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Amy:     She hadn't slept all night. I can see it in her eyes. Yet, she sat in class and did everything that she was supposed to with a smile. Not once did she yawn or complain about being tired. She just went on with our day as if nothing had happened.     "Amy?" I looked over to see Carla had taken the seat to my right. "Is it true?"     "What?" I asked. I am not going to pretend like I'm not tired. I am both physically and emotionally exhausted.     "You're transferring?" I looked over at Marty. Even two rows over without looking back at me, she nodded letting me know she was listening.     "Yeah," I nodded and looked down at my pencil.     "Thanks for letting me know, b***h," she laughed giving me a playful shove.     "I didn't know until last night," I admitted which isn't a total lie.     "Where are you guys moving too?"      "My parents aren't moving. It's just me and Marty,"     "What?" she asked leaning into me.     "Yeah, I'm going to a private school with my cousin. It's for college prep or whatever,"     "Dude, we're almost done with the first semester,"     "I know which is why they insisted we leave as soon as possible. So, I guess today is my last day,"     "Well, want to have like a going-away party?"     "I can't. I'm leaving right after school. My cousin's movers already packed my stuff we're leaving as soon as we get out," she sighed. "It's kind of a long trip,"     "You'll call and snap chat right?"      "Duh," we both laughed.      "You seem really bummed, dude. Did something else happen?" Marty looked back at me as if telling me to chose what I say next carefully. At least, that's the impression I got.     "I can't believe this is happening to me. I always thought I was super average you know and now I'm like crazy,"  She laughed. "I've always known you were crazy,"      The bell rang and everyone began to gather their things. I walked over to my locker and began to clean everything out. Not all of my notebooks are going to fit in my bag so I began to stack them while piling the textbooks on the top shelf so that I can leave them here.      "I have to go, my mom, is waiting. Text me as soon as you get in so I can make sure your crazy ass cousin didn't kill you and throw you out in the middle of nowhere, okay? I'm going to miss you," Carla laughed before hugging me tightly. We stayed this way for a little longer than we usually did and then she ran out of the building.      "Killing you is an option," Marty laughed from behind my locker. I smirked before slamming it shut.     "Shut up," I chuckled rolling my eyes both of us laughed.     "Come on. Crazy lover boy is waiting for us outside," I literally heard myself squeak. She laughed as we made our way to the front of the school. She walked up ahead as Nathan walked toward me.      "Watch where you're going, Dorkarella," someone smacked their shoulder against mine hard. I was knocked off my feet. My notebooks all scattered everywhere around me.     "Watch where you're f*****g going, ass hole," I heard Nathan shout.     "Who's this?" that voice is one I'm never going to miss. I sighed when I saw Troy and Maribel standing off with Nathan and Marty.     "You better back the f**k up," Marty scowled coming over to me.      "I'm okay. It was an accident," I brushed it off and began to pick up my notebooks.     "Is this another one of your cousins? Is he going to beat the s**t out of you too?" Maribel laughed. Marty looked at me guiltily.     "You hit her?" Nathan asked looking at Marty.     "No, she didn't. I was out of line. All it was, was a little shove,"     "You pushed her," he stated angrily looking at my cousin.     "She was out of line and I apologized to her and gave her a cookie," she smirked rolling her eyes.     "You didn't give me a cookie," I said standing up. Troy and Maribel looked at the three of us like we had lost our minds.     "I'll buy you a pizza," Marty promised.     "She did give me a cookie," I laughed excitedly looking at Nathan. He shook his head with a smile.     "Are you okay, baby? This meat sack didn't hurt you did he?"     "Baby?" Maribel asked shocked.      "Who the f**k are you calling a meat sack?" Troy blurted out and smacked the notebooks I had just picked up out of my hands.     Nathan pulled me to him and then shoved me into Marty. Before I could tell him anything Troy smacked his fist into Nathan's face. Nathan tackled him and Troy hit the floor hard. As they struggled on the floor, Maribel kicked my notebooks sending one flying my way. I dodged it and it hit Marty on the side of her head behind me. She turned around pushing me out of the way. All I heard was Maribel's scream as Marty closed fist punched her in the face. The teachers all came running to try to separate the four of them.     "Martik, Amy, take your friend and get out of here before I call the police," Dean MacIntyre shouted once some of the administration got between the four of them.     "My name is Martak," Marty corrected him.     "Let's go, princess," Nathan panted breathlessly taking my hand.     "My notebooks," I said reaching for one.     "Leave them. I'll buy you new ones," Marty said out of breath. "f**k, I've been wanting to do that to that b***h from the moment I walked in through those doors,"     "You pushed my ma... my... my...,"     "I know," I chuckled when he struggled with what we were.     "You pushed my mate, Novak?"     "She needed it and she's lucky it was only a push," Marty smirked. Nathan shoved her head.     "Stupid ass,"      "You little s**t," she growled and they began to pull each other's hair and smack each other while they shouted random profanities.     "Enough!" I shouted and they stopped to look back at me. I felt utterly weak with two werewolves looking back at me like that. "I uh... I was promised pizza,"     "You're going to buy her whatever pizza she wants and if she wants one with all the topping by f**k, I swear you better buy it for her, Marty," Nathan demanded. Marty crossed her arms and looked out of her window as Nathan started the car. Someone's phone began to ring. "Yeah, dad?"     "You two ass holes better not be fighting. That little girl in the back seat of my truck does not need to see you two act like babies,"     "Too late," I giggled and they both turned to look at me in disbelief like I had betrayed them.     "What did I tell you before you left Nathaniel Belocov?"     "Dad, she pushed my mate,"     "Did your mate die?"     "No, but she..."     "No, but. If she didn't die, get over it. Did you see her push her?"      "No, she pushed her last wee..."     "Last week, are you f*****g kidding me? You didn't even know the girl. You two better get back here as soon as possible and you all better be in one f*****g piece,"     "Yes, dad," he said bowing his head in defeat.     "Martak?"     "Yes, Cameron," she spat out, crossing her arms as if saying he wasn't the boss of her.     "Amy?"     "Sir, yes sir," I laughed.     "That is how you do it, kids. That girl can show you a thing or two,"     "I'll cut you, dude," Marty growled and hung up.     "I'd like a large combination pizza, please," I smiled.     "Combination pizza is my favorite," Nathan said looking back at me with a smile.     "f**k, I'm going to throw up," Marty rolled her eyes putting her headphones on.
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