Chapter Three

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Jacob POV “Looks good to me guys. It’s only 3:00 now, so I think we’ll wait an hour or so to light it. What do you guys think? Guys?” I turned to see which girl had gotten their attention this time. “Are you sure that’s her? It can’t be.” “I’m telling you Ben, that’s Heather. Who else hangs out with Dawn?” I looked down the beach to where Ben and Zane were staring, just as Heather was lifting her shirt up over her head to reveal all the gorgeous curves she had been hiding from everyone. Up until now, I had been the only guy to have the privilege of seeing them. I have caught glimpses of her a few times over the past little while that she has been living with us, in some of her more revealing sets of PJs. The first time had been when I had found her sitting in the dark in the living room, crying. It was about a week after her parents had died. She was wearing a form-fitting tank top and a pair of boy short-style bottoms. I sat on the couch, pulled her into my lap and just held her while she cried. The only thing that stopped me from kissing her that night was the fact that that wasn’t what she needed then. I think that was the night that I started to think of Heather as more than just my little sister’s best friend. “Hey Ben, what do you think? Should we go help the two of them with that lotion? We wouldn’t want them to burn now, would we?” “DON’T YOU DARE!” There is no way these two half wits are getting anywhere near her. “You two can go find Alexa. Help her with her bag.” “Yes Alpha.” They both say and head off to find Alexa. I can see the confusion and what looks like a bit of anger/hurt on their faces as they turned away. I can’t believe I just did that. I have never used my Alpha tone on those two. What is she doing to me? Looking around, I realize people were still staring at me. Putting a smile on my face, I yelled out “Who’s got the music?” I heard some off to my left holler. I got it. I watch as Heather bends over to apply the sunscreen to her legs. Oh s**t! I sat on the nearby log muttering to myself, ice cold water, ice bath, oh gliding an ice cube slowly down the front of her throat and watching it melt and the water running down her chest and disappear between her breasts. That didn’t work. Focus on the wood in the fire pit, wood Oh, I have some wood I’d like to give her. Try again. Dirt, stare at the dirt. If she was here kneeling in the dirt in front of me with her lips... Wow its true teenage males cannot get their minds out of the gutter. I take a few deep breaths. When I think I have myself under control, I slowly walk over to Dawn and Heather. Both of them look at me and say in unison “What the hell was that all about?” I shook my head. “Don’t worry about it. We are here to have fun and that is what matters.” Heather is still standing when I get over to them, crouching down beside Heather. I picked up her t-shirt. As I slowly stood back up I let my eyes take in the view of her well-shaped, silky smooth calves. I know they are. I felt them that night when I held her in my lap, her thighs and, oh Goddess, that nice round ass of hers. Oh help me Goddess, I can just see the bottom edge of her ass cheek peeking out from under her bikini bottoms. I step right up behind her letting my chest briefly brush her back, reach my hand that has the shirt in it around her waist, lean over and whisper in her ear. “Please put the shirt back on, it’ll do a much better job of stopping a sun burn than the sunscreen.” As soon as she takes the shirt from my hand, I make a bee line for the water. It was the next best thing to a cold shower. I just hope that Heather hadn’t noticed the hard on that I had gotten while standing there behind her. Zane POV “Yes Alpha.” I answered in unison with Ben as we headed off to obey the order. “What the hell?” I could hear Ben muttering to himself. “I don’t know for sure, but I have an idea. Let’s just find Alexa and give him time to cool off before we ask.” As we reached the half-way point on the path, we heard “Oh Jacob, I’m so glad you came back. I think I’ve twisted my ankle.” Just great, the drama queen is at it again. As we rounded the corner, we were greeted with... “What are you two idiots doing here? Where’s Jacob?” “He’s busy. You’re stuck with us.” I crouched down, picked up her bag and told Ben to pick her up and carry her back to the pack house so someone could look at her ankle. “No, it will be fine if I sit for a bit. Just take me to the party. I’ll use some of the ice from one of the coolers as an ice pack.” I watch as Ben picks her with a huge grin on his face... “Come on princess; let’s go find you your thrown.” The guy has always had a thing her, never understood it. Alexa POV Finally, I hear footsteps. I sat down on the ground in the middle of the path and went into acting mode. “Oh Jacob I’m so glad you came back. I think I’ve twisted my ankle.” My heart sinks as I see Zane and Ben come around the corner. “What are you two idiots doing here? Where’s Jacob?” “He’s busy. You’re stuck with us.” Zane states as he crouches in front of me, picks up my bag and tells Ben to carry me back to the pack house. “No, it will be fine if I sit for a bit. Just take me to the party. I’ll use some of the ice from one of the coolers as an ice pack.” “Come on princess; let’s go find your throne.” Ben picks me up bridal style and starts heading back towards the lake. I had never noticed how much Ben had filled out in the last while. Since when had he had all these lean toned muscles? Watching him as we make our way down the path, I have to admit, he is kind of cute with his short dark brown wavy hair and moss green eyes. Too bad his ranking isn’t higher. As we emerged from the trees, I saw Jacob standing behind Heather with his arm around her waist, bent down whispering in her ear. I watched Heather take her shirt from Jacob, just before he headed for the water. It takes a minute or so for it to sink in to what I’m looking at. That b***h. “Put me down you idiot.” I slapped Ben on the chest. As soon as my feet hit the ground, I headed straight for Heather. This b***h needs to learn to stay away from what is mine. By the time I reached the little b***h, Jacob was already in the water. “Listen, hear you little slut.” I grabbed Heather’s arm, spun her around and made sure that I had her full attention. “I’m only going to tell you this once; he is mine. Keep your grubby little half-breed paws off him. DO YOU UNDERSTAND?” Dawn POV What the hell is going on with people today? One minute, Jacob is yelling at Zane and Ben? Then he’s standing behind Heather whispering in her ear, after staring at her legs and ass, then running off into the water. I just hope that what I thought was my brother sporting a boner after standing pressed up against Heather’s back was just the movement of his swim trunks. Now Alexa is having a fit over who knows what and insulting Heather. After Alexa walks away, Heather puts her t-shirt back on, sits down on her towel, looks at me and says “Well, we’ve been here a whole thirty minutes, and I have had three new experiences. What’s next?”
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