Chapter 5

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"Where did you go to?" Kate asked me immediately I set my foot inside the room I did stay with her and some of the other maids. I knew my fate already, it's something no one would be able to help me. "Riana was looking for you all this while, she threatened to deal with you once you return." My heart started racing faster, what would become of me. I had intended obeying the prince thinking that he would shield me from this undesirable circumstance not knowing that he would send me back to my former place. Kate at this point demanded a quick response from me, right when I came here to work here, she's been a great pillar of support and encouragement. Normally, it would be burdening to cope with the stresses of being a maid and having to miss your family for a long time. I had no phone to video call them, I just had a button phone which didn't support such function. My mom was sick and had to visit the hospital most of the times for drugs and treatment, my salary here is not really for me but for her. I send it all for her and dad to use once I get paid till I started saving a bit for my tuition in the future. "The prince….." I didn't finish the statement when Riana stormed into the room angrily. "Where did you go to?" I looked beside me and Kate was no longer on my side, probably she had sighted our royal lady and disappeared off my side. It was that time of the evening when all the maids had assembled, they were done with their dinner and just relaxing on their bed. Riana dragged me out of the room outside, there's no doubt I'll escape her punishment. She takes me to the labor room, this is where all punishments are served to offenders. "Kneel!" She commanded, I obeyed and submissively knelt. Riana started hitting, spanking and raining curses on me. "You want me to lose my job? What should take you to the Prince's chambers?" I gasped. "No, I didn't…." Another slap landed on my face. "When did you start answering your superiors when they talk to you, or have you forgotten the rule here?" She smirked. Disgust and fury were clearly showed on her face, how would I contend with this? It was time for the maids to have their rest after a stressful day, I was here serving my punishment. As if it wasn't enough, Riana commanded me to roll on the concrete floor several times, my skin would surely be hurt once I'm done with this punishment. After all the punishments she had in mind to give me, I returned to the hostel soaked in sweet and tears with bruises all over me. This showed me what a cruel creature Riana was, she had no pity despite knowing fully well I went to see the prince. She must be jealous of me, that I got the prince's attention. Maids are assumed as the lowest category of people, they are seen as slaves, people who are meant to be used, abused and humiliated, it's however a thing of surprise that I should end up being the one the prince called to be with him. I can't just go to bed like this, I need to take a bath and change my clothes. Once Riana was done with me, she walked briskly off. She would surely be punished if Prince Williams heard of this, but I can't tell him either, that will be signing my death warrant. As long as I continued working here, it would certainly be the worst for me. Kate was awake when I entered the hostel, she was too concerned for me to sleep off, she was my best friend and everything I had. We had agreed to save the money we got from our work and go to college after three years. I heard that we are gonna serve for a period of three years, that's my estimated time here except something happened and we stayed lest or more than the stipulated time. "What happened?" She jumped out of her bed to come meet me. "I was so worried for you!" Her tone depicted sympathy, at least someone cared for me. I was so tired to speak, I couldn't stop sighing. "I got punished by Riana." Kate's jaw dropped. "I can't really talk." I sigh, I would love to tell Kate everything but I just can't at this point. I love sharing my joys and ordeals, it makes me feel relieved. I think I have to share this as well lest she wouldn't let me rest. "Come on, just tell me what happened. I was so worried about you when Riana took you out. I waited for you since then till now, but…..hmm," she paused and exhaled heavily. "I heard you went to see the prince, what happened?" At this point she giggled. I wonder what's making her so excited but who told her I went to see the Prince. When I left, she wasn't among the maids that were in the room. I should even be asking where she went to. "Where did you go to when I left?" I added some fun in the midst of our sorrows. Life would be worthless without this, I need to face the moment and not keep punishing my heart with the aftermath of Riana's punishment. Kate rolled her eyes and blushed. "Went to meet my boyfriend," she smiled. Whenever thoughts of her boyfriend came up, she's always glad. I wished I had a loving boyfriend like hers. This' all but a matter of time, one day everything will be alright. This I know that's why I don't let anything I pass through here block my mind from seeing that life has a brighter sight. When I'm done here and in college, I'll be alright. "You're trying to evade my question, tell me about the prince." She dragged her statement so excitedly that I forgot I was the same maid in pains a few minutes ago just because of him. "Ohh, you won't just let me rest Kate." "No, I won't until you tell me what happened." "Well, he found his virgin luna in me." I rolled my eyes in pride. "What! You mean he got mated to you!" She couldn't hide her excitement. "No, I don't mean that. He just examined my body and found that I was a virgin. From the way he acted, I felt like I was the one he's gonna be with." Even upon making this obvious, Kate was still very delighted. "How did you meet him at first?" "Kate, I don't really want to talk more about this." The truth is that I wanted evading much of her questions which she often does whenever it comes to matters of romance, she knew this. She knew I was pretending. "I was working at the garden when he came out and found him, that's how I got an appointment with him." I think this reply would make her rest. We found ourself chatting into the night and the early hours of the morning. I later slept off peacefully until the scream of Riana caused me to jump off the bed and pant like a frightened mouse.
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