Chapter 10

1344 Words
Kate's POV Waking up this morning in a strange room, I couldn't help but allow a dreadful chill to flow down my spine as I looked around to feed my eyes with every inch the room had to offer This must be where Zane had brought me to," I said to myself as I got up from bed and walked straight for the door With my hands on the door nob, I opened it, stepping out into a huge hallway Taking one step after the other with my eyes drifting from left to right. I walked slowly through the luxurious-looking hallway with my heartbeat out of control now I needed to find Cora, we had to leave this place," I said to myself as I continued walking, but with every step I took, with every room I entered, I felt like I was going around in circles “Cure this godforsaken maze, they call a house," I said to myself as continued my search for my daughter But all of a sudden, before I could even second guess myself yet again, I was pulled into a room by an unknown person “What the hell is this, let me go," I yelled as I struggled to set myself free But when I looked up, trying to catch my captor's gaze, it was Zane standing in front of me smiling “What are you doing wandering around the hall like this," Zane asked as he moved closer to me, touching my arm Taking a few steps away from him, I was so desperate to keep my distance from him, because somehow even after all these years he still made my heart racing so intensely in my chest “I am looking for my daughter," I let out softly “And why is that," Zane asked and somehow his question allowed the rage I was trying to keep bay to come flowing in “And what do you mean by that question," I yelled angrily taking a few steps towards him “You took us from our home Zane, without even considering how that would make us feel Cora had a life back home, she had a father she loved and adored, friends she cherished. Even I had a life without you, and you had to go and mess things up by bringing us here, thinking you can fix 17 years But news flash Zane, you can't, so if you still have any decent bone left in your body, you would let us go You would let me go..." I yelled as I looked intensely into his eyes, hoping he would see how hurt I feel and just let me go But Zane didn't say a word to me, he just looked at me, his eyes showing something I vividly remembered It was the same look he had when I told him on that hilltop that I couldn't be with him all those years ago I wanted to break the silence, to leave the room if needs be because I couldn't stand the look in his eyes But that was when Zane spoke “You still don't understand, do you," he said moving towards me and with every step he took, I took five steps back until I was back up against the table With nowhere to run, Zane trapped me with his hands at both sides of me, as he looked at me again drawing me in with his fiery gaze “You don't understand... I can't let you go because you are my light And I can't let go of the only light I have found," he whispered with a down casted look on his face looking closely, there was this heaviness I could see in his eyes that pressed so deep onto my heart that I had to restrain myself from reaching out and holding him, in an attempt to take it all away “No matter how hard it might be, I had to keep my composure, I had to remain strong, I couldn't fall back into the storm that is Zane black," I screamed to my body not to betray Soon Zane took a step back from me and I could finally breathe “Breakfast would be served in the dining room, and your daughter would be there as well," he said as he walked out of the room before I could even tell him that I didn't know where the dining room was “Great... just Great," I groaned out in frustration as I walked out of the room as well, hoping to find where the dining room is After minutes of searching, I was helped by a heavy-bodied man Walking into the dining room, Zane was already seated with a stern expression on his face, he didn't even look at me, as his face was buried into his phone, so I took my seat and soon breakfast was served “Where is Cora... you said she would be here," I turned to Zane asking but he only ignored me yet again I was about to say something when I heard footsteps Looking up... a smile grow on my face as I saw my daughter walk in but Cora was angrily staring at Zane, she was about to reach for the knife on the table, but thank goodness her gaze soon fell upon me “Mom," she screamed in excitement as she ran towards me given me a hug “My sweet girl," I let out kissing her cheeks “Mom when are we leaving this place, when can we see dad again," She asked as she held on to my hands and immediately the smile from my face fell in an instant “I don't know my dear, but soon," I tried to pacify her “No... why don't you just tell your douchebag of a friend to let us go," she yelled as she looked over at Zane “Cora... mind your language young lady," I stopped her immediately Even though she doesn't know Zane was her father, she still didn't have the right to be disrespectful to him like that “Listen to your mother, Cora," Zane said smirking as he sipped on his coffee Cora lets go of my hands angrily, as she looked at me with disdain “I don't know you anymore, Mom," she murmured as she folded her hands across her chest “Cora, eat your breakfast, you don't want it getting cold," Zane said “I'm not hungry, being here is making me lose my appetite," Cora said rolling her eyes as Zane let out a slight cough “Okay then, why don't you go out shopping today, get yourself some new clothes," Zane said smiling it was obvious he was trying to get on Cora's good side, but he was failing miserably at it but Cora laughed so hard, totally amused by his words “Shopping..."' She continued to laugh “You can't be serious right, is this a joke to you, You practically kidnapped me and now you want me to go out shopping as if nothing has happened," she let out laughing “Sorry to burst whatever bubble you are in Zane, but I'm not interested," Cora let out as she stood up to her feet angrily, I tried to calm her down but she was not having any of it She was about to storm out, then there was a huge bang on the table coming from Zane's direction, which made everyone jump in fright “Cora... this is not a request, it is an order, You are going to go out shopping and Bruno here would go with you," Zane let out calmly but his voice was laced with authority “No... you can't be serious," Cora yelled as she stared intensely at Zane and Zane on the other hand was unmoved as he returned her gaze The tension between them could be cut with a knife, but what did I expect Cora was her father's daughter.
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