Have we met before, Mr Wades?

1199 Words

“Forgive my manners, Mr Wades. Meet Anastasia Wellington, my wife.” Tristian introduced with his hand wrapped around Anna’s waist possessively. Jacob’s eyes widened, and suddenly, beads of sweat formed on his forehead. He opened his mouth to speak, but his words seemed stuck in his throat. Anna saw his panicked state and smirked inwardly before stretching out her hand. “Hello, Mr Wades. A pleasure to meet you.” She acted like he was a stranger, and Jacob wondered if it was the same Anna he knew. Jacob glanced at Tristian, who was waiting for him to take his wife’s hand, and his heart skipped. He didn’t want Tristian to suspect anything because, to him, it didn’t look like Anna had told him anything. If she had, he wouldn’t be friendly with him. So, he forced his hand out and took An

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