
766 Words
Amy:     There are no words that can describe what we had all just witnessed right now. What I thought was going to be the most magical night of our lives turned into the worst. Nathan held me as we watched Marty walk back in with grass stuck in her hair. Her really pretty dress is covered in mud. The ones who had found their mates were dealt with by Cameron and Nathan hours ago.      Just as she had planned to happen. A lot of wolves joined her pack. Over two hundred new wolves overnight. She had been prepared. They were all assigned to their villas. Some stayed here in the packhouse. When I asked Cam why they didn't take their mates back to their own pack. He responded with, this pack is one of the strongest packs in the U.S. Marty may not have been born the next alpha, but she's just as ideal as her mother and brother.      When Marty came back down after going up to her room, she had changed out of the dress into jeans and a white v-neck t-shirt. Her hair once again pulled back into her high ponytail. Cameron and Nathan steered clear of her as she began to instruct everyone to clean up and where to put certain things. Even when Cam told her to go back up to her room she insisted to help. They asked me not to bring anything up yet. That she will have her moment once she was done doing her job. I wanted to take her upstairs with me and cradle her like she had done me when my mom pretty much just admitted to trying to kill me and then gave me away.     On the surface, she looks completely calm. She had blocked me out of her head. Even if she hadn't I wouldn't have known what to say. I don't know what to do. Do I go over and ask her if she's okay? Do I just go over there and hug her or do I just wait it out the way the guys asked me to?     "Everything is clear," Nathan reported once we were done. "These are the charts for the new wolves,"      "We have more than we did before," she said looking the papers over.     "Yeah, good work," Cam acknowledged looking at her. She avoided looking up at any of us.     "I wasn't going to say anything, but I need you two to prepare for tomorrow night. This is probably as awkward for me as it is for you," she kind of giggled. "But I think it would be really helpful if she was marked by midnight tomorrow,"     "Umm," Nathan chuckled and rubbed the back of his head.     "Marked?" I asked.     "I'm sure you can take care of it right?" she asked glancing at Nathan.     "Baby, I need to talk to you," he said taking my hand leading me away from her.     "You and I can talk tomorrow after you shifted not sooner, okay?" Marty asked with a smile and motioned me to follow Nathan. I nodded and did as she said.      "The alpha wants someone to prepare the master bedroom in the old packhouse for her. Can you get someone to do that for me?" Cameron told us before we walked out.     "Is she insane?" Nathan asked alarmed.     "Nate, right now she needs to be away from us or she's going to kill someone," he said in a serious tone.     "We can get her a place out in the woods not closer to him,"     "Not right now. All of the villas are filled with the new wolves. Please, just do it before she loses her s**t here," Nathan nodded.      Before we went upstairs, Annie and her squad were taking Marty's things out of her room. Once we were alone I sat on the bed looking down at the beautiful shoes she had bought me this morning to go with the dress Nathan had gotten me.      We had spent hours doing our make-up and hair. We had been laughing and playing around and now she's going to separate herself from all of us. I had just gotten her and I feel like she's slipping through my hands with no way of helping her. Marty isn't ever going to have what I do. She had to grow faster than I can even imagine and not once have I ever heard her complain about what she has to do. Not once has she ever turned away from her responsibilities. Martak Novak is the strongest being I have and will ever meet. 
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