Chapter 5: Heaven's Edge

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  Chapter 5: Heaven's Edge A hundred years of time is considered the entire limit of a human beings life, and the passage of time will corrode their outer shell until they take their last breath of mortal air. The eternal undying soul that hides in their deepest being will follow the calling of heaven and climb its seemingly endless stairs to enter their creator’s abode. Entering the premise of heaven, they will be divided through the different nine halls that reciprocate the karma that they have accumulated in their whole life, whether it is good or bad. The souls that will enter the Hall of Reincarnation belong to the majority of human beings that lived their lives in both the good and the bad ways. The Hall of Bliss, to where Michael is stationed, is the hall that is only open for a human being with the purest of souls. The Hall of Lost Souls is a place that only Warrior Archangels are needed, and it is because their mission is to descend on earth and search for the souls that stayed on earth and denied the calling of heaven. Searching for lost souls is easier said than done. Some lost souls that already stayed on earth for years are already contaminated with the impurity of the mortal land and the lurking evil demons that are waiting to devour them. Warrior Archangels are the only ones that are trained to battle with the evil creatures of the earth and the underworld. The Hall of Punishment is a place for both angel and human souls that deserves the punishment of heaven for the sins that they have done. The Hall of Repentance is a place any human soul can enter and repent the mistakes that they have done to purify their souls and be rid of guilt. The Hall of Healing is a place to heal the mortal wounds that penetrated the inner being of one’s soul. A blind human being that died might also have a blind soul and will be healed by the Archangel’s that are given the gift of healing. The Hall of Memories is the place where the lifetime memories of the human being who died will be stored, so that they may live their next lives without any recollection of having a past live or the memory of heaven. The Hall of Souls only refers to all the records of every soul under the heaven since time immemorial. The last hall is the Hall of Archangel that watches over everything about the duties and identities of every archangel on the second heaven. The one hundred years limit of the life of a human is just a feeling of a seasons change for us archangels. It has already been a hundred years and the end of our duties. Archangel Morris, Rome and Lilith were with me at the small room of records most of the time for the past hundred years. We checked the past records and wrote new ones every day. The routine was dull but being bathed in the spiritual energy of the millions of books refreshed our spirits and gave us strength. The different case of reincarnations also served us with new knowledge and gives us a new view of the human beings and their mortal lives. “Chief Archangel Lucifer” A low and mystical voice that came from the deepest part of the Hall of Reincarnation called my name and prompting me to bow with respect. “Honorable Seraph, Lucifer hears your call” I spoke with utmost respect as I dropped down in one knee and spread my wings to honor his words. “You have done well and is now eligible to enjoy a month of free time” the voice resounded in the thick white walls like it will never end. “It is my honor to serve the most high” my voice was filled with my proud resolution as a chosen Chief Archangel of heaven. “Very well, you are dismissed” The seraph’s voice boomed and vanished in but a heartbeat, and it gave me the feeling of a realm that is far away from me. After a couple of seconds, I stood straight and faced my archangels that follow my every decision. They all smiled brightly making me let out a laugh. “Enjoy your free time, you are all dismissed” I said aloud with a smile on my lips. They deserve the rest, we all do. “Yes! I have been waiting for this!” Archangel Rachel jumped excitedly while letting out squeals making us all look at her weirdly. Did she learn this from humans? “You are too excited, it is not like this is our first time having a break” Archangel Morris shook his head lightly while Archangel Rome and Lilith silently laughs. “I will take my leave, I promised Chief Archangel Michael that I will meet him once our break arrives” Bidding my goodbye, I spread my wings and gently flew to Michael’s favorite place, the forest of melodies. I would have liked to walk but knowing Michael’s impatient personality, I buried the idea and decided to fly instead. It will also let me feel the fresh and spiritual air of heaven after being cooped up for so long. After a few minutes of flying in the southeast direction, and before seeing the scenery, different kinds of soft and enchanting melodies tickled my ears and gave me a pleasant feeling of relaxation all over. “I understand why Michael likes to wander here so much” I muttered and landed in the entrance of an exquisite looking forest that spans for hundreds of miles. “Lucifer, I’m here!” Michael loud voice startled me. He never really listens to lower his voice even if I tell it to him a couple of times. Looking over a clearing on my right side, Michael is standing there with his back straight and a wide smile on his lips while frantically waving his right hand. He is so full of energy. I strode over to where he is and returned his smile. “Did you miss me?” Michael cheekily asked with a playful twinkle in his eyes. I shook my head at his weird disposition at least it is if you are an archangel. “I know you won’t answer that so I will just think that you did miss me, and anyway I want you to accompany me somewhere” Michael sighed but immediately perked up while mentioning us going somewhere. “Where are we going?” I asked in curiosity. Although, Michael likes to hang-out, he rarely wants to go to some place because he prefers to stay here in the forest of melodies. “The Heaven’s Edge” Michael excitedly uttered. “I think I heard that place being mentioned by Archangel Rome” I said hesitantly. The place seems familiar and foreign at the same time. “It’s famous, it is the only place that connects the heaven and the earth and the only place that we can observe the human beings down there” Michael informed me while gesturing for us to fly in the north direction and took off by himself without even waiting for me. I heaved a deep sigh at how Michael resembles a storm with how he wants to come and go. Flapping my wings, I trailed after the light he left from flying and eventually caught up to him who is smiling at me teasingly. The breeze embraced me that made me too relaxed and was eventually brought to reality by Michael’s enlarged face next to mine. “What are you doing?” I asked flatly and he just shook his shoulders before gesturing for us to land. Michael landed on a steep cliff that seems like the end of heaven. “This is the Heaven’s Edge” I muttered and landed next to Michael who is currently looking downward and gave me the same impulse to also give it a look. I lowered my head and my eyes widened at the breath-taking view that appeared in front of me. Is this the mortal land? Is this the earth given by the creator to the human beings? I never thought that I would see something so helplessly bewitching                
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