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Amy:     After dinner, Marty invited me into her room so we could do some homework. I have to admit and I would never say it out loud, she's a lot smarter than I am despite us being in the same grade and having the same level classes. Her work is neat and organized while mine is all over the place a little sloppy even. My handwriting looks like chicken scratch compared to hers.      After we were done she began to tease me about Nathan until my mom walked in. An awkward silence hung thick in the air when she shut the door. Marty handed her a big brown leather-bound book. My mother took it letting out a heavy sigh. It's obvious that whatever that book is, scares her.      "Amy, remember when you were in middle school and you got really sick?" she asked.     "Yeah," I nodded, crossing my legs looking over at my cousin who kept her eyes on me. "Dude, when I was in middle school I got a weird fever and it felt like I was going to die,"     "I know," she nodded like she was remembering something. "I did too,"      "What?" I asked looking at her and then my mom.     "Yeah, it happens to everyone in our family," she explained.      "Baby, there's something I have to tell you. I had hoped so bad that because of your dad it would skip you. I didn't want this life for you. I know you might hate me after I tell you this and know that I would have continued to hide this if it wasn't for Marty," she looked at my cousin with anger. "The only reason I'm telling you now is because of Nathan,"      "Nathan?" I asked looking at Marty.     "Amy, you're only half-human," Marty said. "Your mom lied to you because she didn't want you to live the way I do,"     "What do you mean half-human what's the other half?" I asked standing up.     "You're half-werewolf," I smiled at her my smirk turning into a grin.     "What? Are you guys pranking me?" I laughed.     "No. What I'm telling you is real. You're not human or just any kind of werewolf you're an alpha pup born from a second born alpha female, Amy. Your mom was born the same rank as me. My mom was the alpha, just like my dad and my brother. We were the second borns to the alpha. You're considered second because your mom never ascended the title like I did after my dad and brother were killed. Do you remember the day when I shoved you against the locker? I saw the part of you that is a wolf. She protected you from me. I could have injured you really bad if she hadn't," I looked around feeling like my head is spinning.     "No," I denied it. She sighed getting off the bed to come over to me.     "Look at me,"      I looked at her just as she asked. Her baby blue eyes began to turn black. Her baby blue irises faded into an almost reflective bright silver. She opened her mouth to show me her sharper longer canine teeth. She took a deep breath and sat back her mouth and eyes going back to normal. I couldn't look away. This might not actually be a lie.     "That's crazy right?" I asked not exactly sure what else I'm supposed to ask. She nodded with a smile. Her perfect teeth are back.     "Amy, the night you were had the fever. It was your wolf preparing your body so you could shift for the first time," Marty explained.     "I gave you a sedative to stop you from shifting and have done so every full moon," my mom added placing a pouch on the bed. The anger in Marty's eyes when she looked up at my mother didn't go unnoticed by either of us. My mom stepped away from her inching closer to the door.     "Wait, that's why I get sick so much. You make me sick? Am I supposed to turn every full moon?" I asked a knot forming in my throat.     "No, you can turn whenever you want. A full moon is when a wolf is at it's strongest. When we turn a certain age, it's not definitive. It can happen whenever your wolf is ready. The full moon powers the spirit of the wolf-born inside you," Marty sat next to me and taking my hand. "I know it's a lot to take in Amy but this is the truth. I first shifted when I was twelve. Around the same time, you should have,"      "Why am I just learning this now?" I asked looking over at my mom.     "Because of Nathan. If we can't get you to shift, there's a possibility that you can die along with the spirit of your wolf. If you and your wolf die. So will Nathan and his wolf," my mom answered.     "What?" panic began to come up my throat in fear taking my breath away. I stood up not knowing what to do.     "I won't let you or your wolf die because you are very important to me. As important as you are to Nathan. You two are mates there can't be one without the other," Marty's hand gripped mine a little tighter. She motioned me to sit down and I complied feeling too weak to stand anyway.     "Can you help me?" I asked as the tears began to come easily.     "Of course. I'm going to do everything I can to make sure you're safe," she promised pressing her forehead to mine. "I am your alpha,"     "What's that?" she shut her eyes leaning against me. I felt a slight pressure in my head like something pressing against my brain and then there was her voice. I am your queen. it echoed silently like she was far, far away but I heard it in my head and I couldn't believe it.     "Your mouth didn't move," I stressed leaning back and she smiled. I can talk to you inside your head because we have a psychic connection. All the wolves in our pack do.     "That's kinda creepy and kinda cool," I said not sure if I'm scared or excited right now.     "I know but this just proves that your wolf wants to come out and help you. If you were human we wouldn't be able to do this. This book is everything you need to know as the next beta female,"     "Beta female?"     "Yeah, you are second in command of my pack our pack. Nathan is your mate and he was born to be the beta of my pack. The both of you were,"     "Do I have to study this?" I asked looking down at the leather-bound book she handed me. The greek beta symbol is etched into the leather in gold. The only reason I know that is because Carla made me watch Beta house with her a few days ago.     "Be happy it's just that one big book. I have twenty-six volumes of how to be an alpha, twenty-two volumes of how to control an alpha wolf after transcending, and seventeen volumes of how to excel in pack economics. Not to mention all the combat training, emotional training to be considerate and compassionate. Anger management so that I won't strangle Nathan or his sister," I laughed. "You're taking this pretty well,"     "Now I know why I never fit in with everyone," she smiled.     "That's because you don't belong with humans you belong with us," she said and caressed the scar on my face.     "He promised never to do it again," I said looking down at my lap at the book again.     "That's the kind of promise that should never be made. There should be no reason to make it. If this would have happened within the pack, he would have been killed and your mother would have gone to prison for letting this happen,"     "We aren't in your pack," mom growled. We both looked up at her. Her soft green eyes glowing yellow almost gold. Marty stood in front of me as if to protect me.     "No, we're not. I understand why mom never wanted you to come back. Why she never wanted anything to do with you. You are a disgrace to our kind, Margot. Your daughter could die along with her wolf and now she is going to be put at risk with how long you've suppressed her wolf. If anything happens to her, I'm going to rip him apart before I go after you,"     I didn't say a word as my mom looked at me and then walked out. She had lied to me my entire life. She had kept me from being what I was born to be. I couldn't believe it. I thought I had been loved my entire life.      I reached up to feel the scar on my face. I had to repeat it to myself for three years. It was just an accident. He didn't mean it, but I remember that night. He had said things. Things that made sense now. He had meant to hurt me because she threatened to take me away from him. Why is she with him? Why did she stay?     "What do I do?" I asked looking up at Marty.     "You live the way you were meant to be," she smiled picking up her phone. "Amy, I want you to stay here in the room with me tonight. Is that okay?"      "I don't think I can be alone right now," my voice broke apart as I ran back the memories of that night.     I began to cry holding the book in my hands. After a short conversation on her phone, she sat next to me and held me. At some point, she started singing. The sound of her voice calmed me. I fell asleep like that. With her arms around me. No one had ever shown me this kind of compassion. Not even my parents who I thought adored me.      They had been a little nurturing after the incident with my dad but after the wound healed, they went back to just being themselves. I feel like my entire life is a lie and no matter where I look I feel lost. What does this mean for me and my family? This girl, that has lost everything, she's here with me. Trying to make me feel better. 
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