
1024 Words
CAMILLA’S POV — I know Jared would never intentionally do anything to hurt me, but he just blew up my biggest secret to the back stabbing bastard that I trusted with my entire life. I have an extremely bad feeling that he will do something idiotic, but there’s always a chance that he won’t know what Jared was talking about. My life could explode any second, and here I am, trying my best to avert my attention to somewhere else. I can’t think of the what if’s, and I can’t handle the thought of Derek destroying me even more than he already has… I sit on the bed, afraid of the unknown as I pick at my nails, wondering if he and Alison is going to ask my dearest mother about what they have learned tonight, but she doesn’t know either, and such a big secret is going to piss my mother off so badly, but there is a way to fool her…I could just tell her it was a lie, but that would also mean speaking to her, which I’m not doing. I’m not speaking to her anymore, so what if she doesn’t want to talk to me either? I think that it would be a win-win in life, and that maybe she wouldn’t even believe them. A knock on my door makes me look up, and Jared stands there, looking directly at me with his icy orbs that are almost see through with how blue they are. “What?” I snap, and he carelessly stands upright, humming as he enters the room. “I was thinking…” Jared nods, glancing around until he’s standing right in front of the bed, “How did he find you?” his question catches me off guard, and I frown at him. “How did he find me?” I raise my brows, “Yes.” Jared crosses his inked arms over his chest, staring at me with narrow eyes as if accusing me of something. “What do you mean find me? He and Alison just showed up at the restaurant.” I deadpan, and he rolls his eyes, looking a bit annoyed. “I promise you that them finding you was no accident.” he raises his brow, “What makes you think that?” I scoff, and he shrugs, lifting his knee onto the bed. Jared’s trousers gets stiff around his thigh, every muscle and dent is seen through the material as his leg flexes. I know I shouldn’t be staring, but he has gotten so strong and muscular that I can’t believe this was once my best friend when I was little. “Because I had security at the door, and there was a closed sign on the door. Literally no one else would have entered, but they did because they knew you were in here.” It somewhat didn’t make sense, but it also made sense. It was like a new perspective that sounded absurd, but made so much sense that it made a lot of confusion from the past click. Derek used to show up at the same places I did when I had an unexpected meeting or when I got together with my mom without telling him, or sometimes even when I got together with a friend during the day. He would always buy something he doesn’t even like, and then be surprised to see me there. He would always show up when I went somewhere he didn’t know about, and I hate that I believed that it was fate just bringing us together. I look down at my phone, frowning at it and I pull my clear case cover off and slide my earring out of my ear to open to sim card tray. I never take it out, because I don’t need to. “What are you doing?” Jared’s voice is filled with concern, but I ignore him as I pull the tray out, and my sim card drops into my palm, but a smaller sim card drops in front of my legs. I look up at Jared with wide eyes, and then my gaze drops back down to the smaller sim card. Jared leans forward, picking it up and he frowns as he inspects it carefully, “Derek is a f*****g dead man.” he grits out, looking pissed as he curls his fingers and his hands form a fist. His forearms flex, and he grinds his teeth as he turns on his heel, “Is that it?” I ask loudly, and Jared turns, his eye twitching. “The tracker? Yes.” he grunts, looking like he is going to kill someone. “Then why don’t we have a little bit of fun?” I smile, and his frown deepens. “Meaning?” Jared scoffs, and I slide my sim card tray back into my phone while I smile, “I mean that we waste his f*****g time and send him on a goose chase.” I shrug, and his lips twitch up as he smiles just as brightly as I do. “I see where you are going with this, but what do you have in mind, specifically?” I shouldn’t feel so overjoyed and powerful by the fact that I can screw around with Derek, but he’s been screwing around with me for much longer, and no one is going to get hurt…So why can’t I have a little fun too? He probably had eventful nights with Alison all the time, and yet he is still choosing to follow me around, asking questions that he has no right to do anymore and screw up my life even after breaking up with me. All that man wants is control, and now he will know what it will feel like to not be in control, and I hope it crushes him. I hope it screws with his head so much that he thinks he’s going crazy, because after everything he did to blow up our life that I thought was perfect, he f*****g deserves to know that he can’t f**k with me.
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