Angry truth

1658 Words
JARED'S POV -- I stand under the shower head, the steaming hot water pours over my back as I stare at the tiled wall in front of me, regret and confusion sworms in my mind. I don't know why I freaked out when I knocked on her bedroom door and she didn't answer, but then I snapped when I saw her curled up on the bed, her suitcase laying next to her and the sudden thought of having her leave my house made my chest burst and I couldn't contain my anger even though I tried my best. I get dressed, and while I wait downstairs for her, I receive a text that has my entire night turned around. Unknown Number: She’s a pretty one, if I were you, I’d keep her close. As if on que, the soft taps of her heels make me look up, and as soon as my eyes land on her wearing a black short dress that is longer on the one side, a slit so high that I could only imagine what kind of underwear she’s wearing. The diamond bracelet around her wrist sparkles as her hand glides down the railing. Her necklace shines, and her gorgeous hair flows down around her shoulders. She stops in front of me, smiling and she turns, revealing her open back, the material hanging just above her ass, “You like?” she beams, and I nod, grinning. “Are you ready?” I motion to the door. I try my best not to look at her, but she’s stunning, and it’s hard to peel my eyes away from her, but I have to before I get stuck in the depths that is her own life. She doesn’t deserve all of this, and she can’t know about what I really do. Camilla Diaz is a saint, she’s kind and she’s been through so much, more than she deserved and I just put her in line of fire because I spent the entire day with her…and now I’m taking her out for dinner. “Yep,” she beams, clutching her little purse as she strides towards the door and I nod at the guard standing outside and he walks her to the car as I call up the restaurant that’s an hour away and have it booked out completely so that no one can follow us, or be around us. After tonight, I will need to stop spending so much time with her or she will become the target of my number one enemy, and there is no way that I will ever put her in danger. We arrive at the restaurant an hour away, and Cami hasn’t stopped looking out of the window, admiring the city lights and all I can admire is her. Her skin looks so soft, so tanned and her eyes sparkle and light up when she gets excited when seeing something that makes her happy. The restaurant sits on top of a hill, and as we arrive, she looks around, a slight frown forming on her pretty forehead. “Is it even open?” she murmurs, and I let out a scoff, “Yes, they are.” I nod and her eyebrows knit together as her eyes narrow on the place. There are lights on, but it’s very faint and a wave of fear falls over me. I hope they don’t think this should be romantic or something, because I don’t want Camilla to get the wrong idea. My guard goes in first while I get the door for Cami to make sure it’s safe before we go inside, and to my shock, all that Camilla eats the entire night is sushi. Who the hell just eats sushi for dinner? “Does that even make you full?” I snort as I cut my steak, and she looks up as she stuffs an entire piece into her mouth, smiling as she nods. “And that’s all you’re going to eat?” I raise my brows, and she slightly tilts her head back, chewing faster and she gulps down her food before answering me, “I can eat about twelve pieces before I’m full.” She shrugs as she grabs another piece with her chopsticks and continues to eat. "Sir, you can't come in here." I hear Mason's voice, my first body guard, my right hand and trusted friend. "Sir!" A loud bang follows, and I stare at Cami's shocked expression as she stares at the door, dropping her sushi onto the plate and I slowly put my fork down, holding the steak knife in my hand as I slowly get up, and Cami falls silent as I turn and Derek stands there with Alison. I could tell that she doesn't recognise me, because if she did, she would have made a joke about how good looking I have become. "Leave," I threaten, and Derek doesn't even acknowledge me, because he's looking right at Camilla with a grin on his face while Alison giggles for no reason, swaying as she stands still. The manager comes over, stopping right in front of the intruders, "We're closed, you have to leave, please." he speaks to them with kindness, yet Derek's eyes drag down the manager's body, his eyes narrowing, "Who the hell are you to kick me out, do you know who I am?" he sneers, and the manager pulls his shoulders back, sighing, "I don't, I'm sorry." Alison's smile is wiped off her face, and Derek becomes visibly upset, so I strut forward, "Leave, this is a private party." I grit out, gripping the knife tighter in my fist. "And who the hell are you?" Derek scoffs, but I know better than to answer that truthfully. "It really depends who's asking," I shrug, flipping the knife that the blade is pointed up towards my arm. "Arrogant bastard," Derek sneers. "I'm no bastard, I'm pure bred, made in my own empire, unlike you." I sneer and he takes a step towards me, but Camilla's chair screetches over the floor, "Derek!" she snaps, and Alison rolls her eyes at the sound of her step-sister's voice. “Look who’s standing up for her new lover,” Alison slurs, clicking her tongue. “And look who’s on the arm of a cheater,” I snort, staring her down. Alison slightly pulls her head back, glaring at me, “Derek chose me. He will always choose me.” her attitude doesn’t affect me, because all she ever will be is childish. “And what will you think when he comes home late drunk? What will you do when he doesn’t want to share the password to his phone?” I question, and she scoffs, but Derek steps forward, holding his arm out in front of her protectively. “You don’t know me,” Derek murmurs, his words clear. “No one knows you, not even you yourself because all you do is disrupt everyone, including your own life. You lost the very best thing in your life, you betrayed her for a childish woman who will never satisfy you,” I sneer, my grip tightening around the handle of the knife. “Camilla is poor, she’s after my money, she is a gold digger!” Derek yells, his anger directed towards Cami who stands beside me, and I grab her hand with my free one when she tries to launch at him. “Camilla owns an empire,” My anger speaks before my mind could think of what I’m saying, and Derek’s eyes widen. “What?” he laughs, but it fades rather quickly when he notices that I’m serious. “What empire?”, “Now that is none of your business,” I lift the knife, pointing it at him and I could hear Camilla’s soft gasp beside me. “Someone call the cops!” Alison screams, and Derek takes a step back cautiously. “This is a private party, now leave.” I motion to the door with the knife, and Derek scoffs as he turns to Alison. “This place is dead anyway.” He drags her away, and I can’t help but wonder how the hell he found her. He walked into this place like he knew she was here, his eyes locked on her the second I turned to face him, and Alison was sharp with her tongue. They were prepared, and there is no way that I will let that happen again. I will find out how they found her, and I will kill that connection, because not only is she not save, I just spilled her secret. The second they step foot out of the restaurant, she snatches her hand out of mine, scoffing loudly to exclaim her anger. I slowly turn, “I’m sorry.” I look at her bare back, and she grabs her purse that’s hooked over the back of her chair, “I cannot believe that you told him my biggest secret!” she yells. “I’m sorry, Camilla. I just got so angry, and I couldn’t stand that he was calling you a gold digger, because you aren’t one.”, “I know that!” she screams so loudly that the waiter averts his attention somewhere else. “I’m sorry!” I apologize again, but the anger in her eyes stay there. “Next time, use your brain! I know you have one, so don’t forget it on the plate! You just blew up my life, and I don’t think you understand how badly it is going to get.”, “I will protect you.” I straighten my back, “I don’t need it, I want to go home.” she deadpans, and I pull out a wad of cash and put it on the table, “Come,” I hold out my arm, but she glares at me and storms out.
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