Chapter Two-What’s The Catch?

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Andrea’s POV “Andrea, is everything alright?” Granny Catherine’s voice brought me out of my daze. Ever since that phone call, I hadn’t been able to stop worrying about the next day’s meeting. I knew Zion was upset at seeing my lack of interest. Did he seriously think I would do his bidding? After my rebuff, he had just agreed to meet me tomorrow and disconnected the call. Ever since I had no idea what was going on in his mind. It was strange he didn’t specify a time for the meeting. “Yes, granny!” I blushed under her scrutiny. How did she figure out I was going through mental turmoil? After all, I hadn’t interacted with her for quite some time. Grandpa Vincent married Catherine Shelby six years ago. I left for Athens immediately thereafter. We could hardly bond with one another. Yet she was now an indispensable part of our family, taking care of my boys and Knox’s children, too. With Knox and his fiancée, Danielle Hartford, away on a vacation, I could hide from his relentless interference in my affairs. Knox had broken ties with Zion, his best friend five years ago, after his betrayal. Now that he was back in the city, I wondered how my twin would react! “Are you sure? Your grandpa asked you something and you zoned out, dear!” I flushed more and gave Grandpa an apologetic look. “Oh, I’m sorry, grandpa. I didn’t get you.” Just then, the children rushed in from the backyard. With Adrian in his room, it was just Zayden, Knox’s children, Zane and Angel. Grandpa forgot what he wanted to tell me and ushered them away to freshen up. I turned towards granny Catherine who still looked at me with concern. “I heard Zion is back. Did he meet you?” I gaped at Granny Catherine for a minute. How did she know about Zion’s return? “Yes, but how did you know?” She smiled and shrugged. “He came here in search of you after you left in the morning.” A gasp of horror escaped my lips! “Why didn’t you tell me before? Did he see the twins?” I was instantly on high alert. My heart constricted with fear at the prospect. Would he snatch them away from me if he saw them? After all, they resembled him a lot! His words from that fateful night played in my head like a broken record. “How the f**k am I responsible for your pregnancy, Andrea? I’m sure you’ve slept with many others! You were no virgin! Do you expect me to marry you in return for a one-night stand? I’ll pay you to get rid of the baby if that’s what you want!” Yes, I had been a virgin! He was the only man I loved and the first and last man I surrendered to. Yet he hadn’t believed me. That night, I hadn’t been able to fight his accusations. They had devastated me. Escaping was the only way open for me, but not anymore. Now, I knew how to fight, to snatch away what was rightfully mine. I wouldn’t let my boys go! I would fight for them. “No, the boys were still sleeping upstairs.” I released the breath I was unconsciously holding. Thank God! He didn’t see them. I didn’t know how long I would hide them from him, but I would die rather than give them up. “So, where did you meet him, dear?” I sighed, coming out of my trance. “He took over Conrad Architects, granny. I don’t know what I’ll do anymore. If I don’t get projects, my dream business will go bankrupt.” “Did he tell you he wouldn’t work with you?” I gaped at her for a second, considering her question. No, Zion hadn’t explicitly specified that, but I somehow knew my days at Conrad were over. I had to look for fresh opportunities. “No, he hasn’t yet. This contract will decide my future. Anyway, he has asked me to meet him tomorrow. Let’s see what he has to say.” Although I didn’t feel enthusiastic about meeting him, Granny looked excited. “Oh! Has he now? I’m sure you’ll get all the answers you’re seeking. You never know! He might want you back in his life, marry you, and accept the boys, too.” I got up with an eye roll. “No, granny. He doesn’t consider them as his! Anyway, I don’t want him in my life.” I turned to walk away but granny Catherine shook her head at my remark. “Don’t be so harsh on yourself, Andy. The boys need a father figure in their lives.” I was quick to jump to my defense. “They’re fine with me. It’s better to be without a father than with Zion.” I walked away, my insides bubbling with fury. The hurt he inflicted upon me was too much to bear. I was struggling to put it all behind me, but Zion’s sudden appearance today disrupted everything I struggled so hard to achieve. Now the pain resurfaced after so many years and I knew I wasn’t alright. I needed my baby boys to forget the situation I was in. I walked into the kids’ room and sat with the children to spend the evening with them. It worked like magic! The next morning, my phone buzzed with a message from Zion. Andrea! Come over to my office at 9 sharp! Your Zion. I gazed at the message, my stupid heart skipping a beat. Was this some sort of joke? I remembered these brief messages he used to send me when I used to work for him years ago. That was before he used me, destroyed me, and threw me out of his life forever. ‘Ignore it, Andy! Don’t go down that path again!’ prodded my inner mind. I rushed with my morning routine with the twins and by the time I left, it was almost 8:55. With only five minutes at hand, I negotiated the rush-hour traffic with my heart pounding in my chest. I had no idea what this meeting was all about! Had the client approved of my designs? Then why did he summon me to his office immediately after the presentation? He had mentioned it was a personal meeting. What did he mean by that? I reached the office fifteen minutes late despite my efforts. I could feel the tension in the air the moment I stepped out of the elevator to his floor. Was he annoyed again? I knocked to hear his permission from the other side of the door. Pushing the door open, I sucked in a deep breath and walked in confidently. I would never show him how much he affected me. “Are you in the habit of arriving late? Change it, Andrea! I’m a busy man with no time to wait for you every single time!” “I’m sorry. I got held up!” I stopped at his desk, breathing hard. If only he knew the marathon I needed to run in the mornings before arriving at work! He scoffed, misunderstanding me as always. “Sit!” He looked annoyed at my lack of explanation. My eyes flicked over him as he busied himself with his laptop. His designer black suit jacket seemed tailored to highlight his broad shoulders and arms, barely containing his muscles. I still remember the way he begged me to run my hands over those muscles! “How have you been, Andrea?” I blinked and focused on his face as I settled down in the seat opposite him. “I’m fine. Can we please get to the point? I’m busy, too.” I wanted to wrap up this meeting as fast as I could. Zion looked taken aback by my bluntness, while I felt claustrophobic already within the close confines of his office. With his unwavering gaze stuck on me, I felt more like a worm under a microscope! He soon recovered from the momentary confusion and flashed me a big, sexy smirk! “We could take this elsewhere. When are you free?” The dimples in his cheeks deepened while the glint in his eyes grew more feral. I stopped breathing at that moment, reminding myself to not let him charm me once again. “I’m never free. So what is it you wanted to discuss with me, Zion?” His smile deepened when I used his name for the first time since we met. “That’s unbelievable. Everyone is entitled to some free time. I’m sure you have yours too.” I wanted to tear off my hair in frustration. Didn’t he get it? I wasn’t interested in going out with him. “Shut it, Zion. Go out with your wife. I’m a busy woman with no time for shitty dates with you!” His smirk vanished as he watched me closely. “I’m not married anymore. Surely you know that by now.” I got up angrily. I wasn’t interested in his martial status. “No, I don’t. I’ve moved on from you five years ago, Zion. Nothing can make me go down that path again with you. So just let this be a professional collaboration. If you can’t come to the point, I’ll leave.” He got up and walked around the desk to stand inches away from me, his expression solemn, furious, and threatening. “Fine! I’ll be honest with you. Your designs are excellent, Andrea, but you have to understand the competition is extreme! Don’t worry, I will provide you with work to build up your portfolio. Conrad Architects will support you in every way possible, but..” He paused and gave me a pointed look while I waited in apprehension, knowing he needed something in return for the favor. What could it be? “Thank you, Zion. So what’s the catch?” He smirked again, and I knew I was in trouble. Whatever it was, I would surely turn the tables soon. I would get my revenge at all costs!
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