Chapter Seven

560 Words
Chapter Seven  ** A few days later ** Sat in detention with every one else, I was bored out of my head. I kept clock watching, preying the time would just hurry up so I could go home, but it didn’t. The more I willed it, the slower it seemed to go.  Jenna was still off Sick, but Pete was back, and funny enough, he was next to me in detention too. Apparently he had been caught trying to sneak out of school grounds at lunch time, to go see Jenna, but of course, they didn’t care and threw his ass in to detention.  I kept one eye on the teacher and snuck my phone out of my pocket. I looked over and noticed he was texting on his phone too.  ‘Pssst… Pete?’ He looked over. ‘You talking to Jen?’ He nodded. ‘Whats going on with her?’  ‘She’s just not very well’.  ‘Yeah, but why?’ He leaned over; ‘She will tell you when she's ready’. His answer confused me more. What the f**k does that mean? What was wrong with her? I just shrugged and started sending her a text, asking if she was ok and wishing her to get better soon. ‘Hey?’ I heard Pete whisper again.  ‘What?’ Sticking his hand out, he passed me over a piece of gum. I smiled and took it. ‘Thanks’.  ‘No problem’. That was pretty much our whole conversation for the rest of the detention. Pete wasn’t much of a talker, he never has been, in all the years I’ve known him. Jenna normally does the talking for both of them.  They are super cute together, We’ve all been friends since we were younger, me, Eddie, Pete and Jenna, they ‘’got together’’ when we were about 10… well, as much as two 10 year years can be together any way, obviously they didn’t get serious until we were in our teens.  They were each others first loves and to be completely honest, I bet they will go all the way and stay together, or at least I hope they will.  J: Hey Eddie, What you up to tonight?’  When Jenna hadn’t text me back, I decided to text Eddie instead. He was always free to talk, and as predicted, it didn’t take long to get a reply.  E: Hey bud, Ah I’m busy tonight, I have to go to some weird family thing.. Funnn ;)  Aww that sucks, I could really use some one to hang out with. Sighing, I text him back some thing random and was about to put my phone away when Jenna text me and said she was busy and couldn’t talk.  What the hell was with her recently?!  ‘Hey, Pete?’ He stopped doodling and looked over. ‘Are you seeing Jenna tonight?’  ‘Nah, she has some random family thing to go to’. Wait.. thats EXACTLY what Eddie said.  ‘What family thing?’ he just shrugged and went back to his doddle. Ok, Some thing weird is going on...
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