Chapter 4

1251 Words
Kate's POV “Kate... Princess... Wake up," I heard a faint voice calling out to me trying to bring me out of the darkness But I was still so unsure about what was going on, so I slowly opened my eyes, meeting those beautiful eyes of his again oh my goodness, it is true, It wasn't a dream, he was here," I screamed to myself as I got up from the couch as quickly as I could before he could get a chance to touch me “Princess... my light, calm down, it's me, Zane," Zane said again as he tried to reach out to me “Confused... that was more than what I was feeling right now I couldn't wrap my head around the fact that he was here, standing in front of me after so long Looking closely at him, a lot had changed about him, he had this alluring yet intimidating look about him, wearing all black from head to toe His hair was messy and longer than usual, and his beards were also full but very neatly trimmed if anyone else could see him right now no one would recognize him, but even with his changes I knew he was the one Because his eyes still held that beautiful spark even if he tries so hard to hide it “Kate... my light, it's me, I'm back," he said again as he tried to touch me this time And that was when my head was convinced that he was here “Zane was really back” Get your hands off me," I screamed as the anger settled deep within me the expression on his face changed immediately, it was like I broke something within him with my rejection because his face fell in dismay, but that didn't matter, I didn't want to know if my words made him sad All I wanted to know was why he was standing in my living room after more than 17 years “Why are you here Zane," I asked as I rubbed circles around my arm trying to calm myself down “My light, I came back for you, for us," Zane said lowly Hearing his words, I couldn't help but laugh Slowly walking up to him, I looked up at him saying First of all, I'm not your light, okay, and secondly, there is no more us Fuck Zane, what were you thinking... it's been more than 17 years for crying out loud we are no longer kids anymore, and should I remained you that you were the one that left me You didn't even think of breaking up with me first Zane, you didn't think of giving me the closure I needed to move on with my life, you just up and left me Without a single phone call or a message Do you know how distraught I was, I kept hoping every day that you would come back to me That you would walk through that front door and everything would be good again So I waited day after day, months after months, and then months turned into years “17 years Zane... So you think you can just waltz back into my life just like that No Zane, it's not impossible, I loved you with all of my heart but yet you broke me So please go, go back to where ever you are coming from because there is no place for you here anymore," I said looking intensely into his eyes as I tried so hard to control the tears from falling. His eyes remained as captivating as always, so I willed my body not to betray me, not to give in to those eyes of his But before I knew it, before I could realise what was going on Zane pulled me closer to himself by my waist as he trailed his fingers caressing the exposed skin on my lower back “Gasping in surprise, I tried to free myself from his grip, but he only held me more tightly to himself Still struggling within his grip, I tried to ignore the intense feeling of his fingers on my exposed back The tingling sensation that gave me goosebumps automatically, made my heart beat even faster Fuck... Even after over 17 years, why does his touch still have the same effect on me? “I can see something's still haven't changed," he whispered to me “what do you mean," I asked rolling my eyes at him “This... This hasn't changed. “You claiming that you hate me, but yet you shiver so intensely under my touch," Zane smirked I'm not doing any of that, you must be delusional," I murmured lowering my eyes and Zane chuckled knowing fully well the effect he was having on me “Kate... My light ... look at me," Zane whispered as he lifted my face slowly to meet his it doesn't matter if we were apart for 100 years, all I know for sure is that those times away from you were the most horrible time of my life “Princess, you are my life... my light You were special to me then and you are still special to me now, I love you and I had never stopped even after all these years I know I left without a word back then, changing everything for the both of us and I'm very sorry for that, I promise I would tell you everything in due time But I'm back now, and I'm here for you and our love, so please don't reject me, don't say no to me because I believe that our love can definitely stand the test of time," Zane let out with his eyes begging me to accept him back Looking into those beautiful eyes of his again, I was dumbfounded, I didn't know what to say or do after Zane had said those unexpected words to me Because all my anger and vengeful feelings towards him were slowly dying down Zane continued to look at me so intensely, never letting go of me as if he was trying to draw a mental picture of my face in his mind And his fiery gaze wasn't even helping at all, it wasn't giving me the chance to think straight because no matter how hard I tried, no matter how hard I tried not to admit it, being this close to him again was setting my body on ablaze I... I," I stuttered as I tried to form the right words to say “Shush...My light, You don't need to say a word, just let me show you how much my body craves for you," Zane whispered as he trailed his fingers crossed my lips Swallowing hard, I shivered nervously as I tried to level my breathing in anticipation of his next move Zane soon pulled me even much closer to himself than I already was, as he lowered his head slowly moving in for a kiss but before he could kiss me, something or rather someone stop him “Kate..." I soon heard Josh's voice call out to me, and the realization that I was still in Zane's arms hit me hard Pushing Zane away immediately, trying to keep my distance from him I turned to Josh looking for the right words to explain but his focus was not on me but Zane Zane? Josh... They both called out each other's names in disdain
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