Hunter is devilish

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Hunters mansion The manservant waited for a while after knocking on the door, anticipating a response. "What is it?" Asher's cold voice echoed from behind the door. "I apologize for the disturbance. Your father wishes to speak with you," the man replied in a calm tone. He knew better than to disturb the boss when he was in his study, but since his father, the Alpha, had specifically asked for Asher's presence, the other available servants were unwilling to deliver the message. There was a moment of silence that made the servant fear he had brought upon himself an unbearable punishment. "I'll be there in a minute," Asher responded, a contrasting tone to his previous coldness. Elliot, the manservant, breathed a sigh of relief. Asher had been in a better mood in recent days. Nodding to himself, Elliot departed. Although Asher had been on a mission for hours, he hadn't found exactly what he was searching for. Taking one last look at the person on his screen, he stood up from his chair and headed towards the door. His physical presence was there, but his mind was wandering. He had been preoccupied with thoughts of a particular person. "You called for me?" he asked upon reaching the sitting room where his father was waiting. "It's been a while since you've been home. Is work that demanding?" Mr. Dylan, Asher's father, inquired as soon as his son came into view. "Indeed, it has been. What brings you here? Has something come up?" Asher asked, pouring himself a glass of wine from the table. "You don't seem thrilled to see me, but I won't dwell on that. It's typical of you. Yes, something has come up," Dylan replied, uncrossing his legs and fixing his gaze on his son, who had taken a seat across from him. Asher nodded, urging his father to continue. He took a sip of his wine. "The alpha of our rival pack was attacked a few days ago. They initially thought he had perished, but it appears he survived after receiving intensive care," Dylan informed him. Asher remained silent, his eyes fixed on his father, seemingly unaffected by the words spoken. "Did you hear what I just said, son?" Dylan inquired, slightly irritated by his son's indifference. "I did," Asher replied simply. "Apparently, he was engaged in a fight with a wolf, possibly an alpha. Our pack is now under suspicion, and you know what that entails," Dylan's voice betrayed his concern. "I'm aware," Asher acknowledged. "Asher, do you have any involvement in this?" Dylan abruptly asked, narrowing his gaze at his son. At that moment, Asher swallowed, and a smile slowly formed on his face. "Yes," he admitted honestly, devoid of remorse, and took another sip from his wine. "Asher! Do you realize the consequences of your actions? It's unbelievable how unaffected you appear! Have you lost your mind?" Dylan roared. Although Asher was the alpha in charge of the entire clan and family business, Dylan never failed to assert his dominance as the alpha when necessary. "No, I haven't," Asher replied as he set down his glass. The truth was, his father's rage had little effect on him. He didn't even flinch. "What if he had died?" "Alexander needed to learn a lesson. I intentionally held back; it wasn't enough to kill him." "And when did you start taking it upon yourself to teach people lessons without a valid reason?" Dylan asked, completely perplexed. Asher chuckled. "Without a reason? He nearly killed a girl." "When did you start caring about anyone? You've never cared about anyone!" Asher glanced at his father, sensing the absence of falsehood and having no intention to argue. It was an undeniable truth—he didn't care about anyone. Well, anyone except his mate. His father's eyes widened, unable to conceal the shock that washed over him. Asher, at the age of 27, had lived for years without finding his mate. As he grew older, the conclusion became widespread that Asher was destined to remain mateless. Consequently, he was left with a pool of eager women vying for his attention, hoping to be chosen as his mate. Yet, none of them appealed to him; he used them and discarded them, claiming they didn't meet his standards. "You've... found your mate?" Dylan asked, his confusion palpable. Asher smirked devilishly, knowing that the next revelation would only further astound his father. "Yes, I have. And she's human." *********************************************** Entering her apartment, Aria clutched her files tightly. She quietly made her way to the kitchen and poured herself a glass of water. Suddenly, her best friend's voice startled her, bringing her back to reality. "Jesus, you scared me. I didn't realize you were there," Aria exclaimed, her hand