Chapter 9

1284 Words
Cora's POV I didn't know how long I slept for, the last thing I remembered was been blindfolded by that douchebag and put in a car “Wait! did I manage to escape," I thought to myself as blinked my eyes profusely trying to get rid of the sleep from my eyes Yearning loudly, I was fully awake now as I seat up on the bed but what I saw sent chills down my spine “This was not my room, where was I," I screamed to myself as the fear settled deep within Shivering I turned to my right and then my left, and that was when I saw him, standing by the wall, he was wearing a black t-shirt and black ripped jeans, his hair was wet as if he just had his bath, and his blue-green eyes were calm just like the sea as they stared directly at me And goodness, he was still chewing that gum in the most unruly way possible “Good morning princess, hope you slept well," he soon said as he walked a bit towards me “You!" I spat out with disdain laced in my voice “Where I am? where have you brought me to?" I yelled but he only chuckled “Good morning Bruno, of course, I slept well," he let out trying to mimic my voice that was supposed to be your answer," he chuckled even more “Cut the bullshit, I'm not in the mood for games," I said angrily “Just tell me where you have brought me to, and where is my Mom," I lashed out as I stood up to my feet but Bruno didn't say a word he was just kept on smiling as if he was enjoying seeing me miserable “Ugh...," I groaned out in frustration ”Okay I see you are just going to stand there and say nothing, then I would just have to go out there and look for my mom, then, of course, we are leaving this place," I huffed as I walked straight for the door but Bruno only stopped me, pulling me back by the waist Relax princess, where do you even think going," he said holding on to me tightly “f*****g just let me go," I yelled as struggled intensely just to set myself free from his hold But still, he was not having it, no matter how hard I struggled Bruno still held onto me tightly “Let me go," I yelled and kicked “Alright, my goodness would you just relax," he said relaxing his grip on me and when I saw his hands were no longer tightly fixed on me, I turned around slapping him with all of my strength “Fuck..." Bruno cursed out as he held onto his face “What was that for," he yelled a bit and I smiled knowing I had him where I wanted him “Well that was for everything, for taking me from my house and bringing me here against my wish and for stopping me from seeing my mom," I let out I was enjoying this seeing him in pain Yeah payback is a b***h," I laughed to myself “Now, if you would excuse me, I'm going to find my mom and we are getting out of here ’I wish I could say it was nice knowing you, but that would have been a lie," I smirked as I walked towards the door but I was stopped yet again, as he grasped onto my waist pulling me much more closer to himself I gasped in surprise and my heart was suddenly racing as I looked up at him “What are you doing," I mumbled out softly, but he didn't answer he just stared at me so intensely that I felt my legs grow weak where I stood “Don't you ever hit me like that again, if you still want to keep those hands of yours," Bruno murmured with authority laced in his voice, and I swallowed hard as I struggled to find my composure “Do I make myself clear?" he asked and I nodded slightly “Good, now be a good girl, and go have a shower, breakfast would soon be served," he said smiling as he let go of me I hurriedly moved to the other end of the room, just to keep the distance between us and I could feel Bruno's intense gaze boring a hole within me “Get dress, here is a cloth you can change in to, okay," he said as he laid the cloth on the bed he soon turned around and walked straight for the door I f*****g hate you..." I screamed towards him in anger “Yeah I know that," he yelled back And I thought, we were going to have a drama-free morning," I heard him say as he walked out of the room ................................................... Collapsing back unto the bed, I took in a deep breath as I tried to calm myself down My mind was running a hundred miles per hour I still didn't understand what was going on, I was beyond confused one moment I was living a happy life with my parents and the next thing I knew, I was brought here to this godforsaken place I knew my mother, knew that man called Zane, but what I didn't understand was why he would bring us here against our will “My Mom... I really needed to find her," I said to myself as I walked into the bathroom and the showers, as I hurriedly took a bath Stepping out of the shower, I walked back into the room, as I looked at the cloth Bruno had left for me on the bed picking up the Shirt, I slowly brought it took my nose, smelling it and the shirt smelt exactly like him “Wait was this his shirt," I asked myself as I throw the shirt back on the bed “, I can't wear his shirt," I screamed to myself as I paced back and forth never taking my eyes of the cloth Breathing out, I knew I didn't have much of a choice here, because the only clothes I had were dirty putting on the oversized shirt, I walked up to the mirror looking at myself as I packed my hair up into a messy bun Soon enough the door opened and Bruno walked in, looking at me for a second Then he let out a slight cough saying “Breakfast is served at the dining room" Rolling my eyes in disgust, I walked past him and out of the room But then I froze, seeing the luxurious interior of the house or should I rather call it a mansion it looked so big and luxurious, that I couldn't just believe my eyes I knew they were rich people in this world, but what I could see here was far beyond riches “This way..." I soon heard Bruno voices say as it broke me out of my invading thoughts Following his led, he led me down a huge looking marble staircase and soon we entered into the dining area Admiring the beauty, the place had to offer, but my continence soon fell as soon as I saw him “Zane” I hated him with every fibre of my being, for bringing me here and separating me from my father I was so angry that I was about to reach for a knife on the table, but my gaze soon landed on the only person I wanted to see all so much “My mom"
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