Becoming the Billionaire's... Companion?

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The place was fancy, too fancy. Amelia had counted six small handbag-sized dogs in just a matter of minutes. There were so many people coming all over for this interview and she wouldn’t blame them it was a lot of money 100,000 dollars a month with accommodation and allowance. The woman who sat beside her looked like she just came from a fashion shoot, everyone there was stunning. Amelia knew this was a long shot but this was just ridiculous. She had opted for a nice little official floral dress but now she thought less of it. For one the pink of her dress and her hair didn’t go well together. A month’s Salary of that size would allow her to cover her mother’s hospital bills for the whole year, she could even start paying off Havier and finish college, she had been four credits shy of graduating maybe this is the sign she needed. One by one the lobby began emptying. It was clear from the first moment she had stepped into the grand hotel that male nurses were not required and the person who was doing the interview was specifically looking for young beautiful girls for this position. Amelia also noted that the interview lasted Five minutes sometimes shorter for other people. There was screaming coming from the interview room, once in a while a person would rush out with documents only to come back with more documents and a salad. Amelia had tried to take a peek at the lady who in her head she had named the dragon because what else would be so scary to the point it sent hotel staff and everyone else in panic. It had been Nine hours already and still, her name hadn’t been called. Three hundred and Fifty-eight. She counted how many people had gotten in and out of the interview room. Seventeen of them came out crying and trembling. The lights in the city came on, it was getting too dark outside and Amelia was just about to give up when she heard it. “Miss Heart?” A tall man called out and she sprung to her feet. She had been whispering that name to herself. She was pretending to be Scarlet Heart and not Amelia Williams, she should remember that. “I’m here,” she said holding up her hand and following the man towards the room. The first thing Amelia Noticed about the place is how Empty it was, there was barely anything except for the paintings on the wall and a large table stacked with books behind it there was a woman, tall and regal with dark black hair and pearl ear lungs, she looked like old money like she could trace back her ancestry back to the first kings of some middle age land or father back to a founding father of some continent. Amelia held back the slight panic and shiver running down her spine, in the back of her mind she was counting down the seconds until her five minutes are up and her fate would be decided. “Is she the last one?” the woman spoke her eyes not leaving the Forbs Magazine in her hands. “Yes, Mrs. Gallagher,” The man said almost as if he had been expecting her to ask it. He was right, Amelia noted, she had been the last one left she just hadn’t realized it until now. Perhaps it had been her nerves that made her feel so scared that she didn’t even notice. “Good, Henry Get the car ready,” she said as she placed the magazine down and stared at Amelia with a steel-like gaze. “Name,” the woman asked making her jump a bit and the blood to rush to her head. “Scarlett Heart,” Amelia said trying to sound confident but it came out more like a question than a firm answer. “No, No, you simply wouldn’t do.” The woman said shaking her head. “ I mean is it so hard to get someone, look at you; A happy family must have gone to school near home father and mother own a farm, for goodness sake I don’t need little Bo Peep. You can go, I’m tired.” That was it, just like that everything had ended. Amelia hadn’t realized how much hope she’d placed into this until the woman had said those words. She had completely dismissed her without a second thought, without giving her a chance. Amelia felt utterly humiliated. It was that humiliation and disappointment that fueled her anger to the point that she cracked. “You know lady you don’t have to be an absolute b***h to me,” Amelia said through gritted teeth, her words making the woman look up at her with a raised eyebrow. “Excuse me?” The woman gasped. Amelia should have stopped at that moment but she had been so gone. “You heard me lady I said you don’t have to be such a b***h. I’ve sat there for nine hours and you can’t even find the decency to treat me with respect. And no I was not raised on a farm, my father is dead and my mum is sick, she doesn’t even remember me, My life has been nothing but a s**t show all my life, and believe me little Bo-peep didn’t have it rough than me. I just wanted a good job that’s all. If I wanted to be judged by women who had a stick so far up their asses that they think the world is theirs then I’d still be in the lobby counting small little dogs in purses. “ Amelia stopped to take a breath, once she finally calmed down she realized what she had just done and her face grew pale. There was silence for a while but before she could apologize the woman spoke. “What’s your name?” “Amelia,” She said whispering almost to herself. “Is that what the A stands for?” “Yes… well, sort of my mother likes calling me that.” Amelia said it wasn’t truly a lie, she really didn’t know what the A stood for, and maybe it really did stand for Amelia. “Amelia you just called me a b***h, if it was a different occasion I would have taken offense to that but I was looking for someone with a backbone, someone who isn’t afraid to tell me off just because I have money and hold their future in their hands.” Amelia didn’t know what to say, that had gone better than she had anticipated. “What do you know about this job?” The woman asked standing up from her chair and walking towards her. Amelia tried not to move away as the woman came to stand in front of her “Well Mrs. Gallagher I know-“ “Elinor, call me Elinor please, Gallagher is my desist husband's name.” She interrupted. “Oh sorry-“ “Don’t be the man was a drunk and a horrible father, Now what do you know about this job Amelia,” “My understanding Elinor,” Amelia began, “Is that you need a stay-at-home nurse to help with physiotherapy and-“ “No, that’s what the advertisement says but that’s not what I was looking for,” Elinor said as she turned around, walked towards her chair, and sat back down. “I have the best doctors for that. It’s not for me but for my son. He’s a powerful man Amelia with an ego the size of the universe. My Noah is complicated. After the accident, he was confined to a wheelchair. The doctors can help him but… well he has a harsher temperament than me and if you consider me a b***h then he would be a beast. I don’t need a nurse, I need someone who would take care of him. He could be there for him. He doesn’t want me close.” Amelia could see the sadness in the woman’s eyes, she had been so strict and harsh that she hadn’t noticed her grief. She took a few steps forward. “Mrs. Ga…. Elinor, I may not be what you had been expecting. I honestly don’t even know what you had been expecting but I do know what it feels like to want to help but not be able to. I still would like this job. I’d do whatever it takes, even if you tell me to walk a hundred miles on my hands I just really need this. Your son won’t scare me away if anything you should be afraid for him.” Amelia rushed through her words trying desperately not to lose this chance. Elinor laughed as a slight tear rolled down her eye. You really are quite the character Amelia,” Elinor smiled, her eyes glancing at a painting dangling to her left. "He's constantly in pain, even with all his money Noah's so lonely, and yet he trapped himself in that damned castle, he's given up. He's welcoming death and I can't lose him. The job Amelia isn't just about his physiotherapy but to give him something more, he needs hope. Noah needs to live again. Can you do that? Can you give me back my son?" Amelia hopes so, this was her final shot. There's always a way and she had experience dealing with these types of situations but she was nervous. If she does this there's no going back. She's already in too deep. "Yes, I believe I can," Amelia said the fear coming in waves. "Then you have the job. But Amelia remember this, you don't get to quit no matter what my son puts you through. Noah will offer you money for you to leave. In the contract, my secretary will have you will restrain you from doing that so don’t get any ideas. The plane leaves for Ireland tomorrow. Make sure you're at the airport by 6.00 am." Amelia walked out of the hotel and into the snowy night still shocked at what just happened, the happiness was bubbling within us but there was also the worry that came with it. When she finally noticed that she was standing in the middle of the falling snow she realized something. That name, it sounded familiar. She ran towards the subway station shaking slightly as she felt the cold seeping through her skin. She fumbled through her purse trying to find her cell phone, the name was too familiar. Amelia’s heart gave out once she saw the google search display. Noah Gallagher she was going to be the nurse of the most powerful man in Europe. The big-time Billionaire playboy that had constantly been in the tabloids.
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