
1589 Words
Aria observed him. She had surpassed the phase of extreme shock, now regarding him as though he were utterly foolish. She blinked, then repeated the motion. "Excuse me?" Aria queried. Asher snorted, maintaining an unwavering gaze at her. His golden eyes appeared to blaze, momentarily losing their golden hue. "You heard me," he stated, disregarding her incredulous expression, seemingly unconcerned by the inappropriateness of his remark. Despite numerous men seeking her attention, Aria was unattached. Yet, it felt entirely amiss for this man she'd just met to dictate her actions. "I heard you, but what gives you the right to dictate that?" she asked, displaying slight irritation. He glanced at her, a smile forming at the corner of his lips. Her red hair gleamed in the light, her eyes sparkling, and her slender physique... Yet, despite her striking beauty, her body didn't align with his usual preferences. He struggled to maintain distance and focus solely on her face. She noticed his lingering gaze exploring her figure. This man ranked among the oddest individuals she'd encountered. Was she angry with him while he was eyeing her up? A sudden realization struck her—was that the reason he had summoned her? Was it because he found her appealing and intended to exploit it? How had she not considered that?! As her eyes widened, a smile graced his lips. She tried to speak but found herself transfixed by him. His radiant golden eyes, chiseled face, and hair—qualities fit for a hair product advertisement. What made him so captivating? He had an almost ethereal allure. It dawned on her—she wasn't just staring at anyone; she was facing Asher Hunter, the man she adored whenever she glimpsed him on the news or in magazines. Suddenly, her voice failed her. Then, he uttered something that left her even more astonished. "His scent is all over you," he said, devoid of anger this time. Firstly, there is no 'he,' and secondly, you're not detecting any scent. I'm not even near you. Are you calling yourself a dog?" she asked, her eyes widening as she realized her words and promptly closed her mouth. She just called him a dog. His gaze narrowed at her. He would've sworn she was the most astute person he'd ever encountered. How was she not recognizing what he was? Hadn't she heard of werewolves before? Why was she likening him to a dog? Observing his silence after her statement, she flicked her hair to the side innocently, a hint of apology in her expression. "I'm sorry for saying that," she offered. However, Asher's thoughts and focus had moved beyond that moment; he was fixated on her neck. A low growl escaped his lips, his eyes blazing dangerously. Was he that furious? Oh dear. What had she done? "I'm sorry," she whispered again, her voice significantly softer. His intense gaze made her shiver, noticing the veins on his hands and temples as he chewed on nothing. Beads of cold sweat formed on his forehead once more. "Mr. Asher?" she called, but his fixed gaze remained. Why was he so enraged? Despite expecting his fury to make her flee, she felt an odd urge to approach and touch him. So, she did just that. Slowly, she reached out and gently laid a hand on his arm, the one resting on the table. Instantly, he looked at her, as though abruptly returning to reality. He briefly closed his eyes, pondering if his gaze had already revealed things he wished to conceal. When he reopened his eyes, they appeared serene, hoping he hadn't scared her away. "I'm sorry," she repeated. It took a moment for him to grasp what she was apologizing for. Oh. He wasn't upset about that, if only she knew. "Why forestry? Do you prefer the wilderness?" he asked, disregarding her apology entirely. She felt a pang of sadness; it seemed he had stopped trying to banter and was now strictly business. She smiled, "I appreciate trees. Ensuring their well-being results in quality resources, like timber. Maintaining healthy sources is key, right? And returning to nurture them..." Her eyes glowed with enthusiasm. "But, truthfully, I just love the forest—its insects, birds, swaying trees, and..." She paused, deep in thought. And what?" She smiled knowingly. "Well, the animals. Now that I think about it, was it a dog I saw in the forest? Probably. But I mistook it for a wolf. It certainly resembled one," she glanced up at Asher and immediately realized. "Oh no, I promise I don't believe in werewolves, just regular wolves," she hastily added as she noticed his bewildered expression. "But whether it was a wolf or a dog, Archie saved me. Its golden eyes were so benevolent towards me. Who said