Chapter Six

1139 Words
Chapter Six  The school day was dragging and as predicted, I had a note in home room saying I had to go and see the principal at Lunch time to ‘’speak about my absences’’ during my last lessons yesterday. Why? I skipped, its obvious, Any excuse I give them wont be good enough so why do they actually care?  I completely tuned out through all my lessons, even Mr Taylor’s. I just couldn’t focus, though, In all fairness, I didn’t want to either. The school day was so boring with out Peter and Jenna. It really made me realise how much of a loner I actually was. Soon enough, the lunch bell rang and every one filed out their classes and headed to the cafeteria, or where ever it was that they were going to hang out. I moved as slow as humanly possible through the corridors, towards the offices.  ‘Hey... Julie?’ I looked over to see Mr Taylor coming through the doors, smiling. I stopped briefly to see what he wanted. ‘How are you feeling today?’  ‘Fine’. Why was he asking?  ‘Is that all?’ He crossed his arms, looking amused, I, on the other hand, was far from it.  ‘Yes’.  ‘Very talkative today, aren’t you?’ I shrugged. ‘Ok, Ok, Have a good lunch’. Clearly giving up, he walked off towards the staff room. I watched him go, Taking a sneaky look at his ass as he went. He was so attractive. Shaking the thoughts away, I headed in to the offices and sat down, Waiting.  Mrs Black, the receptionist looked up and clocked me.  ‘Back again Julie?’  ‘You know it, Mrs B’. She chuckled and stood up, knocking on the Principles door to let him know I was here before she sat back down again and continued typing... What ever it was that she was doing before I came in.  I rested my elbow on the arm rest and plonked my chin on my hand, Tapping my cheek with my fingers, bored. Why do they tell you to come at a certain time and then make you wait? I heard the doors open and looked over.  It was the ‘’new kid’’. When he clocked me, he smiled and went over to speak to Mrs Black before coming and sitting next to me.  ‘What you in for?’ He asked with a sweet smile. He was so different from that first time I had met him, I guess you really can’t judge a book by its cover.  ‘I missed a few lessons yesterday’. He ‘’ohh’’ed. ‘What about you?’ ‘Nothing exciting, Just having to have the ‘’How are you getting on’’ chat.’  ‘Oh, how exciting!’.  ‘It will be the high light of my day’. We both shared a laugh until someone coughing made us be quiet.  ‘Nice to see you acting so seriously Julie. Please Come in to my office’. I said a quick good bye and headed in to the office with the principle. Well, This should be fun…  ** Storming out of the office, I ignored every one in the waiting room and just left the reception. As predicted, he didn’t care about my ‘’excuse’’. He just thought I was off some where deliberately skipping lessons and causing trouble.  That's the thing, Teachers never give you the benefit of the doubt.  I was so f*****g annoyed. I had to sit there and just take it. Him shouting about how ‘’I do this’’ and how ‘’I do that’’. Bull s**t.  I went to my locker to get my lunch and slammed it loudly behind myself.  ‘Woah, Woah, Woah, Calm down. I’m sure that poor locker didn’t do any thing to deserve the abuse’. I sighed and turned to look at Mr Taylor. What the f**k did he want? ‘Sir, can you leave me alone please’. I was blunt and to the point, before I started walking away again.  ‘Well, actually I wanted to talk to you. Are you free for a minute?’ I stopped.  ‘Not really, I’ve just wasted most of my lunch, I’m hungry’. He smiled.  ‘It will only take a minute. I’ll write you a note if you are late for your next class’. Sighing, i followed him to his class room and he closed the door.  ‘Ok...What?’  ‘I just wanted to make sure every thing is ok? At school… at home?’ I rolled my eyes and shook my head, angrier than I was before.  ‘What, so is this you trying to be my ‘’friend’’? I told you yesterday I didn’t want to talk about it’. He held his hands up in defence.  ‘Ok, ok, We won’t talk about it, but I’ll reiterate, if you ever need some one to talk to, I’m here’. I just shrugged. ‘Ok then. So, What punishment did you get for missing lessons yesterday?’  ‘Detention. For the rest of the week. Fun’. My sarcasm was thick, obvious. It was only Tuesday. ‘Which will be super fun so getting home, Of course, they dont give a s**t about that’.  ‘How will you get home?’ I shrugged. ‘Come to my room after your detentions. If im hear I’ll give you a lift’. I looked up at him, confused. Why was he always so nice?  ‘Really?’ He nodded. My expression softened and I gave him a genuine smile. ‘Thanks, Mr T’.  ‘No problem, just drop the attitude’. I opened my mouth to say some thing but thought best of it and just nodded. He gave me a quick, friendly wink and stood up, walking back over to his desk and started working on what I assume was grading papers. ‘Eat your lunch, Don’t want to be late for your next class and get detention or some thing, hey?’ I didn’t look up but I heard him chuckle.  Grinning, I got my lunch out and started eating it, Well, Could be worse I suppose…
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