Arriving at the Castle

1075 Words
Amelia had never traveled this far before, all her she had spent it in Queens New York. She had grown up just around the corner, for everything, middle school, high school, even college. She even found the love of her… no Jeffrey had never loved her. The thought of Jeffrey made her heart sore, it wasn't that she was still in love with him, she hadn’t loved the man for a long time now. No, it’s just that whenever she thought of him she thought of Diana, her best friend who had betrayed her by sleeping with Jeffrey in their bed. She had gone to visit her mother after she had finished working double shifts on both the cafe and Diner. She hadn't been at home for the past two days and was dying to spend some time with her boyfriend. Amelia had found a trail of clothes leading all the way up to the bedroom where she had found Diana and Jeffrey. They tried to apologize but Amelia knew better than to listen to their lies. She’d never get hurt like that ever again. Her life had completely taken a whole 360 turn, she was now on a private jet flying all across America to Ireland to be the nurse of a billionaire Playboy who had an ego the size of the universe as his mother put it. Amelia stared at the large Gothic gates of the Castle overgrown with vines and beautiful grass, she was feeling restless, knowing that just beyond that large house laid the man who held her life in his hand. The driver I had been kind enough to help her with the bags and then with a gentle goodbye the driver disappeared onto the road leaving her there. She took a deep breath and knocked on the door. There were sounds of ruffling behind the door and then finally the door opened. "Oh hello, you must be the new nurse, it's Amelia isn't it?" The woman making Amelia jump with fright, she was a bit loud and her Irish accent was heavy, it was hard understanding her. "Sorry about that, I didn't mean to shock you my dear. Come, come in please. Let me help you with your bags." Woman said as she took the handle of the dark blue bag that was just next to her and pulled it in the house. "Now sweetie," The woman began, "My name is Gatha but you can call me Nanny, everyone called me Nanny. Noah is in the second living room waiting for you, I have to warn you dearest, he is not a good mood today. His mother didn’t mention that you were coming but he found out anyway. He doesn't like surprises. Hates them! Doesn’t like people too, but just give him some time and you'll get along great with him. Come, I'll take you to him, leave the bags there we’ll take them to the room later Gatha began walking towards a door that was half opened. There was a man sited in a wheelchair staring out of the window his back towards them pretending like he hadn’t heard them walk in. There was no doubt in her mind that the man sit on the chair was Mr. Noah Gallagher himself, billionaire Playboy, philanthropist who was at the forefront of revolutionarily technology every single year. The man even owned the phone that she had in her handbag. Amelia new how he looked like but she found her curiosity growing just a bit, he had seen the magazine covers and- "So you’re the babysitter that my mother had decided to give me?” He said, his voice was deep. Amelia struggled to find her worlds as struggled to find her words, Gatha had warned her before that Noah wouldn't be so welcoming. But still she found herself falling over her feet with fright. "I'm not a babysitter I'm-" "I don't care what you are, you're in my house and I didn't invite you, how much my mother had promised you? I can double it. I can write e a check right now, name your price," This time he turned around and this time Amelia got to truly sea the man. His ocean blue eyes were piercing and fiery, his raven dark hair hanging in ringlets close to his forehead and the rough beard on his face made him look older, though not by a lot, she knew the man was two years older than her, he just acted like he was in his early forties, maybe that’s why he’d become so successful. Her throat went dry as she kept on looking at the handsome man in front of her. "Name your price," he said again making her snap out of her for a little inner thoughts. There it was, the tempting offer. 1 million? She could say that right? He would give it to her. He was that rich, super rich. She could say 10 million and he would write the check then and there. She would live a life full of luxury. But she had also signed that damn contract forbidding her to do something like that, she had also given her word, and as much as she desperately wanted to be a dishonest person right now, but she couldn't, Damn her morality. “There’s nothing you can give me Mr. Gallagher that your mother wouldn't offer me, I'm just here to do my work that's all." Amelia fumbling through her words. "No of course you're not, it's my mother after all, I'm sure she made you sign a contract,. Just because you're here doesn't mean I have to see you. Nanny she stays in the stables. Now if you’ll excuse me I have a few things to do." Noah strolled out of the room. Amelia wanted to shout at him, tell him how wrong he was to do that to her but she couldn’t he washer employer’s son after all. “I am sorry dear “Gatha said as her soft sympathetic eyes stared at her, “He's not the best moods right now but he gets better I'll take you to The stables, it's not bad really there are a few staff lodgings there for the farm hands but, Mr. Gallagher had them moved to the eastern castle . He wanted to be alone for a while until he'll get used to it they always do.
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