
Call Me By My Name

one-night stand

“Shxt. I’m sorry, Blue.”

“Don’t be” I replied gasping for air. He tried to let me go but I wrapped my arms around his waist and held him. Something is definitely wrong with me. He shook in my arms; his silent cries could be heard over the low volume of the tv. There we stood, two strangers sharing a moment like no other.

“Why?” he finally spoke when he got himself together.

“You needed it.”


“There isn’t one.” When the shaking stopped, I let him go and so did he. He took a few steps back looking at me as if it was our first time meeting. In a way, I guess it was. Seeing that he was fully back to his senses, I took a few steps back, but he grabbed my hand and pulled me back to him.

“Thank you.” Before I could tell him there was no need, his lips crashed onto mine. So much hunger in one long kiss. He claimed my mouth as if he had always owned it and I let him. He gripped my locs as he deepened the kiss, sucking my soul mercilessly.

“I should go.” He broke the kiss and released me, taking a few steps back with my hand still clung to his shirt. Gasping for air once more, I had no words, just the shaking of my head telling him no. Yeah, let me be honest with myself real quick, something is seriously wrong with me. Cause when kept backing away, I found myself not only following but pulling him back to me.

Maybe it’s the liquor or perhaps I just need to be committed. Either or, I ended up asking the visibly disturbed man that I just met a few hours ago to stay. Stay in my room, and my bed.


-This is Book 2 of Call Him Daddy. Can be read as a Stand-Alone but would recommend reading book one first.

-This book will be free until completion.

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Being the first son of Gunnar Hawthorne and the adopted son of Soleil Carter and Yeager Hawthorne came with responsibilities. Learning how to run three different companies and an underground organization wasn’t that bad. It just kind of limits you in certain areas. You always had to be guarded and prepared for anything. However, nothing ever prepared me for the twists and turns that turned out to be my life. My name is Mateo Carter-Hawthorne, but on missions, I go by the name Legend. Blame mom for that name. After losing my best friend and wife Melany three years ago, I’ve become a shadow for my parents’ underground organization called the Stabos. Shxt hasn’t been all that easy, especially with those last few jobs I had. I think it’s my parents’ way of trying to get to come home and take my position within the family company. I wasn’t quite ready yet. I had my whole life planned out but the woman I had planned it with was gone. We always knew that we were on borrowed time. She was fighting cancer long before I met her. No matter how much money and resources my mom spent on getting her better, in the end, it was a lost cause. Sixteen years with her should have been enough, but every day without her felt like an inferno. In the last three years, I’ve dragged many into that hell with me. The only difference was that I was still alive. I shouldn’t crave death as much as I do, especially when I have a life most could only dream of. Yet, without her, life feels more like a curse than a blessing. Mom told me that, eventually, my pain would subside. That I will meet someone who fills every hole in my mind and heart. That they will take away the pain of the loss and the memories of my past will no longer haunt me. I wanted to believe her because if anyone knew, it was her and the dads, but I was having a hard time seeing things happening as she said. At twenty-three, I was a fxcking nutcase. I can barely deal with myself; I don’t see how anyone other than them will be able to. Honestly, I wasn’t looking, but I know that eventually it’s either I find someone, or they pick one for me. Luckily, I’ve been given a five-year break period to get my shxt together. “Matty” Talking about getting it together, I looked up to see my mother and the dads walking into the empty restaurant they’d asked me to meet them at. The way she’s running in my arms, you would have thought that we didn’t just see each other last month. “Hey, little lady.” I picked her up in a bear hug before placing her down and saluting the dads. We sat down, ate, and caught up on what’s been going on for the last month since I left for New York. I have a close-knit family. I was the eldest of four, had two dads, and an adopted mom who saw me as nothing less than hers. We’re a complicated bunch but we work. The Carter-Hawthorne family was the biggest mogul family in the states and also the most secretive. Outside of those we called family, not many knew of my siblings and me. With the past my parents had and the dealings of the Stabos, it was best not to rock that boat. With great power comes greater enemies. It also didn’t help that parents were menacing and far more psychotic than should be allowed. “We have a job for you.” Gunnar “Gun, really? Couldn’t even wait till dinner was over?” Mom scolded. “You know he never had any table manners” Yeager chimed in. As I said, we’re a complicated bunch. Seeing how mom was about to tear into dad, I jumped in to spare us all from their bickering. “What’s the job?” “The Denise family. They have a son and a daughter, but the parents are the targets. The best way to get to them is through the boy. He’s going to need someone of your expertise. Use that but leave the kids alone. This can’t be as messy as your last job. Take your time.” Yeager chimed in. “This will be your last job,” Mom announced to my dismay, but I knew there was no point in trying to change her mind. She might be tiny but her words were law. We talked a little longer about the job before they had me dying laughing at their antics. It’s usually hard for us to be serious for too long. My parents were a mess, but they have this chemistry and love that just works for them. Seeing them sometimes makes me wonder if I’ll ever have what they do. Back then my mind used to wander to that question, and the only person I could picture was Melany. She was always good and pure, damn right too perfect for a world like ours. Our love was sweet and calm. It wasn’t the chaotic mess my parents had, and it worked for us. Now she was gone, and I was no longer the guy I was with her. It’s unfortunate to admit that I was more like the Bio-dad Gunnar than I ever imagined I’d be. I want to say that Mel would still love and accept me the same if she was here, but I doubt I would even be this deranged if she was. She wasn’t and, as my parents once again reminded me of my time frame, I must wonder if there was someone out there who could handle and love this version of me. Don’t get me wrong, I was far from ready to move on, but seeing my parents before me rambling as both dads coaxed my mom while she went on a rampage for heaven knows what, I couldn’t help but crave someone who could handle and love their deranged older son. Someone who could fill these mental and emotional holes that mom once spoke of. The mentally fxcked up son that was created by the loss of his first and most likely last. I doubt it.

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