Story By Egypt Santiago

Egypt Santiago

A writer that puts her characters through hell and back before they get their happy ending. My writing world is a rollercoaster ride.
Call Me By My Name
Updated at Mar 29, 2024, 20:31
“Shxt. I’m sorry, Blue.” “Don’t be” I replied gasping for air. He tried to let me go but I wrapped my arms around his waist and held him. Something is definitely wrong with me. He shook in my arms; his silent cries could be heard over the low volume of the tv. There we stood, two strangers sharing a moment like no other. “Why?” he finally spoke when he got himself together. “You needed it.” “But...” “There isn’t one.” When the shaking stopped, I let him go and so did he. He took a few steps back looking at me as if it was our first time meeting. In a way, I guess it was. Seeing that he was fully back to his senses, I took a few steps back, but he grabbed my hand and pulled me back to him. “Thank you.” Before I could tell him there was no need, his lips crashed onto mine. So much hunger in one long kiss. He claimed my mouth as if he had always owned it and I let him. He gripped my locs as he deepened the kiss, sucking my soul mercilessly. “I should go.” He broke the kiss and released me, taking a few steps back with my hand still clung to his shirt. Gasping for air once more, I had no words, just the shaking of my head telling him no. Yeah, let me be honest with myself real quick, something is seriously wrong with me. Cause when kept backing away, I found myself not only following but pulling him back to me. Maybe it’s the liquor or perhaps I just need to be committed. Either or, I ended up asking the visibly disturbed man that I just met a few hours ago to stay. Stay in my room, and my bed. ________________________________________________________________ -This is Book 2 of Call Him Daddy. Can be read as a Stand-Alone but would recommend reading book one first. -This book will be free until completion.
Call Him Daddy
Updated at Dec 2, 2022, 14:06
“We can’t do this. This is wrong.” Whispering as he traces his lips down my neck. “You know you want this as bad as I do.” lightly nibbling my collarbone, sending chills down my spine. One hand tugged my hair loose as the other traveled down my frame. My breath hitched as he opened my silk robe revealing my full breast. This was too much. My skin was on fire, my lower drenched from puddles simply by his touch and kiss. My mind was screaming no but everything else was pushing me to this, to him. once his mouth latched on to my breast, all thoughts ceased. Dear heaven takes me now. “Relax, baby girl. I just want to taste you. Can I?” His warm breath against my body made me shiver. My head was shaking no but my body was screaming yes. This was beyond wrong, but it felt too good. I’ve had images of this moment since I was sixteen, now three years later and it’s happening. Yet I can’t seem to let myself go enough to enjoy it. “Stop. We can’t.” I said scooting out of his grasp and off the bed. Embarrassment washed over me for being so skittish. I ran to the bathroom and locked myself in. What is wrong with me? I was the one who made the first move by kissing him, I was the one who pulled him to my bed. Now I’m all freaked out making a scene. I can hear him pacing around the room. I don’t want him to be mad at me, I can’t have him hate me for this. “Sun. I’m sorry. Please come out.” I didn’t answer. My voice was stuck in my throat. As he plead for me to come out and talk to him, all I could do is cry. Mama was right, I am a mistake that keeps making mistakes. I ruin everything. No wonder she left. With a daughter like me, who would want to stay? The tears got worse once I heard my bedroom door closed. He left. The only person I had left is going to walk out on me and it’s all my fault, again. It’s always my fault. Always doing things without thinking and hurting everyone else in the process. I woke up with a piercing headache on the bathroom floor. From the light shining through the window, it’s safe to say it’s morning. My body was stiff from sleeping on the floor making it hard to move around much. Catching a glance at myself in the mirror, it barely looked like I slept. Yet I don’t remember when I fell asleep. With the dry tear streaks on my face and bloodshot eyes, I looked better than how I felt. Last night's event was heavy on my heart. Thinking about it was suffocating. Rummaging through the medicine cabin, I found a bottle of ibuprofen for the headache and soreness. After taking the pill, I got in the hot shower. I was hoping for the boiling hot shower and strenuous scrubbing would clean me from the events of last night. That wasn’t the case, if anything it seemed to heighten the memory. The look of hurt in his eyes when I got off the bed and ran. The pain in his voice as he pleaded for me to come out of the bathroom. I hate myself. That hate only festered when I went to the living room for Lydia, our housekeeper, to tell me that he went out of town for the remainder of the month. He wouldn’t be back before I leave to go back to college. He didn’t even leave a note or a text. He just left. Guess mama was right about a lot of things. Eventually, they’ll all leave.
Billionaire's Spoiled Contract Wife
Updated at Sep 11, 2022, 04:53
As the adopted daughter of the famous All American Smith family, Life held many twists and turns. Throwing curveballs at every corner, even though most were due to my lifestyle and zero f***s given attitude. My new family was godsent, I was the problem. Probably worse than the storm that day my birth parents died. I cause havoc wherever I went and destroyed anything good I come across. When a night of partying turned into five days' disappearance with no recollection, I went from the “You Only Live Once” motto to I need to do everything in my power to survive. Survive my addictions, my demons, and the secrets that haunt and control me. One would think I had enough problems, yeah, I did too. However, soon after I’m forced to finally accept that I need to get my s**t together, more problems developed. Starting with a man claiming to be my husband. A man who will do everything in his power to keep it that way, even if it means destroying my family in the process. While new obstacles arise, and secrets are revealed, I'm left with no other option but to trust the only man left in my corner. My husband
The Adopted Brother
Updated at Jun 9, 2022, 19:23
At one drunk-infested birthday party, Melody told Jaylen, her adopted brother everything he wanted to hear. The next day she took off and blocked him from her life. Family business and new careers kept them busy enough to believe the lie that the distance was for the better. Now five years later, their parents have had enough of their strained relationship and made up a plan to get them all under one roof not knowing the chaos brewing among them. Jaylen has a contractual girlfriend who refuses to let him go and will stop at nothing to keep him and Melody has a fling who’s telling the world that she belongs to him and doing everything in his power to prove such. With Jaylen's contractual girlfriend who refuses to let him go and will stop at nothing to keep him and Melody's fling who’s telling the world that she belongs to him and doing everything in his power to prove such. Is there any chance for them? Melody finds herself once again having to decide if running away is the best option. But who will she be running away from this time? Secrets after secrets have them both questioning everything they ever knew, including each other. Would love prevail when everything they seem to hold near and dear seems to be failing?
The Mafia's Runaway Wife
Updated at Apr 30, 2022, 15:20
Harper had it all until she didn't. Parents murdered, kidnapped, and sold. She soon discovered that her perfect life was nothing but a cover-up. And the one man she thought saved her, is now the one she's on the run from with her own set of secrets she's desperate to hide.