Chapter Five

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Chapter Five After about an hour, I was starting to get hungry. I headed in to the kitchen to look over some take out menu’s and grab the phone so that I could order something. I decided on some Chinese, ordered it and then went to sit in the front room and wait for it.  Watching, crappy TV to pass the time, i couldn’t help but think about Jenna, and how she so suddenly got sick. It was weird, she seemed fine this morning. Maybe I’ll give her a call.  Picking my phone up, I dialled her number and waited for her to answer. It rang a few times before someone picked it up.  ‘Hello?’ It wasn’t Jenna. It was Peter.  ‘Hey Pete, It’s me. Is Jenna there?’ There was some mumbling in the back ground, but I couldn’t make out what was being said. ‘Hello?’  What the hell was going on? ‘Hey, Yeah sorry, She’s here but she's about to grab a shower’.  ‘Oh, Ok, Well I just wanted to make sure she’s ok’.  ‘Oh, She’s fine, just wasn’t feeling too well earlier. The doctor said there's a bug going around so she’ll be off for a few days. She will call you tomorrow’.  ‘Ok, Well, Give her my love’.  ‘I will See you around’. I was about to respond when he just hung up. Ok, Weird and rude much?! He’s never normally so blunt, I wonder what his problem was.  Shrugging it off, I put the phone away and focused back on the Tv... A good hour or so had passed and there was still no sign of any Chinese. Where the hell was it? I got up and walked over to the window, Looking out. It was pitch black outside so I couldn’t see anything, Plus, the rain was still going strong and heavy. Maybe the weather was affecting the traffic or something, but still, Maybe I’ll ring them and ask.  As I dialled the number, Someone knocked at the door. Ah, there it is. I put the phone down again and made my way over to the door, Fiddling with the money as I went and pulled it open without looking to see who it was.  ‘Hey there, I-’ I froze when i saw who it was. ‘What the hell are you doing here?!’ I jumped forward and wrapped the soaking wet man in a big hug before pulling away and pulling him inside the house where it was warm and dry.  ‘Well, I’m just here visiting and figured I’d stop by and say hey’. I had to hug him again, i was just so happy to see him.  ‘God, I missed you!’.  ‘I missed you too’. Eddie was mine, Jemma’s and Pete’s best friend. We were all pretty inseparable for the past 15 years! Until he moved away last summer. He comes back every now and then to visit, It's always a nice surprise! ‘Well, I am waiting for my Chinese to turn up if you’re hungry?’ As if I said the magic words, His stomach rumbled. ‘That’s what I thought’. Laughing, he went to sit down on the sofa, while I went ahead and called the restaurant to see what the heck was going on with the food..  Once the food finally arrived, which they only charged me half price for due to the long wait, We sat and stuffed our faces while we watched the Simpsons. Turned out the reason why Peter was so short on the phone was because Eddie was there with them and he didn't want to ruin the surprise for me for when he came over here.  ‘So, How’s life in New York treating you? I asked, curious. He just smiled.  ‘Boring’. I gave him a ‘’really?’’ look. How is NEW YORK CITY boring?! ‘Ok, Ok, It's good, I’m seeing someone, but I miss home and I miss you guys’  ‘Awww, Well I’m glad you’re FINALLY seeing someone’ Eddie had been single for the longest time, By choice, I’m sure because he was hot as hell, but, I was happy for him.  ‘Thanks. So, what’s new around here?’ I shrugged. ‘Oh, that much huh? How fun’. We both shared a laugh.  ‘Well, There’s a new kid at school. He’s cute I guess, but a bit weird’. He raised his eyebrow. ‘Don’t ask. There have been a few power cuts recently roo, which is annoying’.  ‘Why, Still afraid of the dark?’ I pouted and slapped his arm, making him drop some of his chips on the floor.  ‘Yeah, you still afraid of birds?!’ I shot back, He rolled his eyes at me, ‘Yeah, that's what I thought’. We both laughed again and carried on eating our dinner.  The night pretty much went from there, We watched a few movies, pigged out and then Eddie fall asleep on the sofa, I covered him with a blanket and headed to bed. I was shattered and had school in the morning... Alone… fun...
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