Chapter Three - His Unreasonable Demand

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Andrea’s POV  Zion’s eyes glittered as they focused on me, holding my gaze, and challenging me to look away. I couldn’t because the memories of the little time I shared with him came rushing into my mind. My emotions were all over the place! I tried hard to keep them at bay, to maintain a cold, professional front, but my heart gave me away. He was the father of my children, after all! ‘You shouldn’t forgive him for what he’s done to you. He doesn’t even accept them as his own!’ reminded my inner mind. I blinked the emotions away. I had to be stronger if I wanted my revenge. “You know me so well, Andrea! Yes, there’s a catch, but don’t worry. It’s not a daunting task to do.” He leaned towards me, but I didn’t back off, facing him bravely. “I will help your business in every way as long as you stay with me in my house here. I want you to move in with me! The moment you leave, I’ll stop providing you with work.” My jaws dropped with shock. “What the f*ck! Why would I do that?” I felt like screaming at him in frustration. It was an impossible task for me! How could I leave my children and move in with him? Was he out of his mind? Why couldn’t he live with his wife instead? There was a time when my rose-tinted views about him would compel me to do anything for him, but not anymore. His distrust, his cruel words, and his callousness towards me and his children have toughened me. I refused to bow down to his wishes. His jaws clenched, and he stood straight, pinning me with an annoyed look. It didn’t deter me. My decision was made. “The choice is yours, Andrea. If you want to see your business prosper, do what I want or else I’ll ensure you get no projects from now on. You know my reach!” I was left dumbfounded while my entire being revolted against his impossible demand. I knew how powerful he was! As the sole heir to the Concorde Group, he was one of the most powerful entrepreneurs in the aircraft industry. Their dominant company, Concorde Aviation, continued to be the global leader in the private aviation aircraft industry for the last eight decades. Five years ago, Zion made a foray into the world of architecture with his flagship architectural venture, ZC Architects. I had the feeling he had built it for me! Now my misconceptions have been cleared. I knew how selfish he was. He did everything for his gain! I blinked out of my daze, coming back to reality with a jolt. I held his icy gaze, refusing to buckle. Of course, I knew what living with him entailed. I wouldn’t let him touch me, let alone get into my pants. I might have been naïve five years ago to agree to a one-night stand with him, but not anymore. I overcame my crush on him! “What will you gain out of it? Can’t there be another solution to this?” He punched the table and started pacing the floor as if I had suggested something absurd. “No, absolutely nothing!” He stopped to pin me with a look of disgust. “The contract will be yours tomorrow morning if you move in tonight. The more you delay this, the more work will slip out of your reach and go to Mr. Jenkins.” He knew how important the contract was for a startup company like mine. He knew I was competent enough to handle it. Yet he kept such unreasonable terms before me! Sebastián Conrad was much better than him. He judged us based on our capabilities. “I see. Would you place such unreasonable terms on Mr. Jenkins as well? What will you ask him to do? Mow your lawn or clean your mansion? Well, you can keep your project, Zion. I’ll figure it out on my own.” I was boiling with fury at his selfishness! He trembled with fury, clenching his teeth as he scowled at me. “Let’s see where that confidence leads you to. Good luck finding work, my Andrea!” His knowing smirk looked threatening and so did the evil glint in his eyes, but I wasn’t one to give in so easily. “I’m not yours and never will be. I shall terminate my association with Conrad Architects soon. Goodbye, Zion!” My decision was made. If Zion was the new owner of Conrad Architects, I didn’t want to be associated with it anymore. I was about to leave when his words stopped me in my tracks. “Running away from me won’t solve your problems, Andrea! I’ll make your life unbearable until you move in with me.” I whirled around and scowled at him, refusing to give in. “Why are you after me? Why can’t you ask your ex-wife to move in with you? Leave me alone, Zion. I have responsibilities to shoulder.” He scoffed at my words, taking a step towards me. I stepped backward to keep as much distance from him as possible. “What responsibilities? Throwing grand parties or hitting on the guys at Escapades?” He laughed, but there was no mirth in it. Escapades was an elite club where Knox and I had memberships when we returned from Copenhagen, but that was five years ago. It belonged to Knox’s close friend, Maddox Laurier. He was a common friend and always used to hit upon me in jest, just to get Zion jealous. Did he really bear a grudge until now? “Maybe more than those! I’m not answerable to you.” I knew he was annoyed, having expected me to jump to his bait and defend myself. The old, naïve Andrea would surely have done that, but I was a mom now. I didn’t want to divulge more information about myself or my children. Zion Concorde was the most temperamental and reckless man I had ever met. What if he had a change of heart and decided to snatch my children away from me? It was better he didn’t know about them. “Is that your final decision, then? Don’t come crying to me afterward!” He yelled after me, frustration evident in his tone. “I won’t.” I gave him a look of disgust before whirling around and walking away from his office. He could go f*ck himself for all I cared. One project would hardly make a difference. I would look for more work elsewhere. I walked out of his office with my head held high in the air. A glass object shattered somewhere behind me inside his office. Yet I didn’t look back. As I walked down the corridor toward the elevator, I could feel the judgemental looks of all the employees on me. I didn’t care. This would be the last time I would be here in Conrad. My association with them was over. I drove over to my office to start my day, but my mood had already soured by the morning interaction. “Andrea, will you follow up with Mr. Robinson on his restaurant project? Here are the details.” My young PA, Roberta Davison, handed me the details. “He insists on talking to you.” “I’ll catch up with him. What about the other projects? Send Michael to my office.” Michael Steele was my marketing guy, having worked with me for the last five years. He had been a fresher when he joined us, but I was the only one who saw his potential. He stuck on in Ratio Architects ever since. I called the client and finalized the restaurant project. The work would start next week and he insisted I visit his office once tomorrow. “I want you to accompany me to the site, Ms. Cromwell!” said Mr. Robinson. “Sure. I’ll be there at your office at 9 o’clock tomorrow morning?” “Yes, Ms. Cromwell. That will be great. See you then.” I felt thankful that I didn’t give in to Zion’s pressure. I found work, didn’t I? Michael came in and we discussed all the leads we had currently. “We have to work hard, Michael. I’m terminating our association with Conrad Architects. Everything now depends on you.” “Oh! I won’t fail you, Andrea. I’ll surely do my best for Ratio.” I felt quite pleased with my little team. We might not be a huge setup, but I was sure we would survive without Zion’s help. For the next two days, we worked together to get as much work as possible. Mr. Robinson had called to postpone the meeting and as such, I couldn’t start the restaurant work. Michael rushed in with an angry scowl on his face. “Andrea, Mr. Robinson has given the project to Conrad, not us. How could he do it after finalizing everything with you?” I gaped at the guy. How could that be possible? We had finalized the deal over the phone. I would have signed the contract if he didn’t call me to postpone the meeting. What was going on? “How did you know?” I couldn’t help the sense of dread from clutching at my heart. Did Zion have anything to do with this? “I called his PA. She informed me.” I curbed the wish to fight with Zion, but then, that was what he wanted me to do. No, I would ignore him and look for work elsewhere, but I wouldn’t give in to his wish.
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