The Lion’s Den

1302 Words
Chapter 12 The Lion’s Den (Audrina’s POV) I stared at my reflection in the mirror, adjusting the neckline of my ruby red dress for what felt like the hundredth time. The silk fabric clung to my frame in a way that made me feel both powerful and exposed. My hair was swept up in an elegant twist, a few loose strands framing my face. I’d paired the dress with a delicate gold necklace and matching earrings, keeping my look polished yet bold. ‘You’ve got this,’ I told myself, but my stomach tightened with nerves. Tonight was the night that could change everything—for better or for worse. I reached for my phone, hesitating for a second before opening my messages. Taking a deep breath, I tapped out a quick text to Accius: Audrina: “I need to move our dinner to 8 PM. Something’s come up.” I knew he wouldn’t be happy. He’d insisted on meeting at 7, and everything about his demeanor told me he wasn’t the kind of man who liked having his plans changed. But I had no choice. This meeting with Airelle and her brother was crucial. If I didn’t make a good impression on Kade Dupont tonight, our company’s future could be at risk. The three dots appeared immediately, then disappeared, then reappeared. My heart pounded, and my fingers tightened around the phone. Accius: “We agreed on 7. Don’t tell me you’re flaking on me, princess.” The little nickname, dripping with a mix of sarcasm and flirtation, made my irritation flare. He was trying to rattle me. But I wasn’t going to let him. Audrina: “Not flaking. Just rescheduling. I’ll be there by 8. Promise.” There was a pause. The three dots came back, and then his reply popped up: Accius: “Fine. But only because I’m curious to see what’s more important than me. And you owe me, beautiful. Don’t be late.” I exhaled, the tension easing slightly. At least he’d agreed. My fingers hovered over the keys, unsure how to respond. I wanted to tell him off for being so infuriating, but that would only escalate things. Instead, I settled for a simple: Audrina: “I won’t be. See you then.” I set the phone down and took one last look at myself in the mirror. The dress, the hair, the makeup—it was all carefully curated, a shield of confidence to hide the anxiety bubbling beneath the surface. Tonight wasn’t just about impressing Kade. It was about proving to myself that I could handle whatever was thrown my way. I’d worked too hard to let things crumble now. Grabbing my clutch, I slipped on a pair of classic black stilettos and headed out. The evening air was crisp as I stepped outside, and I flagged down a cab, giving the driver the address of the upscale restaurant Airelle had chosen for the meeting. As we drove through the bustling streets of Paris, I absently rubbed my sweaty palms against the smooth fabric of my dress, trying to calm the whirlwind of thoughts spinning through my mind. What would Kade be like? Would he be open to hearing us out, or would he dismiss our struggles as just another small firm failing to make the cut? ‘Get it together, Audrina. You’ve faced down worse.’ But this was different. This wasn’t just about me—it was about my company, Airelle, the people who had put their faith in us. This meeting was make or break. If Kade decided we weren’t worth his time, there’d be no coming back from it. The cab finally pulled up in front of a sleek, modern building with gleaming glass walls and an understated sign that simply read “La Couronne.” I paid the driver, took a deep breath, and stepped out. The entrance loomed in front of me, elegant and daunting all at once. I made my way to the hostess, my heels clicking softly against the polished marble floor. “I’m meeting the Dupont party,” I said, my voice steady despite the flutter of nerves in my chest. The hostess smiled and nodded. “Of course. Right this way.” I followed her through the softly lit dining room, taking in the plush furnishings and sophisticated ambiance. The tables were spaced out just enough to give a sense of privacy without feeling isolated, and the gentle murmur of conversations mixed with the clinking of wine glasses created a soothing backdrop. We rounded a corner, and I spotted Airelle sitting at a small table by the window. She looked up as we approached, her face lighting up with a smile that chased away some of my tension. “Audrina! You made it!” she called out, waving me over. I smiled back, sliding into the chair across from her. “Hey. You look stunning.” “Thanks. So do you,” she replied, her gaze flickering over my dress. “Red is definitely your color.” I gave a small laugh, more to release some of my pent-up anxiety than anything else. “Let’s hope your brother thinks so.” Airelle grinned. “He’ll love you. He’s just… well, you’ll see. He’s intense, but fair.” I nodded, trying to push down the nerves threatening to claw their way to the surface. “Where is he, by the way?” “Running a little late,” she admitted, glancing at her phone. “But he texted me a few minutes ago and said he’d be here soon. Something came up at work, as usual.” I nodded again, fidgeting slightly with the napkin on the table. “That’s fine. I—” I hesitated, searching for the right words. “I just hope he gives us a chance.” “He will,” Airelle assured me, reaching across the table to give my hand a reassuring squeeze. “He knows how important this is to me. Just be yourself, Audrina. He respects people who are genuine.” I gave her a tight smile. “Being myself is easier said than done when I feel like I’m about to go in front of a firing squad.” Airelle laughed softly. “I promise it won’t be that bad.” We chatted for a few more minutes, talking about the projects we were currently juggling and the upcoming deadlines we needed to meet. But no matter how much we tried to keep the conversation light, the tension hung in the air like a weight neither of us could shake. Then, a shadow fell over the table, and I glanced up, expecting to see a man with the imposing presence I’d imagined Kade Dupont would have. But when I looked up, my heart skipped a beat. Standing there, his blue eyes sharp and a familiar, infuriatingly confident smile on his face, was Accius. “What…?” I breathed out, my brain scrambling to make sense of what I was seeing. Airelle shot up from her seat, her smile wide and welcoming. “There you are! I was starting to think you’d never show up.” She turned to me, the excitement in her eyes impossible to miss. “Audrina, I’d like you to meet my brother—Kade Dupont.” My world tilted on its axis as the truth crashed down on me. Kade Dupont. Airelle’s brother. The man I’d been preparing to meet all evening… Was Accius. “Accius?” I whispered, disbelief and shock spilling out in a single, strangled word. He flashed a smile that was both infuriating and triumphant, his gaze locking onto mine with an intensity that sent a shiver down my spine. “Hello, Audrina,” he murmured, his voice smooth and unyielding.
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