Turned Around

1750 Words
CAMILLA’S POV — I never thought that buying a house would be this...frustrating. Driving house to house in the back seat of the realator's car with Jared, and the small Fiat car has us squeezed in the back seat, especially with Jared's long legs that's all over just to fit, and it doesn't help that the realator keeps on talking about houses that we haven't seen yet. All the houses she's describing sounds beautiful, but I'm not going to buy the first pretty house I see. I want it to scream at me that it's the opposite of Derek's now empty house, and I'm sure that I'll be receiving a call from him tomorrow when he gets home. He thinks I'm after his money, but he surely forgot how much I've bought for his house, and how many night's I pay in stead of him. He thinks because he's a fancy manager at a high end store that he's rich, which I guess he is, but he's not as rich as I am. "So this first house is simple luxury," Elle explains, and I just stare in front of me, nodding as I stare at the side of her face. She's a pretty woman, one with great potential, and she looks kind too, but who knows what her taste in homes are, and if she even really cares about what I want. I have made it clear I need it to be at least half an hour away the furthest from my company and I must say that she pulled up a few homes that are the perfect distance away, some even closer to the city. We pull into the driveway, and I stare at the large house, it looks simple yet so beautiful like she explained. The house looks like it has at least three stories, the pillars and surrounding wrap around porch is what gives it an old look, but the clear big windows and gorgeous lawn and big trees makes it look like a beautiful family home, but I don't have a family and no one to fill up the rooms in this house. I look over at Jared as he texts on his phone, deep frown lines form on his face and I choose not to bother him. My eyebrows raise, and I turn towards the door as the car stops. We stride up to the house, and the realator yaps on about how gorgeous the place is, but my heart is already weighing heavier than when we were inside the car, because I have no one. I am all alone since my mother chose Alison's side over mine, again. Derek has had an affair with Alison for God knows how long, and he, like everyone else, chose her over me. I had hate growing inside of my heart for years, for Alison, for her father, and for my very own mother but I've supressed it because they were my family...and I loved my mother, until she chose her... I'm her daughter, and yet nothing to her. I'm her flesh and blood, and yet she acts like I'm just a guest in our home. "Are you alright?" Elle murmurs, looking at me with concern when I notice her expression. I guess my face has shown what my heart does, "Yes, I apologize, my mind is occupied with other things,", "Which is understandable," she beams gracefully, and I just blantly stare at her with wide eyes, "This house is too big for me," I deadpan, glancing around the empty house. "Of course," she smiles, but it isn't as bright as the others. House after house, everything just doesn't feel right, every single house has something inside it that reminds me of Derek's home, the one I've been casted out of, the one where the memories haunt me and there is no way that I will be buying a house where I don't feel at home. At the very end of the day, Jared has still not been into one of the houses, yet he has been adimant about driving around with me yet he hasn't said a word or even look up from his phone. The first time Jared glances up from his phone, he frowns deeply as we stop at the realator's office, "What are we doing back here?" he glances around, looking at Elle and then at me, "It's three pm, the day is over." I deadpan. I admit my tone was cold and I was snappy, but I really thought that I would have found a place that would just feel like home, and that I would buy it right at this very moment, but no...I will have to make another appointment and look at even more houses. Everything she showed me was just too big, and perhaps it's time to look at apartments instead of the houses. "Well did you find anything?" Jared yawns, stretching his arms up above his head. "No," I shut the door with too much force, and Elle whips around, glancing between me and her little car. "Well what didn't you like?" she averts her gaze when Jared turns his head and glares at her. "I want to look at apartments inside of New York." I deadpan, and Jared's head turns and he stares at me baffledly. "Are you sure?" he asks, and I simply nod and strut towards the car, "I want to go home," not that I even know where home is, but Jared apparently knows as he opens the car door for me, nods at Elle before getting in the car, and he drives us back to his place. Draped over the couch is a red haired woman, wearing bright red lingerie, her legs spread and she's wearing a black lace robe that's completely see through. Her skin is pale, and her eyes bright green, and the moment I walk in, she sits up with a bright, seductive smile, but it falters as her eyes lock on me, and those emerald orbs flick over to Jared walking in behind me, and they widen. She scrambles, trying to cover herself and position herself right, "Mr. Storm, I apologize...do I have the date wrong?" she beams, looking all innocent. I glance over my shoulder at my once best friend, grinning at him as my eyebrows raise, "s**t, no...I'm sorry." he shakes his head, "I forgot about our..." he stops talking and looks at me, and then back at the beautiful woman, "Appointment," he sighs and strides over to her. He holds out his hand, and she gently takes it and leans into him as he whispers something into her ear. I find my way back to my room, feeling like I'm intruding on Jared's social activities and life while being here...Perhaps I can get a hotel, and then I won't be such a problem to anybody in my life. As I pack my bag, fate calls upon me as my phone rings, and I stare at Derek’s name flashing on my screen. What the hell does he want? I pick up my phone, a million different apologies and excuses runs through my head, yet not a single one makes me want to forgive him. My heart still bleeds for what he has done to me, and here I am, contemplating if I should even take this call. One of two things can happen, and one is that I can forgive him if he apologizes, or we end up in a big fight. I’m manipulated by my own feelings and drawn into the hope of reconciliation, thinking that I could save my marriage, I answer the call, and instantly regret it when he snaps at me, “Where are you? How dare you steal from me? Who was that man? Was he the one in the picture?” The hope drains out of me like energy is drained out of a battery, and I roll my eyes. “How dare you cheat on me with Alison of all people and then lie and blame me for betraying you?” I snap back. “You did betray me, now answer my questions.” he demands, “I don’t owe you anything,” I sneer and end the call with a heavy weight pushing down on my chest. “How stupid can I be?” I sigh and sit down on the bed, staring at the empty suitcase as tears swell in my eyes. I have nowhere to go, and this is the only place where I am safe and where I can sleep. Jared is the only friend I have, he’s the only true friend I ever had. I’m safe here, in the mansion of my whoring friend, who does God knows what, and letting him take care of me in his own kind of way. He’s giving me shelter, and he listens when I talk, and that is more than I ever had in my own house growing up. I lay back, rolling on my side and I pull a pillow down under my head, snuggling into the soft plush and I fall asleep only to be waken up by an upset Jared, brushing his knee against mine a tad aggressively. I look at him over the suitcase, “What?” I groan as I wipe my eyes, “Where are you going?” he snatches the suitcase, tossing it to the ground angrily. “Nowhere.” I deadpan, sitting up, “Then why the suitcase?” he kicks it, his hands fisting. “What is wrong with you?” I snap, yelling at him. “You can’t just leave!” he snarls, “I’m not leaving!” I scream and his eyes narrow before his face relaxes, “Don’t just leave,” he breathes out, sounding defeated. “I won’t,” I shake my head, and his shoulders drop as he nods. His eyes drag down and up my body, and it looks like he’s trying to spot something on me, that’s how intense his stare is… “Let’s go out to eat,” a small smile forms on his face, “What about your guest?” I taunt, and he slips his hands into his pockets, scoffing, “As a guest should, she left after some talking,” he grins and I roll my eyes, “I want sushi.” I deadpan, and his eyes narrow but I stare him down until he agrees.
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