Chapter Four

1090 Words
Heather POV After putting my t-shirt back on, I sat down on my towel and looked at Dawn. “Well, we’ve been here a whole thirty minutes or so, and I have had three new experiences. What’s next?” “Three?” “Yeah three, one, your brother using his Alpha tone. Which, by the way, was a little scary and, don’t hate me for saying this, also a little sexy. Two, Alexa yelling at me, and for the first time making me feel embarrassed to be half human.” “What was the third?” “That thing... with Jacob... I don’t... “I sat there waving my hands around trying to find the right words to explain what I thought I felt, when Dawn leaned over and whispered “You mean Jacob running off into the water sporting a boner he got from standing behind you.” I pulled my knees up to my chest and hid my face as I felt the blush start to creep up my neck, into my cheeks. “Please that is never to be mentioned ever again. Are you listening to me, Dawn?” “Do you really think I want to talk about my brother’s boners and the fact that my bestie is the cause?” “Please. Just stop.” “Well, you better decide if those red cheeks are from the sun or not, because here comes the horny dog. And he is bringing, back up.” I lift my head up and watch as the three guys make their way over to us. Jacob looked pissed. Yeah, oh what fun this is now. Jacob sits down beside me. He starts to lean in, then stops and asks “What did Alexa say to you?” “Nothing important, it doesn’t matter.” “What the hell do you mean it doesn’t matter? It looked like you were sitting here with your head on your knees crying, your cheeks are all red...” I quickly turned towards Jacob. “I was not crying and my cheeks are not red because of what Alexa said.” Jacob moves so fast that I don’t even have time to register what he’s doing, before I know it. I am on his shoulder and we’re heading behind some of the nearby trees. Jacob POV What was I thinking? I shouldn’t have done that, I shouldn’t have done that, I shouldn’t have done that. I’m such an i***t. As I’m treading water and berating myself, I notice Zane and Ben are back. I guess I should go talk to the guys about my outburst earlier. I start making my way back to shore when, all of a sudden, I see Alexa slap Ben on the chest, push out of his arms and head straight for Heather and Dawn. She grabs Heather’s arm, spins her around, yells at her about something that I can’t hear over the splashing of the water. Zane and Ben met me at the shore as I grabbed a nearby towel and dried my face. “Hey guys. We need to talk about what happened earlier, but first I need to find out what that was all about. Zane, can you fill me in?” “OK, here it goes. When we showed up, the little princess over there was sitting in the middle of the path saying she had “hurt” her ankle. I told, lover boy here, to take her back to the packhouse. She told us she’d be fine, she just needed to sit for awhile. As we came out of the woods we saw you standing over by Heather, in an interesting position, I might add, which we will talk about later also. That’s when this guy got a slap for his trouble. Alexa headed for Heather, and you were headed for the water. But whatever Alexa said to Heather shook her up. She went pale for a bit.” “Let’s go see what we can find out.” I sat down beside Heather. I started to lean in towards her, then stopped myself. “What did Alexa say to you?” “Nothing important, it doesn’t matter.” “What the hell do you mean it doesn’t matter? It looked like you were sitting here with your head on your knees crying, your cheeks are all red...” Heather turns her head quickly towards me and says, “I was not crying and my cheeks are not red because of what Alexa said.” I move as fast as I can, I put Heather on my shoulder and head behind some of the nearby trees. I set her down against a tree, placed one of my hands on the tree beside her head and used the other to raise her head up so her eyes met mine. “What do you want to discuss first? What Alexa said or why your cheeks are red?” I watched as her cheeks turned even more red if that is even possible. She then places both of her hands on my chest, trying to push me back. “Do you really think that will work?” “No, but at least I can say I tried.” “I’ll step back when you answer my question.” “Fine, I’ll tell you what Alexa said, now back up.” I stood up straight and kept my hands on either side of her. “I thought you were going to back up?” “I never said how far.” She rolls her eyes at me and repeats to me what Alexa had said about her being a slut and about keeping her half-bred paws off of me because I was hers. I don’t think I have ever been as mad in my life as I was at that moment. I pushed away from the tree and started pacing back and forth trying to calm down. I notice Heather out of the corner of my eye starting to move away. “Stop right there. Don’t move. We are not done. We have one more thing to talk about.” She stepped a little farther away from the tree thinking that that would stop me from being able to cage her in against it again. Yeah, right. I walked towards her and stopped about a foot away from her, far enough to have space between us but close enough that I could grab her if she tried to run.
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