Do you have a boyfriend

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At exactly 8 am, Aria stood by the roadside just outside her apartment, prepared and waiting for the driver to pick her up. Michelle stood beside her, vowing that if the driver seemed suspicious or frightening, she wouldn’t allow her friend to get anywhere near the car. A sleek black Rolls-Royce Wraith parked directly in front of them. Its tinted windows obscured whoever might be inside. Aria and Michelle exchanged questioning looks, unsure of what to expect. Aria immediately considered stepping aside, assuming their presence might bother whoever owned the car. Michelle shared the same thought, prompting them to start moving away, tightly holding each other's hands. However, someone swiftly emerged from the car, as though in a rush, causing them to halt abruptly. "Miss Booker?" he inquired. Aria seemed momentarily lost, as if unsure whether she was indeed Miss Booker. Michelle nudged her arm, prompting a blink. "Uh, yes?" she responded, studying the man. He wore a sleek black suit with a white shirt underneath and a matching black tie. From head to toe, everything about him was black, even his shoes and the shades he wore. He exuded an air of discretion. "Mr. Hunter sent me to fetch you," he stated, noticing her unease with his appearance. A sigh escaped her lips; she'd been holding her breath. "Why do you look like someone from a kidnapping movie?" Michelle's voice interjected. The man scrutinized Michelle before deciding to answer the question, all the while directing his gaze at Aria. "I’m his bodyguard. I’ve been sent to get you. Can you hurry up and get into the car? Mr. Hunter doesn’t like being kept waiting,” he stated, more as a warning. “Rude,” Michelle murmured under her breath. As Aria gazed at him, she recalled seeing him the previous day walking behind Mr. Asher. Turning to Michelle, she reassured her, “Okay, I’ve gotta go” “Now, are you sure you will be safe? You don’t know him.” “Well, not exactly, but he was beside Mr. Hunter yesterday,” she explained, smiling. Michelle glared at him again. “If anything happens to her, I will break your bones,” she threatened. He scoffed before moving to the other side to open the car door for Aria. Aria sighed and entered the car, stealing one last glance at Michelle as the bodyguard drove off. Twenty minutes later, they arrived outside the most luxurious building Aria had ever seen in her life. Though she had seen images of the Hunter's empire building in magazines, its real-life grandeur surpassed her expectations! “What was that? A 50-story building?” Aria's mouth hung open in astonishment. Thankfully, she noticed the bodyguard smiling slightly, prompting her to close her mouth promptly. “This way,” he directed, leading her. They bypassed the reception area, heading straight to a side walkway that seemed distinct from the main building. It led to an elevator. Using a card, the bodyguard opened it and gestured for her to enter. Within moments, they were already greeted by someone, presumably Hunter's secretary. She smiled at the bodyguard, but her expression turned cold the moment she glanced at Aria. “He is expecting you,” she stated. The man nodded and held the door wide open for Aria to enter. It was clear their journey together had concluded. Aria took a deep breath before cautiously stepping into the office. Dressed in a navy blue clean-cut suit with a partially unbuttoned white shirt and a tie that seemed perpetually adjusted, Mr. Hunter's meticulous attire caught her attention. It was curious how she noticed these details with the most penetrating set of eyes fixed upon her. His gaze had locked onto her the moment she walked through the door, almost as if he anticipated her presence without diverting his eyes from the entrance. As he stared at her intensely, Aria found herself frozen. She couldn’t avert her gaze, nor could she summon the courage to step into the office. His eyes remained fixed on her as he emitted a cold laugh while adjusting his tie, seemingly attempting to loosen it further. A shiver ran down her spine as she observed his odd laughter; it didn’t reflect in his eyes. It resembled the laughter of a devil, foretelling imminent destruction. “Miss Booker,” he uttered, almost with frustration, his gaze locked on her. Her red hair and grey eyes glimmered under the light, a striking combination that held his attention. How can a human being look like that? he pondered silently. “Won’t you come and take a seat?” he asked, raising an eyebrow. “Uhmmm... Yeah,” she responded, her mind spinning. Keeping her head down, she walked over to a chair and sat, followed by a thick silence. She was certain he was scrutinizing her while she kept her gaze lowered. Sensing his eyes probing her, a growing unease surged within her, but she remained composed. “I didn’t expect you to dress this way to meet me,” he remarked, his words slightly irritating Aria. She didn’t respond but lifted her head, gazing at him questioningly. He shrugged, “Many would dress formally, presenting an appealing appearance. They try to sway me with their looks, unaware that it's their intellect that truly matters.” The more he spoke, the more her anger simmered. “Whatever do you mean, Mr. Hunter?” she retorted, her tone curt. She wore a pair of baggy jeans and a fitted shirt—her preferred style, unless an occasion demanded otherwise. This didn’t feel like such an occasion. He let out a subdued chuckle, genuinely amused this time. “Feisty. I didn’t notice that about you last time we met. Interesting,” he remarked, flashing another smile. Finally, something diverted his attention from the excruciating heat of her presence and the urge to draw her close. She was just a mere human. He felt as though he was being punished—not only for finding his mate late but also discovering she was human. This was the ultimate test of patience. He knew he wouldn’t win, but he could try. She seemed unfazed by his looks, neither scared nor swooning. Not yet, at least. Aria noticed the cold sweat on his forehead beginning to dry off, which only fueled her irritation. “What exactly am I here for, Mr. Hunter?” she inquired. If there was no valid reason, she might as well leave. It doesn’t seem like he would sponsor her project anyway. Why waste her time. He gazed at her, his expression shifting to a serious tone. “A couple of reasons, but first, do you have a boyfriend, Aria?” Blinking three times, she chose not to dwell on the way he called her name , focusing instead on the absurdity of such a question. He continued staring at her, feeling an unexpected surge of anger at something as trivial as this what he observed. Despite her scent—reminiscent of marshmallows and strawberries—there was another scent lingering, someone else's. “Why would you—” “Break up with him.”
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