1239 Words

CHAPTER TWELVE –––––––– “I THINK I SHOULD CALL my mum,” Darcy said. She had been waiting for several minutes for Nick to say something. But then, the man had just been pacing the kitchen, his fingers knotted at the back of his head. “What?” Nick turned to Darcy with incredulity. Her words stumped him. "Why would you want to talk to your mother now?" Nick asked Darcy with bewilderment. "Because she requested that I keep her posted. Of course, during the last few days, I couldn’t do it," Darcy explained patiently. "So, let me get this right. The woman threw you into Driscoll's arms, and you still want to keep her posted about what is going on," he repeated in a puzzled tone of voice. He tried to make heads and tales of Darcy's reasons, but her intentions didn't make a spit of sense to h

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