Chapter 12: Venus

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Chapter 12: Venus Third Person’s Point of View Lucifer felt sick to his stomach. The irony of the bright, cheerful morning and the bloodied scene before him felt like an illusion. The sudden and unbelievable course of fate is like a painful mockery of the peaceful night they shared. Venus’ mother, Laura looks like she’s losing her sanity and keeps on screaming while holding the cold, pale and bloodied body of Venus. Lucifer blankly stared at the horrified expression that is frozen on Venus’ face. He could not believe that she was just smiling at him the night before, and that her lifeless body will greet him as soon as the sun comes out. “W-What happened?” Lucifer’s hoarse voice resounded in the room along with Laura’s frantic and almost manic screams. “A-A man in black clothes was seen leaving the miss’ room this dawn.” A shivering maid at the side of the door spoke in a fearful voice. Lucifer’s mind went completely blank. He doesn’t believe that a human mortal can escape his senses and kill someone in his presence. Lucifer would be able to instantly feel if there is a sudden murderous intention on his surroundings without an ounce of effort. Venus was brutally killed and he doesn’t even have a clue. How could he still proclaim himself as a Chief Archangel of heaven, if he could not even save the first human who showed him kindness? Lucifer’s emotions are in turmoil, his eyes bloodshot and his fingers pale from tightly gripping them together. Aside from feeling a surge of unbridled anger that he would have never felt in heaven, Lucifer feels like a knife is twisting his heart and gouging it out and it brought him to another burst of confusion. Unwillingness, sadness, melancholy, anger and pain, he is feeling different kinds of emotions and it’s still unknown to him of the reason of it. Lucifer might hold Venus in a favorable light, but thousands of humans dies in a day to enter heaven, so it is not new to him and he would not feel much pain for them, because he knows that they will enter reincarnation and live a new life. He feels that it is not logical for him to feel such intense emotions of sadness and anger for a human girl he just met. Lucifer closed his eyes to calm his unstable emotions and to be able to think rationally to find out the reason of Venus’ sudden death. Opening his pale blue eyes, Lucifer observed the room full of blood in a serious and solemn manner. Laura suddenly fainted and the maid supported her to not fall. The shock of her daughter’s death might slowly drive her mad if she did not lose consciousness. The maid already called for the authorities and they will arrive in 15 minutes, so Lucifer needs to quickly find some clues to pinpoint the scratching gut feeling that he felt. The bed where Venus’ body is laying is currently full of blood and there are even some of her organs gouged out that made a flame of fury to burn in Lucifer’s chest. His inner being is shouting at him that Venus’ cruel death is unacceptable, but he tamped it down because he knows that he doesn’t have the power to question the flow of fate. The flow of fate is unpredictable and mysterious and it is only the beings of the ninth heaven that dares to question it. Lucifer is but a Chief Archangel of the second heaven, and he even defied its will by going down on earth and interacting with a human mortal. A sudden feeling of familiarity dawned on Lucifer as he looked at a small mark on Venus’ wrist. There is a small circle black mark on her right wrist that is not there the night before, and Lucifer is sure of it. He took a few steps to stand next to Venus’ body and crouched to take a closer look on the small black mark. Upon closer look, Lucifer felt his breath hitch at the recollection of the familiar mark. He had seen a similar mark in the records of heaven. “It’s a high demon.” Lucifer’s voice lowered to the point that it can send chills to those who heard it. His countenance suddenly turned sharp and cold. Lucifer’s mind is suddenly submerged in confusion, and a sinking feeling on the pit of his stomach tells him that Venus’ death is connected to him, unless why would a high demon kill a human girl without taking her soul? The dimming shimmer of light on Venus’ forehead is a sign that her soul is already climbing the stairs of heaven. It would be like a black whirlpool on her forehead if the high demon ate her soul, and it will also leave some broken parts of the soul. Lucifer was greatly relieved that her soul is safe, because it means that she will be reincarnated and be able to live again. “How bold, does he think that a Chief Archangel is soft and a joke that will not retaliate?” Lucifer gritted his teeth in fury. He had never felt like this before. He never felt the need to destroy someone. Lucifer understands that the reason of the high demon for killing Venus is as simple as to annoy him, and it brought him on edge. How could he accept that a precious life was destroyed because of him? The feeling is unbearable. Lucifer’s knuckles made popping sounds because of holding the intense sorrow he feels. He needs to vent it out or else he might go mad. The different flows of emotions of the humans are slowly influencing Lucifer, even though he has only been staying on earth for a day. Realizing the building anger on his heart, Lucifer bit his lip to wake himself up. He cannot lose his righteousness and clarity of mind because of a foul being like a demon. Lucifer is also aware that it will be futile to search for the high demon that killed Venus, and it is because a demon is much more familiar with earth than an archangel like him. Demons live in hell, and the realm of hell is much closer to the mortals than the realm of heaven. There are also many tear on space that allows a demon to enter earth and collect lost souls that decided to ignore the call of heaven, and it is the reason that warrior archangels are deployed by the hall of lost souls to protect and make sure that the souls arrive on heaven without an accident. Souls that are eaten by demons will not be able to exist anymore, and will just disappear forever as nutrition for them. Lucifer’s thoughts came to a stop when he heard the closing sounds of emergency alarm. He deduced that the authorities have arrived and it is better for him to leave now. He does not want to explain the absurd idea of a demon to a human, as they will most likely not believe and label him as crazy or they might even suspect him as the killer. Lucifer does not want to be embroiled in a misunderstanding, because he decided that he needs to quickly return to heaven and look for ways to on how to find a demon. He also needs to make sure that Venus’ soul is intact on heaven and watch her enter reincarnation. Lucifer feels that he needs to do everything for Venus because of her unforeseen death that is unintentionally connected to him. “I will make sure to find justice for you.” Lucifer whispered lowly in a firm tone. He will not forget this blasphemy. He will forever engrave the black circle mark on Venus’ wrist and one day destroys the foul demon that took away her life. A gentle gust of wind entered the bloody room and Lucifer’s figure suddenly vanished along with it. “Wait for me Venus.” Lucifer’s melodious voice that is filled with sorrow, guilt and resolution drifted in the air for a couple of seconds before disappearing into nothingness.
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