Chapter 5

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Kate's POV They looked at each other for what felt like an eternity, with each of them fighting for dominance I was so oblivious to what to do next, as I wondered to myself if they were still rivals after all these years So I turned to Josh, trying to get his attention but his gaze was still firmly fixed on Zane “ I see you have finally crawled out of whatever hole you have been in for over 17 years," Josh soon broke the silence between them as he chuckled softly at his own words Zane still didn't respond he just kept on staring so intensely at Josh, but I could clearly see the tension in his body His fist was folded into a ball, and his eyes still held that firey expression, that they normally have all those years ago “ You know I almost didn't recognize you, it's been so long, Zane, and you definitely didn't age well," Josh laughed and said And I can see that some things never really changed for you after all these years, you are still running after what is definitely not yours," Josh said and I knew immediately that he was referring to me “So tell me, Zane, why are you back and why were you holding my wife the way you did," Josh let out as he moved closer to Zane “Wife?" Zane looked at me confused, and even I was also dumbfounded by Josh's statement 'Wife... Josh and I were never married, so why was he referring to me as his wife," I asked myself over and over again “Yes Wife, Zane," Josh let out in a stern voice A lot had changed over the years, you left and went off to god's know where and I had to pick up the broken pieces of Kate's life I was there for her when you were not, So I would be damned if I allow you to ruin what we have all over again," Josh let out angrily You know, you are just a cancer that I can't get rid of, because when I thought I had finally gotten rid of you, here you are once again “Destroying everything” You destroy everything you touch, you did that then and you are still doing it right now so if you think, I would allow you to destroy Kate's life all over again, then I think you might just be out of your damn mind," Josh chuckled softly as he was clearly enjoying torturing Zane with his words Zane on the other hand looked like he was trying his possible best to keep his cool And I hated that this had to happen yet again, it felt like a déjà vu right now, and that mere fact was killing me So I tried to lighten up the tension between them “Josh listen... it is not what it looks like okay, Zane was only," I tried to say but before I could complete my sentence Josh pushed me aggressively to the floor “I didn't ask for your explanation, goddamnit," he yelled with his back still facing me Trying so desperately to find my composure, I wonder what had gotten into Josh that made him behave the way he just did right now But before I could find myself again, before I could get up to my feet, Zane throw a punch onto Josh's face in an instant, sending him straight to the floor "I was shocked, my heart thumped so heavily in my chest and my vision blurred in an instant “Zane lunged towards Josh even as he was trying to get up from the floor, he continued to throw several punches onto his face so fervently, that Josh's face was covered in blood in no time I couldn't move nor could I speak my whole body was paralyzed by the sight before me, I just watched as how the Zane I knew all those years ago came right back in But this time, it was different there was more, this time something had changed and I couldn't recognize who he was anymore He was like a beast drawn to blood and wouldn't stop for anything in this world until his prey is dead His eyes were burning just like the flames of hell, and his body danced so smoothly to the rhythmic sounds of pain from Josh I knew if I didn't stop him right there, Zane would beat Josh to death “Zane please stop... Stop it, you are going to kill him," I screamed urging him to stop but all my pled fell on deaf ears Zane didn't stop, he only increased his pace, even more, hitting Josh so hard not even giving him a chance to fight back or even pull himself together I continued screaming at Zane to stop, but as always, he ignored me “Never you lay your fealty hands on my Princess ever again," Zane yelled in between punches as he continued to hit him even more “Zane please just let him go, you are going to beat him to death," I let out as the tears flowed freely from my eyes Damn...I was crying already," I scolded myself I just hated that even after so long, Zane was still able to make me feel so many real emotions “The good, the bad and the ugly,” He made me feel them all without even realising it I pulled at his arm, in a desperate attempt to make him stop, but he didn't stop until he heard her voice “Cora's voice” Mom what is going on, it's the middle of the night," Cora slowly walked up to me saying It's nothing sweetie, I just need you to go back to bed," I tried to dismiss her but her gaze soon fell on Josh on the floor covered in blood “Dad," Cora yelled as she ran to Josh's side Zane soon turned to look at me with confusion and disappointment evident in his eyes “What happened to you, who did this to you," Cora asked Josh as her voice broke a little Josh was about to say something when her gaze drifted to Zane and the blood on his hands “Fuck...It is you, you are the one that beat up my dad," she yelled as she got up angrily walking towards Zane, she soon slapped him so hard that I gasped at the sight of it “Cora no... stop that," I yelled towards my daughter but she only ignored me as she moved even closer to Zane She showed no fear, only anger The look in her eyes expressed only pure hatred for Zane and seeing that only made my heart sink even deeper “Who the hell are you, to hurt my dad the way you did," she yelled, pushing at his chest aggressively is that how you behave, coming into people's houses in the middle of the night and beating them to a pop I don't care if you are a burglar, just you wait and see I'm going to teach you a lesson for messing with my dad," she let out But Zane didn't respond or even react to the fact that she slapped him, he just kept on looking at her so intensely He looked at her for so long, that I kind of became scared “You have nothing to say for yourself, okay then just you wait I'm going to beat you up just like you did to my father over there," Cora said in a stern voice I tried to pacify her, but Cora wasn't having any of it she was about to walk out to god knows where, when Zane asked her something that made my heart skip a beat ”How old are you little girl," He asked still looking into Cora's eyes Cora took a step back, as Zane's question obviously caught her off guard “ You want to know my age," Cora laughed Yes how old are you," Zane asked again 18 years," Cora answered and Zane looked at me with a questioning gaze I didn't know what next to say but I knew I had to make Zane leave here one way or the other ”As you were told early, Josh and I are married and we have a daughter, is that so hard to understand Zane," I let out, hoping he believes every word I just told him. ”Mom do you know this man?" Cora asked sounding confused Yes sweetie I do, but who he is it's not important right now, because he is leaving, he shouldn't have come here in the first place," I let out but Zane only chuckled moving a bit closer to me No Princess that's where you are wrong because I'm not leaving here without you “My light”
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