Chapter 8

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Zane's POV What happened to you Zane," Kate murmured as I pulled her to the car Tears flowing from her eyes, her body shivering I hated making her feel this way, but it was something I knew I had to do “Where are taking me to, and where is Cora," she asked in a husky voice as she looked up at me Cora is fine, she is in the car over there," I whispered and Kate turned immediately towards the car and then back at me again Her eyes showed contempt and disdain She hated me... and I knew that for a fact “I'm sorry, forgive me my light," I whispered as I moved closer to her tucking some loose strands of hair behind her ear I know you hate me, but this is something I have to do, I couldn't let you go again I made that mistake once before and I regretted every moment of it," I said looking intensely into her eyes Then why did you leave in the first place," she asked And that question struck a chord in my heart “How would I answer this question, would she even understand that everything I did, I did it just to keep her safe," I asked myself as a lot of negative thoughts ran through my head “You see, you don't even have a reason for leaving all those years ago, so you don't have the right to come back and claim me as if I am some kind of possession," She screamed as she hit my chest aggressively “Hey...Hey.." I tried holding her in place as I forced her to look at me She was crying profusely now, and I just couldn't stand it anymore Get in the car," I ordered but it was in a subtle voice But Kate didn't respond, she just cleaned the tears from her eyes as she kept on looking at me as if she was trying to figure me Get in the f*****g car... goddamnit," I screamed a bit this time and she jumped a little in fright “No Zane, I am not getting into this car with you," Kate let out with a stern expression on her face that only made me laugh a bit “I'm serious Zane... I have had it with all this mess you brought back with you, you shoot Josh for crying out loud, I don't know what had gotten into you but what I know is that I and my daughter wouldn't be part of it so I am going over there to get her right now," she said as she tried to set herself free from my hold but I chuckled holding her in place with both hands As if you have a choice here princess," I said as I blindfolded, and tied her hands immediately, putting her into the car she was struggling and screaming but I ignored her “Let's go," I signalled for Bruno to get into his car and soon enough we were on our way to the airport The car ride was filled with Kate screaming and kicking all through “Calm down princess, if you continue like this, you are going to hurt yourself," I said as I caressed the side of her face Where are taking me to? and why do you have to blindfold me, Zane," Kate screamed out Don't worry, and trust me you are going to love this place," I answered as I looked out of the window soon we boarded the plane, and soon enough we were back in my city The drive to my house was rather long and quiet because thank God, Kate stopped her struggling and finally fell asleep Reaching the house, I slowly picked Kate up carrying her gently in my arms as I looked over at Bruno to see that he was also carrying Cora who was also sleeping in his arm Giving him a gesture of approval, I took Kate to the room I had set out for her, laying her gently on the bed I took off her blindfold and untied her hands, she was sleeping so beautifully, that my heart raced just by watching her 17 years... And her beauty remained the same and I could watch her sleep like this forever She was like an angel sent down just for me, to redeem me, to set me free You know, My heart aches so deeply knowing that I left her all those years ago, but now I would give anything to fix my mistake I have to make everything right," I said to myself as put the covers over her, kissing her forehead softly Walking down to the study, I poured myself a glass of whiskey as I slumped down to my chair taking in a deep breath as the events of today overcame my thoughts with so much vigour Suddenly there was a knock on the door “Come in," I said to the person at the other end and soon Bruno walked in “Shadow... I have put the girl in her room," Bruno let out as he looked up at me Looking back at Bruno his face was bruised and there was dry blood at the side of his face “Christ, What happened to you, I didn't notice the bruises on your face before," I said as I sipped on my drink Touching his bruised face," Bruno chuckled as he moved forward taking a seat across from me “Well that girl has a goddamn fire burning within her," he said So you are saying that that young girl did this to you," I asked a bit amazed “Yes she did and even more," he said showing me the bite mark on his arm “Damn... That means you have earned a drink then," I smirked as I poured him a glass Thank you, this is exactly what I need after dealing with that girl," Bruno said as he took a large gulp of the drink “But Shadow... tell me, who are those women, that we had to fly all the way to kidnap," Bruno asked and I took in a deep breath Firstly, Bruno, I didn't kidnap them, I just took what was mine," I answered but Bruno looked at me very confused Those women we brought here Bruno, are Kate and her daughter," I said leaning back into the chair Fuck are you serious, your Kate," Bruno let out in surprise and I nodded I had to get her back now since my dad is dead and I am in control now, I had to have her by my side again," I said “Fuck... shadow, so the girl is your daughter," Bruno asked groaning out No... Kate keeps insisting that she is not mine, but I choose not to believe her," I answered as I down the remaining content of my drink “Then a DNA test should be the answer," Bruno let out “No Bruno what if it is truly negative, what if I am not her father And that would mean, Kate, cheated on me when we were together No, I just wouldn't be able to take it, so it's better not knowing it's better I live with the probability that she could be my daughter than I live with the actual truth that she is not," I said as I took a huge gulp from the bottle of whiskey instead I was drowning in so many emotions right now and alcohol was the only thing that helps “Okay if you say so, I should go to bed, tomorrow is a full day," Bruno said as he stood up, walking straight for the door “Bruno..." I stopped him in his track Yes..." he responded turning back to me I need you to do something for me," I let out Yeah, anything. Shadow," Bruno quickly respond I need you to watch Kate's daughter for me," I said What... Hell no shadow," Bruno yelled moving closer to me That girl is a hard nut to crack, she has this fire within her that if I'm not careful would consume me as well," Bruno said as he ran his fingers through his hair groaning out loudly “Did you forget the bruises on my face or the bite mark on my arm, that girl hates me and you want me to be her bodyguard “No... No... I can't shadow, I just can't do it, ask Seth or one of the other men to do it I just can't," Bruno insisted Chuckling... I was amused how Bruno was so frightened by that little girl Bruno, you know with the war with the Germans and Klaus been on the loose, I trust no other person to protect Cora than you," I said She is strong-headed but I know you would be able to handle her," I let out “Cora..." He murmured her name under his breath then shook his head “But still, I can't," Bruno let out as he turned around trying to walkout “Bruno..." I stopped him yet again as he turned to look at me “I wasn't asking, it was an order And you know what would happen if you disobey me," I said folding my arm The look in Bruno's eyes shows that I had him exactly where I wanted him I hated playing the boss card on him, but he left me no choice So Bruno nodded his head in response and walked out.
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