Chapter 3

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Kate's POV Everything changed that night Zane left, and at that moment I choose not to believe it, I felt he couldn't just up and leave me without a word, I thought we shared something real and true. so I thought all this was just a misunderstanding But time passed by and still, there was no word from him. it was like he disappeared from the face of the earth and I slowly lost any hope I had of him ever coming back to me. I cried day and night, trying my best to forget him, even my Mom and Emma told me to let go of any memories of him. And I tried, trust me I tried, but it was like the universe didn't want me to get over him because a few months after he left I found out I was pregnant. Yeah, you heard right, I was pregnant. Knowing that fact, I was distraught, I didn't know what I was going to do, raising a child without him. Emma suggested that I should get rid of it, that I should forget totally about Zane and anything that would remind me of him but deep down I knew I just couldn't. Even though he left me, I still loved him. Spirit. Soul. And Body. And this child had nothing to do with any of this, so I kept it. It was like the universe didn't have enough, of messing with me, And a few months before my baby was born, my mom died and I was left all alone. But to my greatest surprise, Josh was there, he stayed by my side through it all. ''Why? I don't really know. But I didn't question his intention towards me because I knew my daughter needed a stable home to grow up in and Josh was going to provide that. ................................................... Time flew by so quickly, more than 17 years went by in just a blink of an eye. The town and everything in it remained the same, we just grew older in it. And like they say time heals all wounds right. Josh and I remained a family for Cora's sake, but we never got married. Emma got married to Danny and they had a daughter named Ava. And with time I learnt to forget about the one that got away, but deep down I knew could not I really forget about him. because Cora was the spitting image of Zane, and she is everything he was, and a constant reminder of his betrayal, So even when I tried to forget, Cora's eyes reminded me of him. “Hey Mom," I heard Cora's voice as she ran down the stairs. ''What are you thinking about so early in the morning," she asked kissing me on the cheek. ''Nothing my dear, just old thoughts," I said smiling. Yeah okay, I need to find my jacket," Cora said, rushing into the living room. Soon enough she came out with a leather jacket, and my eyes shone brightly in surprise. “Where did you get that,” I asked as I recognized the jacket immediately. it was Zane's leather jacket, and I held on to it ever since he left and even now I couldn't bring myself to get rid of it, But how did Cora find it?" I asked myself. “oh this... mom don't be mad but I got it from some of your old stuff in the attic," Cora said as she looked at me with puppy dog eyes. ''I'm sure it belongs to dad right, but it looks good on me though, don't you think," she smiled. I didn't know what to do or say, I just stared at her as tears rolled down my eyes. “Hey, mom, what happened? why are you crying all of a sudden," Cora asked. ''Is it about dad? did wearing this make you sad or are you two have any kind of trouble," Cora continued to ask. ''No dear is not what you think, I'm just crying because that jacket brought back a lot of memories," I murmured. Oh, I am sure, they are all good memories because I can see how you and dad love each other," She chirped. “Thinking about it, where is he now by the way," Cora asked about Josh. ''He left early this morning for work," I whispered as my heart thumped heavily in my chest , my heart aches every time, she referred to Josh as his father, knowing full well he was not. “Okay then, I am going out, Ava and Dylan are picking me up," Cora smiled saying as she kissed me goodbye. ''Please be good, I don't want another call from anyone telling me that you got into trouble again," I smiled and said. ''Yeah Mom, but you have to tell them not to get on my nerves because that's the only way I can stay out of trouble and if that is impossible, then who cares," Cora smirked as she ran out. Shaking my head I knew she got this rebellious attitude from Zane. .................................................. ''Hey girl," Emma greeted me as she walked into the sitting room. 'Hey..." I greeted back. ''why the uncanny mood, I went by the flower shop and you were not there," Emma asked. '' Yeah, I decided to stay home today, I felt so uneasy ever since I saw Cora wearing Zane's jacket, I feel like it is time to tell her the truth, she is already 18 years she is an adult, I feel she can handle the truth now," I let out. “f**k no Kate, what do you think you are going to tell her, that her real father disappeared to god's knows where and the man she calls her father is not her father, the poor girl would hate you for the rest of your life, and I don't think Zane is ever coming back, so is best she never finds out," Emma let out. ''But..." I was about to protest but that was when the front door opened and I heard Josh's voice. “Hey love," Josh walked up to me kissing me softly. I forced a smile to my face, as I looked up at him. “Hey Emma," he greeted Emma as well, who was smiling at him. “You weren't at the flower shop," he turned towards me asking and I nodded a yes in response. “I wasn't feeling so well," I answered and immediately there was a worried look on his face. ''I'm fine okay, it's nothing serious," I hurriedly let out, just to keep his troubled heart at bay. ''oh good then, I'm sure Emma here would make you feel a lot better," he smiled kissing me again. Josh was about to walk up the stairs when Cora and Ava walked through the door ''Hi, Mom... Hi Dad," Cora greeted as she ran into Josh's arms. ''I missed you this morning Dad," She said to Josh. “Yeah kiddo, I had to get to work quite early," Josh smiled as he held her tightly in his arms. ''So dad are you finally going to buy me that bike, I have always wanted," Cora chirped. And Josh's facial expressions changed immediately. No kid, bikes are too dangerous but I can teach you how to drive a car instead," Josh let out and Cora grumbled. “But Dad..." She tried to protest but I caught her off immediately. “Dear, listen to your dad ok," I let out. Cora continued to grumble as she walked up the stairs with Ava trailing behind her. Josh went up to the room as well leaving Emma and me alone in the living room. “You see, Cora loves Josh, he is the only father she knows, don't you go confusing that little girl with stories that shouldn't be heard off. Zane didn't love you enough to stay, so please forget about him, Josh is that girl's father, don't foolishly take that away from him," Emma scolded me. My eyes fell to the floor, I knew it was easier said than done, but I had to try, Emma was right. ''Zane was the one who left and I don't know if he is ever coming back, so it would be foolish of me to try and resurrect something already dead," I said to myself. “Thanks...You have always been there for me," I smiled giving her a tight hug. ''And I'm not going anywhere," Emma chuckled. We continued talking and soon we all had dinner together. But even as I tried to rid myself of this feeling in my chest, even as I tried to rid my head of all the memories of Zane, I just couldn't. For some weird reason, it felt like he was close but far away at the same time. Soon enough, Emma and her daughter Ava left because it was already getting late, and we all went to bed. Tossing and turning in the middle of the night, I tried to close my eyes, forcing myself to sleep but I just couldn't, so I went down to the kitchen to make myself a glass of warm milk, with hopes that it would soothe me to sleep. As I was about to walk back to my room with my glass of warm milk in my hand. I noticed a hooded figure in my living room. Scared out of my mind, I dropped my glass of milk as I slowly moved closer to the hooded figure, my heart was beating out of control but I continued moving as I picked up Josh's baseball bat in an attempt to defend myself with it. Moving again I was about to hit the hood figure when the lights came on and who I saw sent shivers down my spine. I couldn't believe it, was I dreaming right now or were my eyes playing tricks on me. I couldn't bring myself to move or to speak, as my eyes were fixed solely on him, I didn't believe my eyes until I heard him speak “Hey my light, I'm back," Zane said and immediately as I heard his voice my leg gave out on me, sending me straight to the floor and soon enough all I could see was darkness.
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