animals aren't affectionate?" she expressed fondly. Meanwhile, Asher remained fixated on Archie. "Archie?" he asked, utterly perplexed. She nodded. "Yes, I named it that after it acted like a hero. It's so courageous," she mused dreamily. Asher looked at her, then down at himself—had he just been given a name? It seemed he couldn't suppress his wolf anymore. "I like the name," Collen chimed in with excitement. "Shut up," Asher warned. "Isn't she beautiful?" Collen persisted with equal excitement. Immediately, Asher silenced him. "Do you think I'm odd?" She pondered, seemingly contemplating it now. He shook his head. "Not really, love. Just that it might have its own name." Love? She raised an eyebrow. "Well, I don't care. That's the name I've given it, and I'll keep calling it that," she asserted firmly. A smile curved at his lips. "Keep? Do you plan on meeting it again? It's not safe out there, especially at night," he cautioned. She didn't seem to notice. "Yes! I'll go and find it. I agree it's unsafe, but Archie would protect me." Asher sighed... Seemingly, he would need to be there to ensure her safety. Instantly, he stood up and shed his suit. At that exact moment, Aria's train of thought vanished as her gaze fixated on his chest and the way his muscles shifted while removing his jacket. She swallowed hard, her mouth watering involuntarily. Why was he undressing? And why was his physique so well-defined? Asher didn't appear overly muscular, yet he possessed an ideal physique. She observed the rise and fall of his chest with each breath. Aria mentally shook her head, questioning when she started fixating on men in such a manner. Well, it began today because, apparently, she'd never encountered anyone like him. He seemed divine. He resembled a god. And he was aware of it. He smiled, then strolled gently toward her with a piece of paper. Aria found it hard to breathe as he moved and stood directly behind her. It felt as if she was glued to the chair because Aria remained completely still, her gaze fixed on the spot where he had stood. However, she felt every motion he made, especially when he leaned in toward her shoulder, his breath warming her exposed skin. It was warm, deliberate, and... alluring. What was happening? Why was she panting instead? Her heart felt like it might burst at any moment. He was too close—she might lose control. "Breathe," his soft voice whispered right into her ear. "You're... you're too close," she stammered. He smiled knowingly. He was aware of his proximity, yet he couldn't resist her scent. He desired her intensely, an urge to claim her right then and there against the table. His wolf urged for more. Aware of her humanity, he knew he needed to be gentle and take things slowly. He glanced at her earlobe, longing to press his lips against it. As he moved closer to do just that, a knock interrupted them. Aria, who had been sitting as if under a spell, abruptly jolted from her chair, breathing heavily. He glanced at her and felt a surge of irritation toward whoever was at the door. "Sir, your girlfriend is here," his secretary's voice came from the other side. Instantly, irritation surged within him. He wanted to lash out at her and planned to fire her for the interruption. Aria swallowed hard, suddenly feeling foolish. Was she truly about to let someone she'd just met yesterday touch her inappropriately? She wanted to scold herself—was she under some sort of spell? Why was she immobilized? Why was she anticipating his touch rather than just his breath? And why did she have an urge to slap him upon discovering he had a girlfriend? She felt like she was losing her mind. Absolutely losing it. "Here," he said, handing her the paper he had held, his earlier gentleness vanished. She reached out and realized it wasn't just a sheet but several pages. Glancing at it, she saw it pertained to the agreement, detailing the donation for the project and more. "You and your teammates should review this. Let me know when you've made a decision," he instructed, emphasizing the "you." She nodded faintly. "Thank you, Mr. Hunter," she murmured as she headed for the door. He noticed a certain expression in her eyes but said nothing, allowing her to depart. As she reached the door and managed to open it, she hurried outside. Immediately, she spotted the most stunning blonde she'd ever seen entering the office, exuding a poised demeanor. Their eyes met, and she received a disdainful glance. Simultaneously, she couldn't believe her eyes—she definitely caught the secretary smirking.
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