Chapter 4

1129 Words
I'm deeply shocked to have Max in the Prince's chamber, I don't really know what he's here to do. I thought I had escaped him and would never see him again but here he is. My heart beats like it will stop the next moment, I can see his fury eyes burning on me like he would descend on me the next moment. Williams must have suspected his intention right now, he stands on the way to block him from coming inside the room. I wonder if Max found me alone, what I would've done. He would just finish me. I see as Williams turns towards me, he winks at me and asks me to stay in his room while he goes out with him. I nodded in agreement. They both went out with Williams closing the door behind him. My heart pumps the more, what if Max would just appear right inside now and devor me. Mysterious thoughts begin to form in my mind. I wait for about an hour and Williams is not yet back, another but he does not show up. What could be wrong? Had Max harmed him, he was a dangerous man so you can never doubt him doing such a thing. I stayed in Williams' chambers till about five, it was time for our dinner. Since Williams did not instruct me to leave his chambers, I can't dare do that. I would forgo the food and abide by instructions. What if I go out and get captured by Max, he might be hiding somewhere waiting for me. Soon I got really tired of just sitting at the edge of the bed without doing anything. I felt tired and bored. The prince's bed is so soft and grand that I couldn't help but desire to lie on it. I didn't even know when I fell down and got into a trance, lofty thoughts began to flow into my mind. Williams is searching for a virgin as a luna, now he has found that in me. My dream is to save money from this work and attend college immediately my time here is up. Now that the prince wants me, I think my dream may never come true. I may not have the opportunity to go to college again. No, I might refuse this but it's detrimental. What if he punishes me, or worse sends me to my pack where Max will deal with me hellishly. "Hmmm," I sighed. I felt so relaxed on his bed, a real sleepy-head till I heard something like the door was opening slowly. It dawned on me, Williams was finally here and I felt fear and suspense at the same time. I took too much liberty, what will he do to me now? Remember, I'm still a maid, I reminded myself. Immediately he came in and I realized, the sleep in my eyes faded. His aura surrounded me, so overwhelming. I deserve a great punishment for feeling so comfortable on a crown prince's bed. The look on his eyes is not encouraging, anger lines up round his eyelids. "Who gave you the audacity to lie on my bed, is that what I asked you to do?" His heavy voice came, fear gripped me. What is he going to do to me the next second? I stood before him like a frightened child, with my head lowered and my hands in front of me. I never imagined he could be this angry. My lips were trying to form some words when I heard, "Whap!" It landed right on my left cheek, I was horrified. "Kneel!" His deep voice commanded. I knelt immediately, I didn't want any further punishment. I didn't do anything too grievous but I think it's because I lied on his bed. It's a big offense to do this though, the prince is the prince. Whatever he did to you or said to you shouldn't make you lower your consciousness around him, this' exactly the same thing happening to me. He walked closer to me and my tension grew more tense. What is he going to do next? I won't be surprised if he kicked at me or spanked me more, this' what Max would do in his case. "I'll pardon you because you're my new found…." Excitement took over him and he couldn't complete his statement. Though my head was lowered, I knew he was smiling. Thank goodness, the worst didn't happen. I feared for my life. Who would forgive a maid that took the liberty of lying on a prince's bed when all he asked her to do was to wait inside his room. "Rise up," he said to me with a calm voice. I felt relieved. Now the fear was gone but suspense still existed inside my chest, what did Max say to him? Could it be this that made him treat me so harshly a few seconds ago? Max was my boyfriend, as a member of his pack he could trace me. That connection between us as pack members and other pack members still existed. It will never go away except I get fully accepted into another pack, after mating with whoever that man called my mate would be. Williams raised me up with his hands and pulled me towards his chest, "Come on, I am so sorry for what I did to you earlier. So so sorry," he spoke with remorse. His hands caressed my back as I got tightly pressed to him. I can feel every part of his body right now, I fight hard not to misbehave. As a maid, I have to stand still without making any movement. The curiosity to ask him what Max said to him arises once more but it would be too improper, I have no rights to ask Williams such a question. He's my prince and I'm a maid. The instruction I was given on my induction was 'do not speak when you are not asked to.' I should be grateful for the liberal attitude Williams plays towards me, it's not common to have a royal treating an ordinary maid the way he's treating me. "You can return to your hostel!" This sent electricity all over me. I expected something better than this, is he dismissing me after he asked me to wait for him. Why didn't he say this before he left with Max? I can't do anything other than obey the command. I bowed in courtesy before taking a leave. I just wish he would change his mind and ask me to stay. His tone was serious when he said this, if not I would assume him to be kidding. I take a leave, now I have to meet with another punishment, Riana's.
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