VII – Stop bring a Jerk

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Zake I am contemplating the recent events at the Roger mansion. Crystal's presence had shone a light on the darker aspects of their supposedly affluent family, revealing the mistreatment and bullying she endured. My heart went out to her, and a frown creased my forehead as I glanced at my twin brother, Zoro, who sat beside me. "I can't believe the way they treat Crystal," I murmured, my voice carrying a tone of pity. Zoro glanced at me, his expression defensive. "What does it matter? It's none of our business." Sighing, I expressed my frustration. "Zoro. We can't just stand by and watch her being treated like that." Zoro scoffed, dismissive. "She can handle herself. It's not our problem." But it was our problem. Despite Crystal's strength, mistreatment took its toll on everyone. I had seen enough to know that her resilience didn't make her impervious to the emotional strain of constant bullying. As the car rolled away from Roger mansion, I turned to Zoro with a serious expression. "Zoro, we need to stop being jerks. Crystal doesn't deserve this." Zoro rolled his eyes. "I already told you, I didn't lock her in the bathroom. Why are you so hung up on this?" I sighed, feeling his indifference like a barrier between us. "It's not just about the bathroom incident. It's about how you treat her in general." Zoro leaned back, crossing his arms. "Whatever. She can find a new pack if she doesn't like it." I couldn't shake the feeling that Zoro was missing the point. Crystal deserved better, and I couldn't ignore the responsibility I felt towards her well-being. The car pulled up to our mansion, and we stepped out in silence. As we walked towards the entrance, I couldn't shake the conviction that something needed to change. Once inside, I cornered Zoro in the hallway, my tone firm. "Zoro, we need to stop this. If you hurt Crystal again, I'll tell Dad." Zoro's eyes flashed with anger. "Tell Dad? What's he going to do?" "He'll make sure you understand that mistreating others, especially friends, is not acceptable. We need to treat people with respect, Zoro." He scoffed, seemingly unfazed. "You sound like a saint. Maybe you have a crush on Crystal or something." I shot him a stern look. "This has nothing to do with that. It's about basic decency. We can't let our family name be associated with mistreatment." Zoro's irritation was palpable, but I wasn't about to back down. The car continued on its route, the tension between us growing. Finally, Zoro couldn't contain his frustration any longer. "What's your deal, Zake? Why are you so obsessed with Crystal? Do you like her or something?" I met his gaze, my expression steady. "That's not the point. It's about doing the right thing." Zoro scoffed, a smirk playing on his lips. "Sure, whatever you say, Mr. Righteous. Just stay out of my business." But I couldn't stay out of it. I cared about Crystal, and I couldn't stand idly by while she endured mistreatment. The car pulled up to our mansion, and we stepped out in silence. As we walked towards the entrance, I couldn't shake the feeling that something needed to change. The next day, the tension in the mansion was palpable. Zoro avoided me, clearly unhappy with our confrontation. I found myself seeking out Crystal, wanting to ensure she was okay. When I found her in the garden, I couldn't help but feel a pang of sympathy for what she had endured. "Crystal," I began, my voice gentle, "are you okay?" She looked up, a forced smile on her face. "I'm fine, Zake. Don't worry about me." I sighed, knowing she was putting on a brave front. "Crystal, you don't have to go through this alone. If you ever need help, I'm here for you." She met my gaze, gratitude in her eyes. "Thank you, Zake. It means a lot." The days that followed were challenging. Zoro continued to distance himself, and I couldn't shake the feeling of responsibility for Crystal's well-being. One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, I found myself in the garden again, lost in thought. Zoro approached, his expression conflicted. "Zake, we need to talk." I nodded, welcoming the opportunity to address the underlying issues. "What is it, Zoro?" He sighed, a hint of regret in his eyes. "Look, I don't know why you care so much about Crystal, but I'll back off. I won't bother her anymore." I felt a sense of relief but remained cautious. "Zoro, this isn't just about leaving her alone. It's about treating everyone with respect.” Days passed, and there was a noticeable change in Zoro's behavior. He had kept his promise and stopped bullying Crystal directly, seemingly treating her as if she were invisible. I couldn't help but feel a sense of relief and happiness that my words had made a difference, at least within the confines of our home. Crystal appeared more at ease, and the tension that once hung thick in the air began to dissipate. However, as my concern for Crystal's well-being eased within the walls of our mansion, a new source of worry emerged. It became evident that while Zoro had backed off, Crystal still faced mistreatment from others, particularly Maurice and her friends. I couldn't understand why they targeted her, but the bullying persisted, and my happiness was tainted by the realization that Crystal's struggles were far from over. One day, as I observed from a distance, my initial joy turned to disappointment. Maurice and her friends continued their relentless taunting of Crystal. It seemed as if Zoro's change in behavior had only shifted the spotlight onto a different set of tormentors. Frowning, I approached Crystal after the encounter, concern etched on my face. "Crystal, are you okay?" She managed a weak smile, but her eyes betrayed the pain she was feeling. "I'm fine, Zake. Don't worry about me." But I couldn't shake off my worry. "Crystal, you shouldn't have to endure this. It's not right." She sighed, a heavy weight on her shoulders. "I appreciate your concern, Zake. But sometimes, it's just easier to endure it than make a fuss." I shook my head, my frustration evident. "No one should have to endure mistreatment. I won't stand by and watch you go through this." Crystal gave me a grateful look, but the sadness in her eyes lingered. "Thank you, Zake. But I've been dealing with this for a while. I can handle it." I couldn't accept her resignation. "You shouldn't have to handle it alone. Friends are supposed to support each other." She nodded, appreciating the sentiment. "Don’t worry about me.” As the days went by, I couldn't shake off the feeling that more needed to be done. Crystal deserved a life free from bullying and mistreatment. The persistent acts of cruelty by Maurice and her friends fueled a growing sense of frustration within me. One evening, as Zoro and I sat in the study, I broached the subject with him. "Zoro, have you noticed what Maurice and her friends are doing to Crystal?" Zoro sighed, looking somewhat indifferent. "Yeah, I've noticed. But what can we do about it? It's not our problem." I couldn't fathom his indifference. "Zoro, it’s not right." He shrugged, clearly uninterested. "She can handle it. She's been handling it." I shook my head, adamant in my stance. "No one should have to handle that kind of treatment. We need to do something." Zoro scoffed, his frustration evident. "What do you suggest, Zake? Confront Maurice? That's not going to end well. You know, Maurice she is a spoiled brat." I sighed, realizing the complexity of the situation. "We need to find a way to put an end to this. Crystal deserves better." Zoro remained skeptical. "And how do you propose we do that?" I thought for a moment before suggesting, "Maybe we can talk to Dad about it. He might have some influence to stop this." Zoro's eyes narrowed, his expression turning defensive. "You want to involve Dad? That's going too far, Zake." I shook my head, unwavering. "I don't see any other option. We can't just stand by and let this continue." Zoro crossed his arms, clearly unhappy with the idea. "Fine, do whatever you want. But I won't be a part of it. I have already stopped targeting Crystal."
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