Chapter Two

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Heather POV “I can’t believe that you’re leaving tomorrow” Dawn said. I sat down on the ground next to her and put my arm around her shoulders. “Hey, once everything is packed in the car and ready to go, what do you say about heading out to the lake for a few hours? Then we’ll come back, order pizza, watch some movies...” “So this is where you two have been hiding. I’ve been busting my ass loading your...” He points at me. “...stuff into the SUV so we don’t have to do it in the morning. Dawn and I saw Jacob, Dawn’s older brother, coming across the lawn. Jacob had just turned 17, making him three years older than Dawn and I. Jacob stood 6’3”, with black wavy hair that was a little on the long side and beautiful hazel eyes, he was 200 pounds of muscle and still hadn’t finished growing. For the last year or so, I had been developing a bit of a crush on him. It had gotten a bit stronger in the last little while. He’d been very supportive after my parents had died. I think that is when my feelings had gotten stronger towards him. I never said anything about how I felt to anyone, including Dawn. Jacob already had so many other girls trying to get his attention and he had only ever treated me like a little sister. So I never saw a reason to tell him or anyone about my crush. “Now that I have done all the work and the SUV is packed. That is, unless there is anything else you plan on taking with you, Heather?” Jacob asked. “No. I had everything that was going sitting in the front hall,” I answered. “Hey, Jacob, how long do you think it will take to get people and supplies rounded up for a party at the lake this afternoon?”Dawn asked, completely ignoring Jacob’s rant. “Not long, you guys round up some food. I’ll get the drinks, entertainment and people. We’ll meet back here in an hour. Sound good?” “Sounds good.” Dawn and I answered in unison. Once we had the food packed, we headed to Dawn’s room to grab bathing suits. I put my cut off jean shorts and baggy t-shirt over the suit I was wearing. When we arrived at the meeting place there were about twenty-five others gathered. As we were walking over, I heard one of the members of Jacobs’s fan club whining about having to wait for us. “Come on, Jacob, why are we waiting for them? It’s not like they are important or anything. I’m here. That’s all that matters, right?” That lovely statement was coming from none other than the resident mean girl, Alexa. She was a year ahead of Dawn and me in school. Being 5’9” with long blond hair and green eyes, she was way prettier on the outside than on the inside. Jacob turned around just as we stepped up behind him. “There you two are. Heather. You hand me those bags and the cooler, you help Dawn with the other stuff she has.” “But Jacob, I thought you were going to help me with my bag.” Alexa whined again. I rolled my eyes thinking, is that all she knows how to do? Jacob glanced at the beach bag that was on Alexa’s shoulder that looked as if it contained a towel and maybe sunscreen. Picking up the cooler and handing the bags to his Beta to be Zane, he turned to Alexa and said “Well, you can start out with the rest of us and if you haven’t shown up at the lake by the time we have everything set up, I’ll make sure you get some help.” Zane headed to the front of the group and hollered out “Let’s go.” Everyone picked up their stuff and we started the fifteen minute walk to the lake. Yep, that’s right. She was complaining that she couldn’t carry the bag for fifteen minutes on a flat, well-groomed path. Alexa’s POV As I watched the others disappear around the corner, I sat down on the bench at the start of the path. If I wait long enough, I can time it so that Jacob will meet me about half way to the lake, which is right where there is a perfect spot for two to hide for a bit of a make-out session. That should be all it takes to get him to see that I’m what he wants. I started my extremely slow walk towards the lake thinking, I couldn’t wait to run my hands up and down that six pack of abs of his. I will make him mine. Heather POV Dawn and I lay out our towels while we watched Jacob, Zane, and Ben, Jacob’s Gamma to be, get the fire pit set up for later. Dawn is sitting applying sunscreen to her legs when she looks at me and asks “How are you going to work on your tan with all those clothes on still?” “I’m fine thanks. I’m still trying to figure out how I even let you convince me to wear one of your bikinis.” “I told you, there is nothing wrong with you wearing that suit. There is nothing wrong with your body and you’re leaving tomorrow anyway. Let these guys see what they’re going to be missing out on.” Dawn knows I have been very sensitive about my body for the last couple of years. With being half human, I’m not as defined and trim as a lot of the other females. For starters, I’m only 5’2”, which makes me short, since the average height for most she-wolves by the time they hit my age is 5’8” to 5’10”. I’m a bit brawnier in the shoulders than other females, which can be off putting to some guys, but I also have more curves and I’m a little larger on top than most. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not overweight, I have a flat stomach and everything is nicely toned, I just have a unique body structure compared to most other shewolves. I have a more bulky muscle build, where most shewolves tend to be on the leaner, more toned looking side. I know I’m pretty in my own way with my waist length, wavy, auburn hair and my eyes that are a light blue-grey colour with hints of green. “Come on, you know I’m right.” Dawn says as she gives me one of her, I dare you looks. “Fine. You win.” I stood up and started undoing my shorts. I slide them off and place them on the ground beside my towel. The t-shirt I’m wearing reaches to the middle of my thighs, so I’m still mostly covered at this point. I grab the hem of my shirt and start to pull it over my head. “That’s it. Come on baby. Take it all off.” “Dawn shut up. You sound like you should be sitting in a strip joint. Now pass me the sunscreen.” As I started to rub some on my shoulders and arms, I jumped at the sound of Jacob yelling from across the beach “DON’T YOU DARE!” I turned to see Jacob right in Zane’s and Ben’s faces, like he was ready to rip them apart. The two of them take off at a jogging pace back towards the pathway. “What the hell is that all about? Did you see what happened?” I asked, turning to face Dawn. “No. I was too busy watching your strip tease.”
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