Chapter Four - Leaving No Stones Unturned

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Zion’s POV  “Damn! Why hasn’t Mr. Robinson arrived here yet? The restaurant project should be ours at all costs.” Charlie Martin, the marketing manager of Conrad Architects, stammered, having to deal with me for the first time. He had no idea how difficult I would make his life if I didn’t get what I wanted. Yes, I wanted to see Andrea accept defeat and bow down to my terms and conditions. She might consider me evil, but I didn’t care. I was helpless five years ago, but not anymore. I wanted her back in my life! “He called to inform us he would be twenty minutes late, sir.” I punched the desk in frustration. “I hate tardiness. Didn’t you tell him that? What about the other projects? Did you follow up on those?” I had appointed my trusted PA, Steve McGuire, to track down all the projects Ratio Architects took up. I knew I could blindly trust him and he lived up to my expectations, giving me a detailed report on the subject. “All have agreed to work with us except Edward Sterling from the Sterling Group. They want Ratio to design Syngenta Towers, their flagship residential venture here in LA.” Blood boiled in my veins and I got up to give him an ultimatum. “Do whatever you can, Mr. Martin. You’ll be sacked if I don’t get the Syngenta project by tonight.” He gaped at me with shock, wondering what enmity I could have with Ratio Architects. I wasn’t answerable to anyone! It was my personal affair! “I’ll try my best, sir. You’ll have the project by tonight.” I nodded, calming myself down and turning my attention to my laptop, dismissing him to do his job. He left the room in haste while I sat fidgeting with the paperweight, thinking of ways to get Andrea to surrender to me. How could she think I would let her move on? What started five years ago was no coincidence! It was a planned move. I was attracted to her for a long time. It was only because of Knox that I stayed away from her and from LA. But seeing her after a decade at Escapades weakened my resolve. The way my close friend Maddox Laurier flirted with her made my blood boil. I had to make her mine. She looked so grown-up, mature and seductive, that I forgot my dismal circumstances and gave in to the temptation. Soon, I formed ZC Architects only to lure her to Athens, far away from her brother. I didn’t want to fight my needs anymore. I wanted to have her! Everything was going so well. If she hadn’t slept around and gotten pregnant, we would have been living together still. I had no sympathy for her illegitimate child. I scoffed at the memory, starting my laptop to plunge myself into work. It was what I had been doing for the last five years of my life to forget Andrea. She lived in every cell of my body. I craved to have her like a starved man craves food! Maybe I would have gotten back with her after ending my forced marriage to the budding Greek model and actress, Elena Nomikov. No, I wouldn’t think of the evil woman at all! It was over and I was free! Now it was time to get Andrea back in my life. Maybe if I got Andrea once again, I could get over this obsession I felt for her since the day I saw her almost a decade ago. I wanted to relive that night once again. It was the best se* experience of my life! It was what I had been craving for the last five years, but circumstances at home were bleak, and I just couldn’t leave. Now that I had come over to LA for her, and bought Conrad from that weakling Sebastián, how could I let this opportunity go? This was what I had come here for, right? Steve had done his research well on Sebastián. The bastard had a soft spot for Andrea and she milked it to her benefit. If she could give him what he wanted, why couldn’t she entertain me? Why was she playing hard to get with me? Seeing her after so many years, all curvy and sassy, strengthened my determination to have her writhing under me again. Yes, I was pining after her. I didn’t want to let her go. If only my circumstances had been different! With renewed enthusiasm, I checked my inbox to find emails from all the new clients. They had provided me with their specifications, eager to work with me. A wave of satisfaction swept over me. I wondered how Andrea was taking it. Surely she would have found out by now that I had snatched all her projects from her grasp. Why hadn’t she called me yet? Now, all I needed was to persuade Mr. Sterling to trust us instead of Ratio Architects. Then Andrea would come to me begging for work! A knock on the door brought me out of my reverie. The door opened and Steve peered in as I looked up. “Mr. Robinson is here to see you, sir.” “Yes, let him in.” He escorted a tall, middle-aged man with a hawk-like, aristocratic nose. He looked down upon me as if I were a mere speck of dust on his clothes. “You are Sebastián Conrad, right?” He asked, giving me a once over. I stood up and stretched my hand for a shake. “No, I’m Zion Concorde, CEO of the Concorde Group! We’ve taken over from Sebastián Conrad!” His eyes widened as he grabbed my hand with his cold clammy one. “Oh, I’m so pleased to meet you, Mr. Concorde! I have experienced your Argus Platinum Airbus, sir. It was a baffling, sleek, and out-of-the-world experience!” I gave him a disinterested look, releasing his hand immediately. I hadn’t called him here to discuss my aircraft! “I’m a busy man, Mr. Robinson. Can we have your requirements for the restaurant project? We can get the designs ready right away. Please have a seat.” His initial attitude left him and he eagerly discussed his dream project with me. Steve was there to take the minutes of the meeting. “So why have you chosen us over others to work on your dream project?” I had to ensure he wasn’t here to waste our time. “I like your pricing, Mr. Concorde. It suits my budget.” I smiled because it was my plan to quote a lesser price than Andrea did. I was glad it worked. “Great! Can we complete the formalities before we start working on the project? You will need to sign an agreement with us and we will furnish you with designs until you choose one.” His eyes sparkled with excitement since no one worked this way. “How many designs will you provide me with?” “Innumerable! There’s no limit. We will keep working on them until you choose one.” I smiled and took out the agreement I had kept handy. “Here’s the agreement, Mr. Robinson. You can go through it and sign it. The faster we complete, we can proceed with the work.” We completed the formalities, and I sent him to our design team. Steve came in followed by a trembling Charlie and I knew there was bad news awaiting me. “Sir, Mr. Sterling hasn’t agreed to our terms and conditions. He is adamant about working with Ratio.” Blood boiled in my veins as I punched the desk and stood up, glaring at the duo. “What does he want? Bend the rules, and agree to his terms, but I want the project at all costs. Do you get it?” They trembled with fear and vanished to do my bidding. By evening, even Mr. Sterling had agreed to work with us. I sat back, closing my eyes and waiting for the phone to buzz. Despite my victory, it was strange that I didn’t feel at all happy. I wasn’t an evil person. I didn’t function this way, but Andrea had compelled me to stoop to this level. Steve peered in to disrupt my thoughts. “Sir, can I come in?” I nodded, not liking the brooding look on his face. “Yes, Steve! What news do you have to give me?” He hesitated a little before casting his eyes down in defeat. “Sir, Ratio’s main marketing guy, Michael Steele, has hit a jackpot today. He has clinched the Wells Group retail outlet project deal in Downtown LA for Ratio. This project is enormous, far more than the combined price of what we have.” My jaws dropped to the floor. So did all my efforts go down the drain? I had to leave my work at the Concorde Group’s headquarters to handle this. I hardly had much time at hand. After getting Andrea to move in with me, I had planned to whisk her away to Athens. Now everything took a backseat! It was all because of that Steele guy! Mad fury coursed through my body at the thought of him. Why was he so dedicated to Andrea? Did he receive other benefits from her apart from the monetary one? Jealousy blinded me and I glared at Steve, determined to put an end to this. “Buy the man, Steve. Lure him into Conrad on any terms.”
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