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Chapter 11 Ultimatums (Audrina’s POV) I stood in the middle of my office, staring at the blinking notification on my phone like it was some sort of snake about to strike. I knew answering it would only lead to trouble, and yet, if I ignored it, the situation would probably only escalate. Ramsey Christensen didn’t give up when he wanted something. And if Gerald, his assistant, was reaching out, it meant my father’s latest scheme was already in motion. I took a deep breath, steeling myself, and reluctantly tapped on the notification. The call connected, and Gerald’s familiar, unruffled voice greeted me. “Miss Christensen,” he said in his usual businesslike tone. “Your father would like to speak with you.” I rolled my eyes, the annoyance building in my chest. “Of course he would. And what, exactly, does he want now, Gerald? I’m not interested in another of his thinly veiled commands.” Gerald hesitated for a moment, and that slight pause was enough to send a chill down my spine. This wasn’t going to be good. “Mr. Christensen wants you back in Amsterdam,” he finally said. “In a few weeks’ time.” My jaw tightened. He wanted me back in Amsterdam? After everything I’d said at the wedding? I’d made it clear I had no intention of coming home. Ever. “I’m not flying back to Amsterdam, Gerald. Tell him that.” There was another pause, and I could almost picture Gerald’s face, that calm expression that never revealed anything. “I’m afraid it’s not a request, Miss Christensen. Your father insists that you return. He has arranged for you to meet with a few… gentlemen.” I froze. Gentlemen? “What the hell are you talking about?” “Your father believes it’s time for you to consider settling down,” Gerald continued, his tone maddeningly even, as if he were discussing something as mundane as office supplies. “He has selected several candidates he deems appropriate, and he would like you to choose one. He hopes you’ll be engaged within the next few months.” I blinked, stunned into silence. The sheer absurdity of it took a moment to process. “Engaged? You’re telling me he wants to—no, expects me to pick a husband like he’s ordering something off a damn menu?” “That is the essence of it, yes,” Gerald replied calmly. Something inside me snapped. I could feel the anger bubbling up, spreading like wildfire through my veins. “Who the hell does he think he is?” I spat, my voice trembling with rage. “I am not some pawn in his twisted game. Tell him I’m not coming back, and I’m certainly not going to marry one of his handpicked sycophants just because he decides it’s time for me to ‘settle down’!” “I understand your frustration, Miss Christensen,” Gerald said, still infuriatingly composed. “But your father believes this is in your best interest. He is quite adamant about you returning home and—” “I don’t give a damn what he thinks is in my best interest!” I shouted, unable to hold back the words any longer. “He doesn’t control me, and I’m not going to let him manipulate me into some ridiculous marriage just to satisfy his ego. Tell him to shove it!” With that, I jabbed my finger at the screen, ending the call before Gerald could respond. My hand was shaking as I tossed the phone onto my desk, breathing hard, my heart pounding furiously in my chest. This is unbelievable. After everything I had done to distance myself from him, he still thought he could dictate my life. That he could waltz in and demand I drop everything and return to Amsterdam like an obedient little daughter. And for what? So he could marry me off to some man who would probably be more loyal to him than to me? The very idea made me sick. I paced back and forth in the small confines of my office, my thoughts spinning wildly. What was I supposed to do now? If I refused outright, Ramsey would just tighten his grip, find other ways to make my life difficult. But I couldn’t give in. Not to him. Not again. The thought of calling one of my brothers flitted through my mind, and for a second, I hesitated. Noah. He’d always been the one to try to keep the peace between us and Ramsey, always acting like he could somehow reason with our father. Like he could mediate the impossible. But it was his fault I was in this mess to begin with. He’d been the one who pushed me to attend the wedding, promising me that Ramsey wouldn’t interfere. That he wouldn’t push me into anything. Yet, here I was, dealing with exactly that. I snatched up my phone and punched in Noah’s number. My fingers trembled as I held it to my ear, my entire body vibrating with anger. “Rina?” Noah’s familiar voice came through the line, hesitant and cautious, as if he could already sense the storm coming. “What’s wrong?” “What’s wrong?” I repeated, my voice rising. “Did you know about this, Noah? Did you know what our 'dear father' has planned for me?” There was a beat of silence. “Audrina, I—” “Don’t lie to me!” I snapped. “He wants me back in Amsterdam in a few weeks. He’s picked out 'men' for me to meet, Noah. He’s expecting me to 'choose one' and get 'engaged'. Did you know about this?” Noah’s exhale was slow, pained. “I… I didn’t know the details, Rina. I swear. I knew he wanted you to come back, but I thought it was just another one of his attempts to get you to rejoin the company. I had no idea he was planning this—” “Of course you didn’t,” I cut him off, my voice dripping with sarcasm. “Because you never know, do you? You just turn a blind eye and pretend like everything’s fine, like we can all just play happy families while he pulls the strings!” “Rina, listen to me—” “No, you listen to me, Noah!” I practically screamed into the phone, the words tumbling out in a rush. “You told me he wouldn’t interfere. You promised me he wouldn’t do this, and now look where we are! He’s trying to force me into some arranged marriage like it’s the 1800s!” Noah’s voice was tight, strained. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know he’d go this far, but we can handle this, okay? Just… don’t do anything rash.” “Rash?” I echoed, incredulous. “You think I’m being rash? He’s dictating my life, Noah! And you—God, you’re just as bad. You stand there and let him do it! You never really stand up to him, do you?” “That’s not fair,” Noah protested weakly. “Fair? Fair?” I let out a harsh, humorless laugh. “Don’t talk to me about fair. He’s trying to ruin my life, Noah, and you’re just standing there, wringing your hands like a good little soldier. Tell him to stay the hell out of my business. Tell him I’m not going to marry anyone just to satisfy his goddamn ego!” “Rina, please, just calm down—” “Don’t you dare tell me to calm down!” I yelled, my voice shaking with fury. “If he pushes me any further, Noah, I swear I will burn this whole thing to the ground. So you tell him—no, make him understand—if he doesn’t back off, he’ll lose me for good. Do you hear me?” There was a heavy silence on the other end of the line, and for a moment, I thought he might have hung up. But then Noah’s voice came through, low and defeated. “I hear you, Rina. I’ll… I’ll talk to him.” “Good,” I bit out, and without another word, I ended the call, throwing the phone onto my desk. My entire body was trembling, adrenaline still pumping through my veins. I knew I was being harsh, but I couldn’t help it. I had warned Noah and the others for years. I had begged them to see our father for who he really was. But they were too blinded by loyalty, too entrenched in the family dynamics to see the truth. And now I was the one paying the price. I collapsed into my chair, burying my face in my hands as I tried to calm my racing heart. The sheer nerve of my father… After everything I’d done to separate myself from him, he still thought he could control me. But he was wrong. I would never let him win. Not this time. I took a deep breath, forcing myself to sit up straight. Tonight was going to be a battle on its own. I couldn’t afford to let this throw me off track. I had to keep my focus, keep my resolve. And if Ramsey thought he could dictate my life like he always had… well, he was about to find out just how wrong he could be.
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