Chapter 7

1097 Words
Kate's POV Zane look at me," I let out as I brought my hands to his face forcing him to look at me in the eyes Please you can't do this, you can't just take me and my daughter," I pleaded as I forced the tears not to fall from my eyes I was hoping that if I still meant anything to him, he was going to listen and stop all this madness But the look I saw in his eyes made me shiver, even more, I always knew Zane to be a bit rebellious back then, to have a dark side but what I saw now was totally different He was different... This wasn't the Zane I knew, something in him had changed, which made me wonder what had happened to him ? where has he been all this time But then he spoke, pulling me much closer to myself Your place is by my side, you were mine then and you are still mine now," he let out in a hoarse voice Please don't do this..." I whispered, trying to see if he would listen to reasons but that was when I heard Cora being carried down by this Bruno guy ..................................................... Cora's POV I was livid, I couldn't contain my anger Who does that man think he is," I screamed out loud What gives him the right to come into this house and beat up my father No... I couldn't take this," I let out as I tried to keep my anger at bay But even amid my anger, I was also confused Confused as to who this man was and why he would think that I was his daughter Was I truly his daughter, had my mom lied to me all this time “No... No...No, that's not possible, she couldn't do that to me, she couldn't do that to my dad," I shook my head dismissing the thought immediately That man is no one, he is just an intruder and I am going to show him how we treat intruders in this town," I said to myself as I picked up my bat I was about to open the door when a strange man busted into my room He was tall and well built with jet black hair and blue-green eyes, his face was well structured and his hair looked wet and scattered as they fell all over his face, he was also chewing a piece of gum in the most unruly manner I have ever seen I was confused, who was he ?" I asked myself But that was when he lunged at me, as he tried his best to grab me but he failed Who are you and what do you want?" I screamed in fright but he didn't answer he just kept on trying to get me Stay away from me," I yelled hitting him with the bat in my hand “Fuck... " He groaned out in pain You have quite a strong arm for a girl... I like that," he smirked even as the blood flood down from his face Yeah then stay away from me, if you don't want to get another beating," I let out with a stern expression on my face but he only laughed as he moved slowly towards me No... I'm sorry, I can't do that, I can't stay away," he said as he lunged towards me again grabbing me this time Let me go... you douchebag," I yelled as I struggled to set myself free from his hold but he only chuckled holding me tightly in his arms Was this funny to him? I asked myself as the anger brewed deeply within me I was going to show him," I said to myself as I dug my teeth deep into my skin, freeing myself immediately “Damn... you bite me," I heard him scream as I ran for the door but luck was definitely not on my side, because he got hold of me again before I could even reach the door, tackling me to the floor Damn girl... don't make this harder than it's supposed to be," He whispered as he tried to dominate me Let me go," I screamed and struggled but no matter how hard I tried I just couldn't set myself free from his hold Soon enough, he lifted me unto his shoulder, as he paid no attention to all my struggling and soon enough he walked out of the room with me You are going to pay for treating me like this," I yelled but he continued to chuckle at my words But I didn't relent, I continued to scream and kick until he dropped me down in front of the other man who claims to be my father Zane, don't do this please, leave my daughter out of this," my Mom began to beg him as soon as she saw me So it was you, you sent this thug after me," I yelled angrily towards him, but he didn't respond he only looked down into my eyes for a few seconds then said Bruno, put her in the car," Zane ordered the man who brought me to him and as soon as he said those words, Bruno immediately pulled at my arm, dragging me towards the door No, Mom... Dad, tell him to let me go," I screamed, struggling to set myself free I knew I was trying to be brave, but deep down I was scared, I didn't understand what was going on or who these men were All I knew was that this wasn't going to end well “Get in the car," Bruno said softly to me as he looked into my eyes His eyes were soft and kind, they showed that he wasn't going to hurt me, but I knew better than to believe anything that I could see in his eyes “You think you are all big and tough now right," I huffed spitting in his face Damn girl," he groaned out cleaning the spit from his face “if still want to prove stubborn, then I have no choice," he said as he grabbed me, blindfolding me immediately He soon put me into the car Where are you taking me to," I asked with a shaky voice now, I was in total darkness, and my heart was beating out of control So fear consumed me immediately, leaving no room for bravery “You would soon find out," I heard him say as he shut the car door instantly
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