pressed against her chest. "How could you not? The TV's been on for crying out loud. Are you alright? You seem lost in thought," Michelle asked, a concerned look on her face. Aria let out a sigh and finished the water in her glass. "Don't mind me. I guess I'm just anxious about the seminar results. I really want him to choose us," she confessed, joining her friend in the living room. Michelle smiled warmly at her friend. "Darling, I'm sure you did great. Actually, you did amazing. Do you know how brilliant you are? Only a fool wouldn't see it. And I'm positive he's not a fool," Michelle reassured her with unwavering confidence. It was true; the man didn't seem like the type to be easily fooled. However, Aria couldn't help but worry. He was incredibly good-looking, and that unsettled her. She knew it was an odd concern, but she feared that exceptionally attractive individuals often pursued equally stunning partners. Not that she considered herself unattractive, but her competition was exceptionally attractive. The woman possessed alluring curves and dressed provocatively, as if her intention was to seduce. Aria admitted to herself that if she were a man, she would undoubtedly be swayed. This constant fear plagued her thoughts. "I suppose," Aria finally replied after much contemplation. "Good, so cheer up and look forward to working with the famous Asher Hunter!" Michelle exclaimed, brimming with excitement. At the thought of it, Aria couldn't help but gulp. Would she really be working with him? Because she believed all she would do in his presence was stare and daydream. "Except..." she began, but her words trailed off. Except what? She wasn't sure. There was just something about this Hunter guy. Something about his aura that she couldn't quite grasp. "Except what?" Michelle asked, confused. "Well, that's exactly what I'm asking myself. I mean, Hunter... the guy is so handsome and reserved, and his mere presence... whoosh! It gives me goosebumps all over my body, I'm not even joking," Aria explained. Michelle playfully tapped her forehead. "Hey! What's that for?" Aria exclaimed, rubbing her forehead. "It's because you're essentially reconsidering working with the only guy who could make your dreams come true just because he gives you goosebumps," Michelle scolded. "Well... that's true," Aria admitted. "I'm aware." Just then, Aria's phone began to ring. She glanced at the screen and furrowed her brow before answering. "Hello? Who is this?" she asked as she held the phone to her ear. There was silence on the other end. For a moment, nothing, until she heard the soft sound of someone breathing. It was slow and steady. "Hello?" she called again, prepared to hang up if there was no response. "Miss Booker?" a resonant yet unfamiliar voice spoke from the other side of the phone. "Um... yes?" Aria replied, unsure of who it was or how to respond. "You don't know who is speaking, do you?" the man inquired. Aria paused for a moment. The voice sounded oddly familiar, but she didn't think it was possible. Could it be? "I don't," she finally admitted, not wanting to guess incorrectly. "That's sad. I assumed you knew me well enough to seek my support for your project. It seems I was completely mistaken. My apologies. I suppose you're not the right choice," he said, sounding as if he was about to end the call. "Wait, wait, wait! Oh, shoot! I'm so sorry. I should have recognized your voice. I just didn't expect you to be the one calling me. Please forgive me," she pleaded, mentally scolding herself for not recognizing the caller. "I see." "Who is it?" Michelle suddenly asked, eyeing her friend suspiciously. Aria whispered "Asher" to her, and everything went haywire. It wasn't the best choice because now Michelle was jumping and screaming with excitement. "Is everything alright over there?" he asked, sounding concerned. "Um, yes. Everything is perfectly fine," she replied, silently begging her friend to quiet down. "Is there something you need, Mr. Asher?" she asked when he remained silent for a while. "As a matter of fact, yes. I need you to come to my office tomorrow around 9 am. We have to discuss your project, don't you think?" he requested. Excitement surged through her. "Of course, most definitely! Um, where..." "My driver will come to pick you up," he stated simply. Driver? "Why would... um? I think I can find my own way, and besides, he wouldn't know exactly where I live," she explained. "Just be ready by 9," he said dismissively before ending the call. Aria stared into space, her mouth slightly agape. "Don't just sit there, tell me what happened!” Michelle cried. Aria swallowed hard, “he wants to meet”
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