
510 Words
Marty:     She looks so happy running around getting to know the pack. It's almost as if she had always been part of it. Everyone took an instant liking to her. Nathan had to pull her away from those who stayed in the packhouse to sneak a kiss or two here and there. As I started the invitations for the masquerade, I couldn't help but think about my parents. Had they known what happened to Margot? Why did my mother let her stay where she is?     "You look stressed out. Have you not been sleeping again?" Cameron asked sitting down across from me. I rubbed the crap out of my face in frustration. "Your dad used to do that,"     "Because it feels good when you're upset," I sighed.     "What is it?"     "Amy,"  He sighed. I'm not going to let it go until she's fully shifted and safe. "Mar, she got over it,"     "I know she did. I still need to get her to shift. What if she can't? I can't lose the two of them at once. I swear I will go back there and kill that cowardice b***h with my bare hands," the fear in his eyes told me he felt the same way. Nate is his only son.     "Do you ever think that maybe the reason she asked you to go over there is because she wanted you to get Amy and take her away from that?"     "That doesn't make up for any of it, Cam. She can die. They can both die. Did you see what that son of a b***h did to her? She can't even talk about it. All she said was that he promised to never do it again. The pain in her voice was so real. She is afraid of him and Margot never did s**t about it. Cam, she never tried to reach out to my mom and dad until now that they died,"     "Your mom wanted to take Amy away when she was born," he said trying to change the subject. "You two are four months apart but the similarities were so great that she wanted to say you two were twins. Maggie took her away when he wouldn't allow it,"     "She is way stronger than that f*****g human. He isn't s**t compared to her,"     "Yeah, but he is her mate. She couldn't do it even if she hated him with all her being her wolf would never allow it," he sighed when I rubbed my eyes. I will never accept that excuse. "Look at it this way. She's here now, she's safe, she has you and Nate. In two days you two will help her shift and she'll shift,"      The confidence in his voice settled the nerves in my stomach a little but not enough to take my mind off of it. I can't lose them. I don't want to lose anyone else again. Fear is settling inside of me and it's not okay. I have so much to do and fear might be the only thing standing in my way. 
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