Chapter 4: Broken Soul

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  Chapter 4: Broken soul I blinked and shook my head. How could that be? How could an incomplete soul shine with an utterly enthralling light? Giving another glance at that soul, only the broken dim light greeted my eyes. Is it just my imagination? I heaved a sigh and massaged my temples. “Are you okay chief?” feeling a presence in front of me brought me back from foolishly staring at space. Archangel Rome is worriedly waving his hand in my face, earning a chuckle to erupt inside me. “Don’t worry, I’m fine, I was just thinking about something” I smiled to wave off the matter. I don’t want them to worry about my misconception. “Okay, let’s disperse to our working stations and do our best” smiling, they grouped themselves based on what we decided and hurriedly went to do their tasks.  Archangel Morris, Archangel Rome and Archangel Lilith led the way of our group and stopped in front of a small door near the third gate’s left side where the other records of reincarnation is stored. The book of souls is the current record of millions of souls but we also need to check the past records to compare and check if there are any mistakes. A mistake on the reincarnation of a soul is a terrible thing to happen that can affect the path of the other souls. One mistake can lead to hundreds, thousands and even a million of mistakes that even an archangel of heaven will not be pardoned for it. After entering the room, a wide expanse of white space filled with floating white books that numbered millions welcomed us, and took our breath away. “Wow!” Archangel Rome gasped loudly at this jaw-dropping spectacle. I always felt proud of being an archangel of heaven, and seeing this only fueled my love and loyalty for our creator. The ingenuity of his creations can conquer any beings in and under the heaven. Being created by him is a blessing and an honor, this is why I do not understand the human beings who hate and despise him with all their heart. Why can’t they be grateful for the life given to them? Why do they blame him for all the misfortunes that befall them and not blame their own incompetence? I don’t understand how a human think, and I want to know to sate my curiosity. Michael always pointed out that my curiosity is so big that it can make me do a lot of stupid things. That chief archangel and mentor of mine really does like to spout nonsense things, but nevertheless makes me remember them clearly. Inhaling the spiritual energy in this room woke me up from delving deeper in my thoughts. Spreading my wings and letting them bathe in the holy aura of the books sent tingles down my spine. “Let’s start” I declared and flapped my wings before gently taking off and flying to the farthest book to begin our tireless pursuit of duty. Hovering next to the book, I can see that it is different from the others, whether it is the thickness and the yellowish cover that stands out from all the white books here. “Does this book represent the first souls after the creation of the heaven and earth?” I whispered in thought and grabbed the book. I stiffened at the sudden rush of spiritual energy coming from the book and entering my pores. A book that contains this amount of spiritual energy definitely is the most precious one in this room. Opening the book slowly, I was greeted with a blinding light that made me close my eyes tightly for a moment. Peeling my eyes open, a surge of information entranced me immediately in overwhelming fervor. “The first souls are broken souls without a designated other half” shock flowed through my being as the words left my lips. What does it mean? Does it imply that the first souls created by him are only lonely souls that are not allowed to love? “Seeing the loneliness and desolate view of the mortal land, the creator pondered the idea of two souls that will share each other’s life” reading this line, I was reminded of the ongoing story of the humans about the first man and woman named Adam and Eve. “After the demise of the first humans, their souls went back to heaven and the creator decided to give them their other half, because out of the one thousand first souls, only three returned with complete souls while the others crumbled to nothing due to the agonizing feeling of living alone”  I felt my throat tighten and my chest aching, and it shocked me how my emotions can be affected so easily by the situation of these nameless souls that I do not even know. It may be, because I can’t imagine myself in the situation that if I was a human, and I will wake up every day to find nothing but the dark corners of my room and the wet bed sheets from crying myself to sleep, and it will be because I cannot love anyone in a world full of billions of humans. The thought alone is devastating, much less experiencing it first-hand. “No wonder the majority of the first souls crumbled and vanished in existence” I barely mumbled through the unstable fluctuations of my emotions. Drawing in a long breath to refresh my mind, I instantly relaxed my agitated nerves. Why do I empathize so much with the sufferings of the humans? Is this my angel instincts taking control over me? Nevertheless, as a higher being of the second heaven, I am bound by my faith to follow it’s every will and never question the decision of the higher ones. “No matter the reason of the existence of the third gate, I will not question and only believe that it is for the best of those souls that passes through it” I uttered in blind reverence. Giving the book a scan, it recorded a lot of the rare cases that concerns the incomplete souls and the reason of it. There are many diverse situations that led to a soul being extinguished, and one of them is the punishment of heaven. A human being that is full of sins and did the most heinous crimes without remorse will be blown to dust by the heavenly thunder and not even a piece of a shattered soul fragment will remain. There are only three such rare cases, because human beings are the most beloved creation of the creator and he will show them extreme benevolence and mercy until he can endure their sins. Although, we are also his beloved creations, he will never show mercy if we ever sinned. Why? It is because, we are created to only believe his words and love only him with all our heart. We are not allowed to feel anything to any being other than him. The creator’s love for the humans is to let them fly freely and follow their passion, and that is why he gave them the earth, it is to let them wander. The creator’s love for us binds us to him for all eternity, and that is why he created the heaven and gave us wings, he wanted us to fly to a boundless sky that chains us because of our undying faith. A sound of a melodious bell ringing woke me up from my deepening thoughts, that if voice out and heard by others will serve as me being punished for thinking such things that differ to what we are taught.                  
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