Chapter 6

1335 Words
Kate POV... What... you are definitely crazy to think so," I let out with my heart still pounding like crazy in my chest Yes, princess, that's the truth I'm crazy about you I let you go once before, and that is something I am definitely not going to do again, even much more now that there is a little chance I might have a daughter, who is standing right in front of me," Zane let out and I froze “What is he talking about Mom," Cora yelled and my heart sunk, even further I didn't know what to say, it felt like the walls were closing in on me as I prayed for the ground to open up and swallow me whole Finally summoning up the courage, I turned to Cora whispering to her softly “Sweetie, I need you to go back up to your room right now," I said as I cupped her cheeks softly “What... no, you can't just send me back to my room after hearing all that this man had said," Cora yelled in protest Cora listen to me for once, go up to your room now," I ordered But..." Cora continued to protest as she looked over at Josh, hoping he would take her side but Josh shook his head signalling for her to do as I have said Looking all defeated Cora walked back up the stairs, leaving us all alone “What is wrong with you," I screamed as I pushed at Zane's chest aggressively Why did you have to say those words in front of my daughter," I yelled out angrily as I continued to hit and push at his chest Zane on the other hand didn't do anything to stop me, he just stood there and took all the hits and pushes I was sending his way “I hate you, why did you have to come back to ruin my life, my daughter would doubt me now all because of you," I continued to scream and hit his chest But that was when he stopped me, holding my hand in place in an instant “Do you truly hate me?" he asked a question I knew I couldn't answer, I just stood still as my gaze drifted nervously into the floor Look at me Kate... and tell me that you hate me, tell me that, that girl, her name is Cora right, tell me she isn't my daughter," Zane asked with so much tension and authority in his voice that I shivered almost immediately I couldn't summon up the courage to look at him and to tell him those words no matter how much I tried to “Fuck... this wasn't how it was meant to be," I screamed to myself as my eyes continued to trail endlessly on the floor “Look at me Kate," Zane yelled again as he pulled me closer to himself All I ask is for you to tell me the truth, I need to know if Cora is mine," he let out calmly but at the same time still with authority Taking in a deep breath, I finally looked up at Zane, and into those beautiful eyes of his Those eyes that have hunted my dreams for more than 17 years, those eyes that I have craved so badly to look into all this while But now, something had changed Looking into those eyes of his right now, I knew I couldn't tell him the truth I couldn't ruin the perfect life I have managed to build up for myself without him He was the one that left, I have to remind myself of that fact So with my heart racing and my lips shaking, I told him what he needed to hear and not what he wanted to hear “Cora is not your daughter Zane," I said with a stern expression on my face, just hoping he would believe every word I let out. .................................................. Zane's POV Just one look at Cora's face I felt something so strange and compelling in my heart, I didn't know what it was, but the feeling was so strong that my heart skipped a beat just by looking at her Those eyes of hers were like a magnet, just pulling me into them and I could have sworn that her eyes were the same colour as mine But why was I so drawn to this little girl," I asked myself as so many unanswered questions hovered endlessly in my head So after so much contemplation, I knew I had to ask her age, just to keep my mind at ease But when she said 18 years I couldn't just believe it, it couldn't be possible Could I really have a daughter," I asked myself Even with the uncertainty still churning deeply within me, a part of me still wanted so badly for her to be my daughter As I still wanted to feel like I haven't lost everything yet, that there was still something connecting Kate and me even after more than 17 years. But when Kate said those words to me, my heart broke in an instant as a lot of unbearable thoughts ran through my mind “If Cora wasn't mine then did Kate cheat on me with Josh while we were still together, or did she run back to Josh's arms immediately after I was gone. So did Kate even truly love me? was our love just an illusion?" I asked myself as the anger slowly started settling within me I was livid, I couldn't believe she could do that to me “So she is truly not mine," I asked again as I tried to control my anger “Yes, Zane, she is not yours, so I think it is time you leave and never come back because you shouldn't have come here in the first place, what we have had, has been over for more than 17 years. You are my past, Zane, I am with Josh now and we have a family together, please don't ruin that for us," she is as she looked over at Josh. And that was the point I lost it completely, and the darkness I was trying so hard to hide from her came out so intensely. “No... Never, this is not going to happen, I came here for you, and I'm not leaving without you. I don't care if you are with this douchebag now, your place is by my side and nowhere else. “What are saying Zane," Kate tried to protest. ''What I am saying is that you are coming with me," I let out in a stern voice. ''No, you can't make it," she yelled trying to protest but I immediately took hold of her. “Let her go, you can't take her, she is mine," Josh ran towards us as he tried to set Kate free from my hold. But I immediately pulled out my gun shooting him in an instant. I could hear Kate gasp in fear as tears immediately rolled down her eyes. ''What did you do," she screamed but I ignored her as I called out to Bruno. Bruno immediately rushed in... “Go up, get me the girl up there, we are leaving right now," I ordered and Bruno nodded as he ran up the stairs to carry out my order. “You shot him," Kate murmured as she shivered none stop. ''It is just a shoulder wound he would survive," I said rolling my eyes. “Zane please don't do this," Kate begged as the tears flowed even more from her eyes. I hated seeing her this way, I hated seeing those tears in her eyes, I hated causing her this kind of pain, but I had to, I couldn't let her go again, even if she wants me to this time. I know it's selfish, but I just couldn't lose her again... I just couldn't...
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