
1445 Words
Marty:     The scent swirled in the ballroom, caressing my nose making me scan the crowd. That f*****g rogue is here. My wolf's anger bubbled in my chest. I shut my eyes urging her to calm down and let me handle this. I can't tell who it is with everyone wearing a mask. I made my way down the stairs moving through the crowd with determination. His name is swimming in the back of my head.      "Not once did I expect you to show up uninvited to my home," I growled when I finally reached the source of the mouthwatering scent.     "Hello you too, beautiful," he smirked taking his mask off.      "Do you know who I am?" I asked tossing my mask aside.     "You're mine," he smiled with confidence. I stepped away from him when he stepped closer to me. On the strap around my leg, I can feel my swish blade itching for me to go for it.      I was raised by the two most helpless romantics in the history of Shakespeare. They had taught me that no matter what, I had to love my mate. That the day he'd reveal himself to me I'd adore him flaws and all. This, however, is something that I will never be able to do. Something I'd never allow.      It hurt before. It was a small ache, the kind someone gets when they're picking away at a newly formed scab. This is nothing like that. This is real pain. The kind changes everything.     My mate, this beautiful man standing in front of me is the same man who took everything from me. The man who killed my parents and burned down half my pack. He is the reason behind my hell. I can't. I will never forgive him for it and for the second time in my life, my wolf and I are in perfect sync. The pain we felt that night had been unbearable. This just adds on to it and it's all his doing.     Doing this is just going to damage me more and add to that pain but I rather live this way than accept the man who ruined almost everything I love. Having him in front of me makes me feel utterly weak, reminding me that I had no power to save them. That I couldn't have been able to save them even if I had reached them in time because of what he is.     "You killed an alpha and a luna a little over a month ago in the opening sixty-five yards away from the river," I stated. His cocky demeanor turned into guilt. Guilt that shines brightly in his eyes.       "Were they your luna and alpha?" he asked. The crowd opened up as I gave the order to have this man arrested.     "Close," I whispered. "They were my parents,"     The realization hit him. He pulled his hand out of his pant pockets as his chest began to rise and fall quickly. The pain of saying it out loud hit me in the chest like a dagger and the pain that it caused him to look at me the way he is was more than enough to want us both dead.     "You killed them," I stated and got closer. "Then you came into my territory and blew half of it up. Pups, women, men all killed. Some of my pack members were left mateless some of them lost their pups. You destroyed our lives,"     "If I would have known..." he began.     "There is no if. There is no I am sorry I'll make up for it. There are just two enemy alphas standing in front of each other right now and for the rest of our lives,"     "You can never be my enemy," he whispered he fell to his knees bowing his head to me in total submission. He let Cam put the silver cuffs on him. "If you want to kill me then do it,"     "Death is way too easy for you Dylan," he looked up at me with a completely broken expression.     "Alpha?" Cameron addressed me pulling him up to his feet. I stepping into him my gaze locking with his.     "I want you to do something for me," I whispered into his ear.     "What?"     "I want you to remember that it was the man who was supposed to love me and be loved by me until the end of our days that ruined me," I can barely see through the tears that streamed down my face. "I want you to know that even with knowing you killed my family that I love you and with each day that you spend in a cell rotting away I will be suffering right there with you,"     "Kill me," he pleaded, looking me dead in the eyes. "Kill me or they will come,"     "I know and it's on you if they hurt anyone in my pack or if they kill me," he looked at me like he couldn't believe that I had just said that.     "Just kill me," he struggled against Cam.     "I'm not going to kill you," Cameron and two other guards began to push him out. Two other guards brought in the man that had been accompanying him.     "Who is this Dylan?" I asked.     "He's my brother," he whispered.     "Biologically?" he nodded.     "Are you mated?" I asked him and the guy shook his head. "Kill him,"     "No," Dylan shouted as they the two guards shoved him out of my house. I can hear his pleas from where I stood until they disappeared into the house that had been rebuilt from ashes. A house that will hold him until I see fit to let him go or kill him.     "Are you serious?" Cameron asked looking at the boy.     "What's your name?" I asked looking at Dylan's brother.     "Devon," he answered looking me right in the eyes.     "Give Devon twenty cc's of wolf's bane to break their connection. Bind him to us. Devon, you are the only thing that will keep your brother alive and if you do as I say one day, I will let both of you leave. Do you understand?"     "Yes, ma'am," he said nodding.     "Good do you know who I am?"     "You're my Alpha," he bowed obediently.      "Good boy," I said. Cameron took him toward's Sally's medical room.     I stood in front of what once had been my childhood home. I had instructed Cam to turn it into a prison and it's almost complete. I felt his pain come over me when the connection between him and his brother broke. I fell to my knees gripping my chest waiting for the pain to pass through me. The tears came as easily as they did when Cameron had taken me away from this same spot as I watched my house burn. The anger of what I'm doing bubbled inside of me ripping everything I could have stood for. What we could have stood for.      Nothing I could have told myself over these past eight weeks that have passed prepared me for the look of regret and pain on his face. Even if I had hunted him down, gone into his life, and did to him what he had done to me would I would still have this void, this emptiness that I now feel. Something I have to carry around with me for the rest of my life.     I turned away from our prison and looked back in the direction he had murdered them in. I don't know what I did to deserve this. We had never hurt anyone. We had aided not just pack wolves but rogues alike. My parents both believed in the salvation of everyone. There will be no salvation for me or Dylan.      I let my pain sore through me calling my wolf forward. I fell to my knees when she came but refused to shift. I called out to them wishing they could come back. Wishing there was someone to help me with all this hurt inside of me. My wolf called out with me wanting some sort of relief. In this moment, we both have the same thought. The same wish. Dylan should do us all a favor by ending his miserable existence along with my own and killing himself inside that cell because I will not change my mind. This pain and his is just a reminder of everything that has been torn away from me. It'll never be love. I'll never allow it to turn into that. All I will ever feel for what completes me is hate, regret, and the self-hatred that will start inside of me for doing this to him.
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