Chapter 3

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Williams POV Ursula's eyes widened in shock immediately I made my last statement. In her mind she must be thinking, "Is he gonna take my virginity away?" How am I even sure she's one? A tear streamed down her eyes, she quickly wiped it off and sniffed fearing that I would get angry. I wonder what's wrong with her, almost every girl would be greatly happy to have me say this to them. They would be inwardly begging me to give it to them. First note of modesty! Ursula is a unique type. S*x is not the main thing in my mind right now although I can't deny the urge. I have to control myself if everything must work in order. What I want right now is a woman that would fit into the basic qualities of being my mate. Innocence, the central virtue needed. I moved closer to Ursula, pulling her back into my arms. I brush her hair and caressed her cheeks. "I'm not going to hurt you Ursula, I need to do this to save my throne," as the prince I could do anything I wanted but no, I have to respect Ursula for the way I see, she has some self-dignity and not a girl that would easily throw it to the mud. "My throne would be lost if I don't get a virgin mate soon. I really like you…….." I didn't complete my statement when she began to shake horribly. I couldn't understand her actions. "What's wrong?" I managed to ask. "Your Majesty, I feel dizzy!" Her voice sounded faint, I wouldn't hear it if I wasn't standing close. I gently guarded her to my bed, she had to be thankful for getting such honor. There I placed her on my laps, she blushed. Some calm settled on me, at least she was okay now. I wonder if she was pretending before. "My wolf attracted me to you from the first time I set my eyes on you hours ago and he told me that you are my chosen mate. I just want to know if you are a virgin before accepting you. Please don't see me as a bad prince. I'm not playing on your rights." "What do you want to do to me?" Ursula got the courage to talk due to the polite way I spoke to her. "I want to know if you're a virgin." "Yes." "No, I don't need your answer. I want to know it myself. So I'm going to undress you and do the experiment." Ursula gasped in horror. "I have the final say, you can't say anything against my decision. I won't have s*x with you, just let me see your n***d body and touch it a bit. My wolf lusts for you. Remember the rule I'm giving you, you're not to scream or moan in pleasure. Is that okay?" "Yes, Your Majesty," Ursula said reluctantly. Tears wanted to stream more from her eyes but she controlled them, for fear of my reaction. Slowly, I untied the rope that was tied round her waist. It dropped to the ground. Then I gently pulled her gown up, she was still on my lap. Gradually the nervousness in her face was fading to give in to a shy pleasure. When it reached the hip region I stopped and looked at her face, seeking approval. Being a considerate man, I didn't want to go further without the permission of my crush. She nods in agreement and I pull it up higher. I'm in ecstasy at what I see, her large rounded hips, slim waist, and big b**bs which her bra could barely contain. "Wow, you have such a nice shape and wonderful body," I exclaimed, brushing her hips and tommy. "Shouldn't he be ashamed of his actions?" I feel Ursula ask inside her. Her self-esteem got to the lowest level, she wasn't herself any longer. Her wolf must be really thrilled at what I was doing right now. Getting the attention of the Alpha Prince was the dream of every girl. "Turn," I politely asked her. Her wolf was jumping up in excitement. She did and I reached for the hook of her bra, untied it, and took it off exposing her bare b**bs which giggled. Ursula got extremely shy and put her face towards the floor, if the prince was treating her in a savory way, she didn't want to witness him look at her that way. I squeezed them into my hands playing with each peak, she's clearly aroused from the slow movement and sensations from her body. "Look at me," I commanded. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ursula I raised my head up and locked my gaze with his eyes. Williams' eyes are glowing more and more as if they're entering paradise. He pressed my n*****s a bit, squeezing every life out of them while enjoying the entire process. He rubs my twin deers more, round and round as if he was doing some massage. While he enjoyed the game, I was burning in shyness, I could sense my cheeks red like the red roses. I have never been touched in this way by any man before. His touch makes me want more, the feeling of this happening at this moment never entered my mind. Max had only manhandled me and was at the edge of doing this to me months ago when I found my way out of his apartment and escaped. He remembered he's yet to feel the sweetest part. Dropping his hands from my b**bs, he slowly touched the edge of my panties, played around and dragged it down. I'm totally bare with every part of my body exposed to his scorching gaze. I feel like burning away. Williams turned me towards him, causing my legs to spread before him while still on his laps. His hands fondled my ass, squeezing them like dough, the last thing I wished, he slipped his hand in between my thighs. "Now the actual test," he whispered in my ears, I kept mute. His hands came closer and closer, when it touched my clit I giggled, merely involuntarily. He tried to penetrate me with his finger but he couldn't. "Wow!" He pulled me towards his side, off his laps and to the bed, rose up from his bed abruptly with beaming smiles. Williams was clearly excited. "I've found her! A virgin indeed. Wear your clothes!" I got surprised at the sudden way things screwed up, my wolf was riding in the euphoria when everything abruptly came to an end. "Thank goodness he didn't take away my virginity," at least I have to be glad of this. With this, I could count the prince as an honest young man who stands by his promise. He's actually a trustworthy man. Taking my underwear and dress back, I put them on. Williams was in such an excited state to even notice me put them back on. All his joy must be centered on the fact that he was not gonna lose his future kingship to an Alpha from another pack, which could temporarily or permanently take the kingship from his pack. "I've found her!" This played back in my mind. Why would I be the one chosen for this role, I can't even imagine how I got to be chosen of all the angelic looking girls from Williams' pack. I don't think I would fit into this role, being a luna to a prince or prospective king isn't quite as easy as it sounds. Lots of responsibilities are attached to it and I've never been prepared for this. What of Max, how would he react when he finds out? I didn't officially break up with him, I just ran away. He might still be string-tied with me? I cried for him, another Alpha seeks to take me away from him and my pack. I'd detested him for a while but now those soft feelings come rushing in. It seems he'd never have me to himself again. My inner wolf was growling in excitement while I was in deep thoughts, curious and anxious about everything. I wondered what made it glad. Why should it be happy when Max is gonna be excluded from her life. For a while I forgot he was rude, domineering and foul-mouthed towards me especially when I refused to give in to his seduction. Max was a sexy young man with broad shoulders, six packs and strong legs. He had promised to marry me one day and make me his luna, the most respected lady in the pack. For sometimes I believed this promise, he meant every word of it but when his other side came up over him and he started acting all strange towards me I was forced to let him go with his promises. I preferred my peace to anything. Max is the perfect description of a mafia shifter who rules his pack with iron hands. "Why are you glad?" I ask my wolf who can't contend with its joy. I was about to get my reply when a knock was heard on the door. It came on so strong that I wondered who would dare knock on the prince's door this way aside from one of his naughty brothers. "Who could be knocking at my door when I'm not expecting any visitors?" Williams voiced out. He must be feeling the same surprise as me. He opened the door, my eyes caught with the man I feared most in my entire life, especially now. If not for Williams I wonder what would've become of me, he'd just tear me to pieces. It was Alpha Max, the Alpha of the Whitebridge Pack and my former boyfriend. His mission here was a mystery to us.
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