but it could also lead him in tragedy. A knock on the door caught Lucifer’s attention. A small creaking sound of the door opening reverberated in the quiet room and Venus’ small head popped from the other side to peek inside. Lucifer smiled happily at Venus as his eyes brighten at the sight of her breathtaking soul and simple but graceful beauty that never ceases to amaze him. “Uh, I brought you food.” Venus timidly said before fully opening the door and coming in with a tray of delicious delicacies on her right hand. Venus couldn’t help but feel embarrassed, because she clearly said that she will just order someone to bring him a meal and here she is. Lucifer smiled gratefully at Venus. Although, he is not sure about eating the food on earth, Venus’ kind gesture warmed his heart. Venus is the first human he encountered on earth and even though he is a stranger and seems suspicious, it did not stop her from helping him. Realizing that Lucifer isn’t going to tease her, Venus calmed down and smiled back while putting the tray on the bedside table. Lucifer, who does not even know what to tease her for, innocently strode to sit on the bed next to the table. Venus sat next to Lucifer with a dozen of centimeters apart. “I’m sorry about earlier, my mother is too intense so I don’t want you to be bombarded by her, and who knows what time she will finish interrogating you.” Venus apologized as she remembers how hard it is to stop her mother from barging in on Lucifer’s room. The timely arrival of his father from work did the trick of distracting her mother, and letting her breath a big sigh of relief. “It’s fine.” Lucifer smiled though he is currently thinking about what is so intense of that nice and good-looking middle-aged woman. Venus noticed that Lucifer is only glancing occasionally at the milk, cookies, donut and cake she brought. “Uh, do you not like the food? Sorry I don’t know what to prepare so it’s just all sweet treats” Venus twiddled with her small slender fingers, because of the nervousness that she is currently feeling from out of nowhere. “Oh, no it’s not that.” Lucifer waved his hands frantically. The sight of Venus’ nervous build made him feel distressed, and a notion to console her took root in his mind. Lucifer decided to just drop any apprehension he has about the food, and grabbed a donut to take a bite. The soft, creamy and sweet taste seemed to have dropped a bomb to Lucifer’s unused taste buds. Lucifer’s pale blue eyes widen in surprise and delight and his lips curled in a smile. The spiritual energy might be pure, but it cannot compare to even the taste of a simple donut. The mortal world in Lucifer’s eyes is full of interesting things but he is still not aware of the temptations that can even drown an innocent child in heinous sins. Venus has been watching Lucifer’s action since he took the donut, and seeing his incomparably handsome face covered in awe sent a current through her being and her soft giggles soon erupted. She doesn’t realize that Lucifer’s presence is slowly making its way deep and etched into her being. It may be because of his innocence or the air of uprightness that exudes from his being. “Do you like it?” A smile blossomed on Venus’ lips. The joy on Lucifer’s face seemed to reflect on hers instantly, like it was only right and natural. “Yes, I like it very much.” Lucifer’s soft voice with obvious hints of happiness caresses Venus’ frail heart. Venus stared at Lucifer’s eating form as he gently nibbled the soft sugary dough, and it took all of her effort to not have a mini heart attack because of his disastrous beauty. “How can someone with his looks exist?” Venus unconsciously whispered that made Lucifer turn to her in a questioning look. “Did you say something?” The question blasted all of Venus’ senses and her face instantly reddened like an overripe apple. “N-No, I didn’t.” Venus flushed in utmost embarrassment. ‘What is wrong with me? Why do I feel like I’m unconsciously flirting with him?’ Venus grumbled in her mind and felt like this is the weirdest, but nonetheless the most exciting day for her.                                                                              
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