Chapter 3: Third Gate

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  Chapter 3: Third Gate “Wow, Chief really is knowledgeable in the ways of the human beings” Archangel Rachel exclaimed with sparkles in her forest green eyes as she gawked at me in awe. I shook my head at her excitement. “Meeting a respectable and awesome teacher is my fortune” smiling at them with meaning, the figure of Chief Archangel Michael flashed in my mind, along with his eccentric but honorable ways.  Michael may be a bit weird but his knowledge about the beings of the heaven and earth is at the top three, along with another two chief archangels.  Of course, it is only in the second level of heaven, where there are only angels and archangels aside from the seraphs who manage the nine halls of heaven that deals with the souls of the beings of the mortal land.  In this second level of heaven, the chief archangels are the highest existence that keeps the law and order and the seraphs are only the observers and messengers of the creator. “Chief, that means we are really fortunate to meet you then” Archangel Lilith, the quietest archangel of my group surprised all of us by her lovely oriole like voice. She rarely speaks to anyone and will just stand respectfully at the back. “We are all fortunate to meet each other” I voiced out with gratitude and they all nodded with smiles on their faces. “Let’s go, Chief Archangel Lucifer’s team will be handling the records of the third gate of reincarnation” the assistant Archangel that led us here instructed us with seriousness while gesturing at the farthest gate from us.    “Why are there three gates?” Archangel Morris pondered while looking at the three exquisite gates with barely concealed curiosity. “It may be for different kinds of reincarnations?” Archangel Rachel guessed though she sounds hesitant. “It is, and you will all understand the meaning behind them later on” the assistant Archangel said as we walked patiently until we reached the third gate. “The third gate is also known as the lonely gate of reincarnation” we all perked up at the sudden information given by the assistant Archangel. He raised his hand and pointed at the light that surrounds the whole third gate. “Do you not wonder why the light of the third gate is unstable and dim?” He asks with solemnity on his voice. I stared at the third gate and observed the flickering and somewhat broken light emitting from it. It gives me the feeling of incompleteness. It is a feeling of lacking something and of unbearable sorrow. What kind of reincarnation awaits a soul that passes through this gate? “What does it mean?” Archangel Rome’s voice quivered in trepidation. “The third gate is a gate of reincarnation for those souls without their fated soul mates, without their other half, and it means they will live their lives on earth in loneliness” silence pervaded us because of the heaviness of his tone. A soul without it’s other half. What kind of suffering must someone go through to live alone all their life? Why does a gate like this that torments and brings agony to souls even exist in heaven? “Why does it exist?” I blurted out without a thought because of the sudden emotions that welled up inside me. “There are many mysteries in this world that only the most high knows the answer to” the assistant Archangel vaguely answered, and gestured with his hand making a thick white book appear in front of us. The white book gives off a pure and holy aura belonging to a higher celestial being. Does it belong to a seraph? “This is the book of souls, and it contains the innumerable past and present reincarnations of millions of souls” gesturing slightly, the book flew to my direction and landed in my hands. “The duty given to Chief Archangel Lucifer’s group is to record the new paths of reincarnations of the souls that will come in the next one hundred years, and to also pay special attention to the third gate of reincarnation and those souls that will pass it” He instructed before going back to his post at the entrance of the hall. Staring at the book of souls in my hands, I felt the weight of our duty and I know it will test our loyalty to heaven in many ways we are not aware of. “It seems, we have a lot of work to do” Archangel Morris smiled stiffly while glancing at the thick book on my hands. I gave them all an encouraging smile, even though we can work for years without feeling tired, we still need to rest from time to time, especially to restore our spiritual energy. Spiritual energy is what makes us a being of heaven, and it is different from the soul energies of human beings. Soul energy is always present on the body of a human being, but only a select few can use their soul energy and one example is someone who can see a soul or those with a third eye who can apparently see ghosts. “A hundred years is but a flowing river and it will pass without us even knowing” I smiled with confidence and opened the book of souls. A page caught my attention as it has the records of the souls that will enter the third gate and be reincarnated without a partner in life and soul. I felt my chest tighten at the thought of a human being that will live alone for all their remaining life. Is this a punishment? Or does it mean that the souls of their other half is already long gone, lost or may be even broken. How could one persist through such torment? I will never know or understand because I am a being of heaven and will not experience the same agony and anguish. “Shall we start deciding who will organize the soul that passes through the first, second and third gates?” I asked and we decided to divide in teams of four, so that there are three groups that will individually take care of the three gates and one group will be recording the information to the book of souls. I gave the third gate a glance and noticed that there are now three souls waiting in front of it. I can clearly see the broken flickers of their soul, and they seem dejected but dazzling at the same time. “Huh? What?” I exclaimed in surprise. The last soul on the line, flickers with a pure and brilliant light unlike the other two?                          
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